Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1172 I want your soul

Ramadan looked at the woman sitting by the bed looking at him timidly, and he knew in his heart that this was the real Wenrong, not Faith. This Faith ran very fast, but it also showed that these people from the other five realms The reason why I have never dared to run wild in the human world is because the power of this Demon Locking Tower is really amazing.

It's just that what is extremely terrifying and fearful to other races is a great opportunity for Ramadan.

"Don't leave your yard unless you have something to do."

The cold words made Wen Rong's heart feel cold again. This was too cruel to her.

"Your Majesty, what did I do wrong? I have been living in the palace for the past few years. Your Majesty doesn't like me being close to my natal family. I have never returned to Wen Mansion in these years. What did I do? Nothing is insulting to the prince. I don’t know why the prince treats me..."

"Okay, no need to say it anymore, don't leave your yard, don't let me say it a third time."

Ramadan doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Wen Rong is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Now that Faith has left, it doesn't mean Faith won't appear again. Ramadan knows Faith too well. No, he should know the demon clan too well. The elders of the Monster Clan would not give up easily. Perhaps they should have seen by now that he had never thought about obtaining the Demonic Pill for the Monster Clan from the beginning to the end.

If they see it, they will definitely let Faith take action again, so no matter what Wen Rong says now, it is best to stay in his own yard.

Ramadan left the main courtyard and asked the guards to guard the courtyard gate directly. He only wanted to enter and not leave. If it was Wen Rong, he would definitely not be able to get out of the courtyard, but if Faith got upper body, he would know it when he walked out of the courtyard.

Wen Rong was so angry that she burst into tears, but there was nothing she could do. She didn't even know what she had done wrong and why the prince was so cold to her when he came back.

But there is no way. She is just a princess, not a prince. This is the palace, and she is not the one who makes the decision.

"Why, do you feel wronged?"

"A female voice sounded in the room, Wen Rong's tears were still hanging on her face, and she looked around the room in horror.

When Ramadan left just now, he took away everyone in the courtyard. No one was left except the maid who was personally serving him. The maid was also waiting outside the door, so at this moment, there is still no one in the whole room. After all, Who is speaking?

"I'm here to help you. As long as you are willing, I can help you win back the prince's heart and get rid of that annoying Brahma Star. After sprinting, you will be the only prince in your family. Are you willing? "

As Faith spoke, she slowly looked at the original body from the air. Her red hair looked very gorgeous, her clothes were revealing, and she had unique characteristics of the demon race. But with such a dress, you could tell at a glance that this was definitely a foreign race.

"You, you, you are a demon?"

Wen Rong was frightened and sat on the ground. Seeing Faith approaching her little by little, she could only keep retreating, but the room was so big. Even if she retreated, she could only retreat to the corner without any way out.

"Yes, I am a demon, but I am a demon who can help you, and you can only accept my help. Why do you think you can get people to help you after Zhai Yue has called everyone away?"


"Okay, good boy, close your eyes and lend me your body and your soul. Remember, I want your soul."

As Faith spoke, she waved her fingers in front of Wenrong's eyes. Wenrong's eyes followed Faith's fingers, and her eyes slowly became dull.

"Okay, I am willing, I am willing to lend you my soul."

Faith smiled and said, "It's fine if you want. Last time, she used her body directly but couldn't borrow her soul, so when she encountered the Demon Locking Tower, she could only run away quickly, but now, after borrowing your soul, she can With better coordination, now she can really make good use of her body.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is the wound getting better?"

As soon as Zhaiyue came in, he saw Fanxing lying on the bed with his bulging eyes staring at the door. Watching him come in, his little eyes lit up instantly. Fanxing's heart softened a little when he saw this.

"Much better, where have you been?"

"What? Do you want to be a teacher?"

It was just a joke, but Fanxing looked at Ramadan seriously and said:

"Yeah, I thought about it."

Zhai Yue's hand holding the tea cup paused, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he calmly took a sip of tea, then walked over and lifted Fan Xing's clothes to look at his back.

He's recovering well, much better than yesterday, and scabs have begun to form.

"Recovering well, the scabs have formed."

"Why do you want me to drink your blood?"

Zhai Yue sat on the edge of the bed and put her soft little hands in his palms. These hands were really soft and white, and the knuckles were like small glutinous rice balls, round and cute.

"Because you disobey."

"Disobedient?" Fanxing tilted his head and thought about what this sentence meant. After thinking for a long time, he remembered that when he first saw Ramadan, he let himself be locked up with a tiger. He said, either the tiger will eat him. She, or she ate the tiger, but she killed the tiger in the end and fainted.

Is it because of this that Ramadan said he was disobedient?

"Oh, you mean I don't eat the blood of those beasts? That's why you feed me your own blood?"

When Zhai Yue heard her words, he smiled lightly and said, "That's right."

This actually made some sense, but Fanxing really didn't think too much about it, thinking that he had really guessed it right, and he felt happy and felt that he was very smart.

In fact, only Ramadan himself knows that after drinking his blood, she can only be with him in this life, and even be controlled by him. If one day she really disobeys, if she loses his supply, Fanxing will not even have one Humans can't resist it, they're too weak, and if they want to take the demon pill at that time, or threaten her to take out the demon pill, it will only be easier.

It's a pity that Brahma Xing doesn't know that he has been plotted by others for a long time. Zhai Yue also doesn't know that he missed something else in his plan, that is, he can't bear it. He couldn't bear to see this girl hurt even a little bit, not even a little bit hungry.

"Then if you want me to eat your blood, will it be bad for you?"

"How could it be? Don't worry, I'm fine."

"By the way, are you a human or not?"

"Have you seen my transformation?"

"No, but I saw a golden dragon above your head."

"I didn't see it. I just knew that I felt uncomfortable entering it. Maybe you were wrong at first. I am a national master, not a demon."

"Yes, I forgot that you are the national master."


"However, I want to tell you one thing, I don't want to be a concubine, I don't want to be a concubine."

"Huh? Concubine?"

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