Fanxing has been in seclusion for five years, but that doesn't mean her IQ has stopped where it was five years ago. She has read so many books, and naturally she can think and grow.

Letting her be a concubine that everyone despises, it feels like a great favor. Moreover, her enemy is the Kingdom of Jin, and this is Zhai Jin. She is really stupid. She believes in Ramadan, and now she allows herself What is the dream of being Zhai Jin’s daughter-in-law?

"Sister, don't be angry. My sister is willing to give up the position of princess."

Wen Rong's words shocked everyone. Could it be that he wanted to be the princess by making such a big fuss?

Even Ramadan is curious at this moment, does he really want the position of princess?

"Fanxing, the position of the princess..."

"Shut up."

As soon as Ramadan opened his mouth, Fanxing knew that this girl really thought that she wanted the title of princess. Was she so superficial in his eyes?

"Fanxing, don't force me to do it."

"Don't you dare try to attack me."

"What's going on? What does it mean that I make random decisions?"

"Fifteen years ago, you personally gave death to Wen Jiu, a child less than 8 years old. Miss Wen family, you will not forget it, right? What was your crime? Possessed by a monster? Let her be burned to death , not only that, even the body was not spared and was thrown into the Ten Thousand Bones Cave. Haha, you know, she just took a pill by mistake, but you Zhai Jin, you, and this big gold Everyone in the country would not let go of a child under 8 years old.

Huh, even if there is no rainfall in the Kingdom of Jin in March, it still counts as a child. Why don't you think that you have sinned too much and God is punishing you in the Kingdom of Jin? Who do you think you are? I was also assigned to get married. "

"Be bold and bold."

"Brahma Star."

Ramadan knew that he was really in trouble now, and he was immediately ready to erase all the memories of these people, but as soon as he started, Fanxing shouted at him:

"Ramadan, if you dare to erase their memories, don't blame us for breaking our friendship."

"Fanxing, don't force me."

"Don't force me."

"Zhai Yue, you want to erase our memories? You are so brave. Why is this round method used like this? Use it on us?"

The prince would not miss such a good opportunity, and when he yelled, everyone became nervous. Even Zhai Jin looked at Zhai Yue in shock, and used Dao Yuanfa on them?

How many times have you used it? Have you used it before?

"Zhai Yue, do you want to use the Dao Yuan method on me?"

Well, even during Ramadan, things are a bit difficult. Does this little thing know what he is doing?

The Eternal Demonic Dragon was actually forced to do this by these humans. He couldn't even use magic. Once he used the magic, his ability would be weakened. What if he was willing to act like a monkey here?

He has no choice. In less than three months, the disaster is coming. If he can't get the demon pill by then, he will also endure the thunder tribulation for ten thousand years. But as long as he gets the demon pill and transcends the existence of the six realms, When Brahma Star still wants the lives of these humans, wouldn't he be able to solve them all with just a pinch of his fingers?

This little thing is so restless.


"It's nothing, Ramadan, stop pretending, you know exactly what I want to do, the princess's position, the concubine's position, whoever wants it can take it, and I will never let go of what I want."

As soon as he said this, Zhai Yue saw the murderous intent in Fanxing's eyes. Damn it, it seemed that he had no choice but to take action again.

But this action was not directed at anyone else, but at Ramadhan.

"You dare to attack me."

"Fan Xing, you forced me."

Okay, this time it was really a big show. Unexpectedly, it ended up being watching Fanxing and Ramadan fight.

Even Faith didn't expect this development to be so good, it was beyond her expectation.

When Ramadan and Fanxing started fighting, it was definitely not a hand-to-hand fight or a battle between warriors. They were using spells. Except for Faith, who knew that both of them were using spells, everyone else thought that this was a magic weapon. It is the Dao Yuan method.

This also allowed them to see how powerful the so-called "Daoyuan Method" turned out to be.

I ran directly from the hall to the garden outside. The roots of the tree could be uprooted with a wave of their long sleeves. Not only that, all kinds of things in the air could float. With just some spells and movements, I haven't seen them really do it. As for the fight, the movement in the air has been going on for hundreds of rounds.

"It turns out that Dao Yuanfa is so powerful."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Dao Yuan Method is indeed an immortal method. It is an honor for us to be lucky enough to see it in this life."

"Yes, but if a woman is so arrogant and dares to question my decision, she really deserves to be taught a lesson."

In everyone's eyes, this Ramadan is the master of Brahma Star. If the master wants to educate his disciples, there will definitely be no problem.

But Faith was shocked when she saw it. She didn't expect that this half-demon's spells were so powerful, and his skills were so terrifying. Even if he faced her, she might not be able to get a favor.

It seems that it is not that easy for her to obtain the demon pill.

Of course, there was no suspense about the outcome. After all, Brahma Star could not be the opponent of the Eternal Demonic Dragon. It was absolutely impossible to really capture him.

The demon-locking rope locked Fanxing, making her unable to move. But at this moment, the prince didn't know what was wrong, so he directly took the demon-locking tower over.

He placed the Demon Locking Tower at the entrance of the hall, looked at Zhai Jin and said:

"Father, I have just received news that Brahma Star may have something to do with Wen Jiu."

"What's going on? What are you talking about?"

Zhai Jin was shocked, and everyone else in the hall was also shocked. Faith turned to look at the prince, but this glance made her heart suddenly realize that the chamberlain beside the prince Zhai Xiao was actually the king of the demon clan.

Damn it, the news spread really fast, it seems that the six realms have started to take action.

what to do? Just be reminded of Ramadhan.

If Ramadan gets it, it means her demon clan gets it.

Faith doesn’t know it yet. From the beginning, Ramadan never thought of helping her get the demon pill. What she wanted was for her own use. In fact, it’s not Feisi’s fault for misunderstanding. No one knew about it except the dead Demon King. Ramadan is the eternal demon dragon. Everyone thinks that he is the black dragon who has been deep in the pond, and he will become a dragon if he gets the demon pill.

As everyone knows, what they want is not Jackie Chan, but an existence transcending the six realms.

Faith also knew that if she wanted to notify Ramadan, her identity would definitely be exposed, but compared to the Demonic Pill being snatched away by the Demon King, exposing her identity would be easier.

"Stop it, the king of the demons is here."

Ramadan was stunned. It was Faith's voice. He turned his head and looked. Damn it, it turned out to be Wen Rong. He was so capable that even he didn't recognize him.

Of course, if he and Fanxing hadn't suddenly started fighting, Ramadan would have naturally recognized the Demon King. At least the Demon King had no intention of hiding it. The most important thing was that he couldn't see Ramadan's identity, but Ramadan could see him. of.

"Don't you dare lock me up."

Zhai Yue wanted to explain a few words, but at this moment, Zhai Jin suddenly shouted:

"In Ramadan, lock Brahma Star in the Demon Locking Tower. It will be clear at a glance whether he is a human or a demon as soon as he is locked in..."

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