Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1197 Who has more money?

Xiaobao's understanding of Black Peony also comes from Huang Yueyan. Huang Yueyan never treats Xiaobao as a child, such as gossip and business things. She is taught carefully.

Of course, although the name of Black Peony is not good in Huang Yueyan's mouth, in some respects, Huang Yueyan really admires Black Peony because Huang Yueyan said that although Black Peony is shameless, she will not like her if she is a woman. , but for men, they need to understand such women.

It's not about how attractive such a woman is, but that if he understands such a woman, one day he won't be confused by such a woman.

There are countless men who are so good and can build great achievements, but there are also countless men who are defeated at the hands of this woman. It is no joke that heroes are saddened by beauties.

Especially with an identity like Xiaobao, there will be more women who want to fall for him in the future, so when Yan Kuan or other mysterious people teach Xiaobao special knowledge, these aspects are what Shen Xiaoxiao just heard. He was also stunned.

But I have to say that Huang Yueyan is indeed very thoughtful, and this is really an issue that must be considered.

Therefore, this black peony was the model that Huang Yueyan used to teach Xiaobao. He naturally knew it. Not only did he know it, Xiaobao had long wanted to see how powerful this woman was. How powerful she was, and how she could actually make her godmother do that. All the powerful people say they admire you.

Of course, he also knew that this woman once wanted to take advantage of his father, but, haha, how could his father like this woman?

Besides, the little fat man is actually Black Mudan's nephew. Hei Mudan also has a younger brother. This little fat man is the only son of Hei Mudan's brother. Hei Mudan's first three husbands left a lot of property, and her brother Huang Bai inherited her. Among the few industries in the country, of course this is not a minority. When I wanted to study for this naughty son, I discussed with Black Peony. Of course, I also invested in this school for the sake of making good friends with others.

Although Hei Mudan is not the school director, her brother is. He just returned to China and came to the school just to see the only flesh and blood of their family. The little fat man has always been more popular with Hei Mudan. After all, his daughter beats her and has never been with her. He didn't have a good temper when talking, but this nephew was good-looking, sweet-tongued, and filial, so she naturally loved him a little more.

Now she has the idea to adopt this little nephew into her own name. The son of Decrou will definitely die. When the time comes and she has this son, she can also let this child inherit a share of the property.

As for the future, when she gets all of Decru's property, she will have the final say.

That little bastard is probably going to hell with her little flowery mother now.

"Who are you?"

"He's quite a nice guy, school supervisor. This is how you deal with things. It's so unfair. How did you get to be the school supervisor?"

Black Mudan didn't know the identity of the school supervisor, she just thought he was hired by the school with money.

When the school director behind him saw Black Peony's attitude, he knew he was going to suffer. It was not easy for a fool with such an identity to allow such a selfless and powerful school supervisor to intervene in his protection.

Although Black Peony has some abilities, she is in China, and she probably doesn't know the background of the school supervisor.

Some school directors who had thought of something were already quietly preparing to sneak away, while others who didn't know were standing aside waiting to watch the show.

After all, this Black Peony just donated tens of millions to the school.

"Who are you?"

"You don't even know who I am, so I don't think you need to be a school supervisor here. You, little silly girl, did you hurt my nephew? Do you want to apologize to my nephew, or come away from me? , I’ll just stay with my little nephew from now on.”

These words caused an uproar among everyone. Even the little fat man didn't expect that this aunt would let this little silly girl follow him as soon as she arrived.

This is school. Besides, he just thought this silly girl was fun to tease her. He didn't expect what would happen to him. If his aunt said this, how could he hang out in school in the future? And if his aunt was like this, was it too much? .

Huang Xuan said to Black Peony with some discomfort:

"Aunt, no, no, I'm fine."

"Xiao Xuanxuan, you are already 16 years old. My aunt understands that it is okay for a little boy to have ideas. Besides, what is a little fool afraid of?"

Black Peony also inquired about it. Among all the reputable families, no fool has appeared in these years, so this girl knew at a glance that it had nothing to do with it.

This is also why black peonies are so taboo.

"Who are you calling a fool?"

"Silly girl, of course it's you."

It's already autumn, but Black Peony is still wearing a bright red lace dress, and her pair of breasts are almost exposed, which makes Dabao extremely disgusted.

My first impression was that this woman was very annoying. Although she couldn't understand what she said, she knew it wasn't a good thing, because the way she looked at her was like looking at something, with disgust and calculation.

"You're the fool, you big fool. It's such a cold day, you're so cold that you're getting goosebumps, and you're still wearing so little. Who else is stupid if you don't show your nakedness on purpose? It's shameless."

Well, what Dabao said really hit the nail on the head. Isn't it true? When everyone looked over, they saw that Black Peony's arms had goose bumps. They said that it was so cold, why was she wearing such sexy clothes and not cold? After all, it was not that she was not cold, but she was enduring it.

Some people have started to hold back their laughter, after all, there are students around.

And what Black Peony said just now made many students very disgusted.

Although this is a high school basketball game, it is also a game for the first grade of high school. These kids are really not that bad. How could they have thought that this woman would say something that a 16-year-old young man has needs.

They don't have such dirty thoughts yet. Of course, it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't have them, at least most of them really don't have them.

"You fool, you are so brave." However, when Hei Mudan was about to get angry, she suddenly thought of something, and then smiled evilly and said: "Whoever can take her down and have fun, I will give him 2 million. Who will go?" 2 million is not much, and few people like these children, but this girl is indeed too beautiful and too cute. Someone asked them to go and gave them money. It's not that no one is tempted. However, with the school directors and the school supervisors here, who dares to do it? They are not stupid to make trouble for 2 million. Hei Mudan also knew that she probably paid too little. Of course, she didn't expect that this is a school, not outside, especially this is a boarding school. These children only go back for two days every weekend, so they want to tease Dabao when they see her. But they didn't expect things to turn out like this. "Whoever throws this old woman out and beats her up, I will pay 20 million and give his family a contract worth 500 million." Xiaobao walked slowly. Who has more money? Look how I'm going to kill you.


"Oh my god"

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