Black Mudan's exclamation was still stuck in her throat when she was knocked unconscious. As for the teeth, if Xiaobao said they wanted to pull them out, they would definitely have to be pulled out.

The person had fainted and Xiaobao said to Dabao:

"Okay, this is the school. Let's go and not come here anymore."

"Let's go, I don't think it's fun either."

But after saying this, Dabao looked at the teenagers in front of him blankly, and then said seriously;

"If you ever call my brother a fool again, I will pull out your teeth, hum!"

Xiaobao looked at these teenagers with a smile and remembered them all in his heart. Now these people were stupid enough to know that this little silly girl's true identity turned out to be Young Master Yan's sister.

There have been rumors in the market that Young Master Yan has a twin sister. I didn't expect it to be this one, but now that I took a closer look, I can see that the two of them do look very similar.

But does this girl have a brain problem or is there no problem? Although what he said does not sound particularly normal, how can a fool defend others? Will there be fights? Is this the person who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger?

Sure enough, Young Master Yan was already a great figure at a young age, not to mention the fact that he was the sister of the same mother, and she was a twin.

"In four days, my Yan family will hold a birthday party for our brother and sister. All students are requested to attend. We will formally introduce my sister's identity then."

After Xiaobao said these words, he took Dabao and slowly walked outside the school.

Some of the other school directors breathed a sigh of relief, and some already had a lot of thoughts in their hearts. President Yan's daughter has returned. Anyone who marries her will really be rich. Look at the protection of this young master. A girl like this is a real princess.

Xiaobao took Dabao away, but after taking just a few steps, Xiaobao suddenly stopped and looked warily at the parking lot not far from them. Xiaobao's eyes were too sharp. The man holding the binoculars looked at it. With a sudden thought, he immediately stopped his hand, waved to the driver and left.

"Xiaobao, is that one over there spying on us?"

"Well, that should be it. I'll ask someone to follow."

"Okay, it's best to catch it and let me beat it again. I haven't beaten enough just now."

"Okay, it's all up to you. Let's go. Let's go meet our parents. They went to the hot springs and didn't take us there. We have to go there by ourselves."

"Okay, let's go to the hot springs."

Dabao and Xiaobao left happily, and the young man in the car just wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. His eyes were so scary. The young man looked so gentle and gentle, but he was so powerful.

"Go check the identities of the two people just now, especially the little girl. She is stupid and stupid, but she is so skilled. The most important thing is that she can actually make that Black Peony suffer such a big loss. Just this alone is enough. It’s enough to make me curious.”

"Little master, those two are the children of the two who saved you today."

Ye Xie was stunned, the children of the Black Emperor? No wonder, but I’ve never heard of Black Emperor having a daughter.

"The Black Emperor has a daughter?"

"It is said that he has been studying abroad and has just returned to China. He seems to be extremely innocent."

Another meaning of extremely innocent is that she is a fool. He had already heard what those people said so loudly just now, calling her a fool. If it was really that innocent, then he would have a great chance.

Isn't it the best choice to rely on the Black Emperor to help him get rid of his father and win the position at the helm of Fire Island? Although Decroo was his father, he was no longer his father after he was left to fend for himself on the island when he was a child, and he was unworthy.

"Innocent? Only innocent girls are good."

The bodyguard didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to say anything randomly. This little master was very thoughtful, not like a 13-year-old boy at all. Everything he did made many people unbelievable. Now he has set his sights on the Black Emperor. I don't know if this is good or bad.

You had given such an order just now, weren't you afraid of offending the Black Emperor?

"Little Master, do you want to take back the order you just gave? Will it offend Black Emperor and the others?"

Ye Xie smiled and said without caring at all:

"Why take it back? If something could happen to the Black Emperor, wouldn't it be a better opportunity to attack their daughter at this time? Of course, if the Black Emperor is able to avoid this disaster, he will definitely only think that it is How could he think that it was me when Decroo attacked him? This game of chess is so fun, of course I want to play it. That boy, yes, is my opponent. Even with this momentum, he can compete with me. "

"But little master, the Black Emperor has always been unfathomable, so we should not take it lightly."

"Unfathomable? No matter how powerful a person is, he has weaknesses. His weakness is sentimentality. It is said that he loves his wife very much, so let's start with his wife."

"But which lady just saved you and Madam?"

"Yes, that's why I spared her life, isn't it? It's just innocence. Since the Black Emperor loves her so much, it doesn't matter if she loses her innocence."

The bodyguard didn't say a word at this time. The young master was too cruel and scheming. The key is, is he too heartless? However, when he thought of what the young master had gone through since childhood, the bodyguard no longer thought about it. A young man who grew up in such an environment really had no good impression of women, and it was even more impossible for him to be soft-hearted.

Hot spring villa

Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao soaked in the hot spring for a while and then returned to the room. Dinner was ready. The candlelight dinner for the two was warm and romantic. This was the first time in 10 years that they didn't have to worry about their children or Dabao. Live a happy world for two people.

Of course, there will be many, many days like this in the future, and they will all spend them happily.

"Baby, you look beautiful today."

"Then I'm not beautiful usually?"

Yan Kuan knew that this little wild cat had an unforgiving mouth, so he smiled and said helplessly:

"Mei, you will always be the same in my heart as you were when you were 18."

"That's pretty much it."

The two men clinked their red wine glasses together, but they had just taken a sip of wine and before they put down the wine glasses, they looked at each other at the same time. Hey, that's interesting. Someone actually smoked a cigarette?

Didn't they inquire before doing this? Are they immune to all kinds of poison?

"Would you like to cooperate?"

Shen Xiaoxiao said to Yan Kuan excitedly.

Seeing Shen Xiaoxiao being so curious and happy, Yan Kuan nodded and said:

"If you want to play, just play with them."

The two of them were lying on the bed at the same time. Before they took off their bathrobes, they heard sparse sounds at the door.

"This medicine is really amazing. They all fainted. According to the plan, you all take turns. This woman is stunning. Look at her figure. It's so fucking exciting."

"But isn't it true that this man is very powerful? Let's be careful. You all move faster, and I will give this man a shot."

"Okay, let the three of us have fun with this girl. You go and deal with the man. Move quickly."

The four people were assigned and slowly walked towards Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao...

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