Back at the palace, Fanxing's wounds looked extremely serious, but not so in Ramadan. Although he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, as soon as he got out of the Demon Locking Tower, he knew that his demon spell had been completely released.

This is really a big opportunity for him. Not only that, he is no longer a demon dragon but a real dragon. He is the only real dragon in the world and he has transcended the six realms. As long as he gets the demon pill, He will naturally dominate the six realms and be the only one who dominates.

It's just that now, he doesn't seem to have to worry about the thunder disaster in the near future. Similarly, he doesn't have to be so anxious to get the demon pill in the little thing.

But no one can know about this, including Brahma Xing.

Therefore, Ramadan's injury healed instantly, but for Brahma Star, Ramadan was unable to heal her injury and had to rely on herself to heal it.

At this moment, Fanxing's lips were dry, his eyes were lifeless, and he looked extremely weak.


It turned out that it happened to be the 7-day period again, and I had not eaten anything. In addition, I was attacked by the Demon Locking Tower. This time my vitality was seriously damaged.

But Ramadan didn't know what he was thinking. This time, instead of giving her pills like before, he directly lifted up his sleeves, exposed his arms, cut his wrist directly, and blood flowed out. Fanxing grew up instantly. He opened his eyes, but before the words came out of his mouth, a familiar taste filled his mouth.

This taste is actually the taste that she has been eating for 5 years. Could it be that Ramadan has always been feeding her with blood?

"Good boy, eat it quickly. Just as you think, this blood is much more delicious than pills."

If it were before, Fanxing might have been able to resist and not drink Ramadan's blood, but she was severely injured and her back was scorched black by lightning. She couldn't move at all and could only watch Ramadan feed her blood to in her mouth.

While drinking, she shed tears. She no longer knew what kind of mentality she had towards Ramadan. She was moved, distressed, sad, and there was something she had never known but now knew everything about, love!

She slowly fell asleep, and the wounds on her exposed back began to heal at a speed that could be seen. Zhai Yue frowned slightly, and it turned out that even the blood was different. This little girl ate his blood, and this You really don’t want to leave him in your life, so that’s not a bad idea.

I pulled the quilt for her, knowing that she likes these little things that humans do, covering herself with quilts and eating food. Even though she doesn't feel hungry at all, she still likes food very much and likes these things.

After closing the door, Ramadan walked directly to the hall.

Faith had left, but Wen Rong was still lying in the room. He didn't go in to take a look, but today's actions let him know that it seemed that the Six Realms were out and chaos was about to begin.

"Elder, are they all okay?"

"Yes, princess, don't worry, we see Ramadan is fine."

The elder's brows didn't even open when he said this. What on earth is going on? It's so strange. It's obviously a dragon, and the black dragon is a demon, but he is safe and sound. This is so strange and strange.

And that half-demon was fine, how on earth did they do it?

"Elder, isn't Ramadan a demon? Is he a human?"

"No, it can't be a human being. Anyone in the six realms, including gods or immortals, who enters the Demon Locking Tower and does not die will peel off his skin. But Ramadan not only seems to be fine, he even uses blindness, can use magic, and... I can keep myself safe, but my subordinates don’t know where this Ramadan comes from.”

"What are you talking about? You can't even see it?"

Faith was already frightened by the elder's words, but no one could see it. What was going on?

"But there is one thing I can be sure of."


"Ramadan doesn't seem to have any intention of getting the demon elixir for my demon clan. He should be doing it for himself."

"Did he agree to the Demon Emperor in the first place?"

"Princess, when we agreed to the Demon Emperor, we all thought he was a demon. But now, it's obvious that he is not a demon, so will he still get the Demon Pill for us?"


The elder was also uneasy. What he thought was easy to capture has turned out to be more and more complicated, and everyone knows that even the demon king has been dispatched. This matter is really difficult to handle.

"Princess, you need to make a decision early. You must not place all your hopes on Ramadan."

"So what do we do?"

The elders looked at each other, looked at each other and then said:

"Princess, let's discuss it. Since Ramadan doesn't know what we have discovered now, it's better to use the trick. On the surface, it's the same as usual, but we can join forces with the demons and others. Didn't you say that even the Demon Tower is not Ramadan's opponent? He Since they are so powerful, we will definitely not be able to defeat them if we try to do it ourselves, so why not just let the fishermen gain the advantage?"

"The fisherman gets a profit?"

"Yes, princess."

The elder saw that Faith was a little reluctant, and he knew why when he thought about it. Faith liked Ramadan, and everyone in the entire demon clan knew it. Now it was strange that Faith was willing to take action against Ramadan.

"Your Highness Princess, Ramadan has an unusual relationship with that half-demon. Besides, as long as Her Royal Highness the Princess transforms into a phoenix, Ramadan will definitely take the initiative to curry favor with you. You don't have to worry so much."

This was something that went too far, but for the sake of their demon clan, several elders discussed it for a long time before deciding to say this to Faith.

However, Faith was really sincere about Ramadan, so when Faith heard these arrangements, she was a little unsure for a while. She could only say to the elder:

"Let me think about this again."

"This---well, I hope Her Highness the Princess will make a decision as soon as possible. The Thunder Tribulation is coming, and the six realms are competing for this demon pill. If we join forces with other tribes as soon as possible, we can prepare early."

"Well, I understand."

Damn it, who can tell him why there are so many nasty wandering souls in every level of hell? This is obviously a frying pan hell. He has been swimming back and forth in the frying pan for several times, but he has not seen the big boss. Instead, there are a bunch of annoying wandering souls. Isn't this a waste of time?

"Your Highness, you must get the token for this level to pass the next level."

"Where is the token?"

"It's in the oil pan. You need to find the prince yourself."

"Young master has swam back and forth eight times, why don't you try swimming?"

The kid was frightened when he heard this. This is an oil pan. Look at the bubbling oil. They are not the Crown Prince. They can come and go freely in this oil pan. Once they fall in, they will not be fried. It's so refreshing outside, it's not a hot pot hell anymore.

This is the place that all ghosts fear the most.

"Your Highness, you, you, you are so good at joking."

"It's really troublesome."

Xiaobao didn't want to waste time with a kid, so he had no choice but to accept his fate and jump into the oil pan again. The scalding hot oil made his whole body uncomfortable, but there was no other way. Inside the oil pan.

"Hey, do you know where the token is?"

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