"Mrs. Yan, it seems that this little girl is still a tough one."

Yu Yan walked over from a distance and just nodded politely to Yan Kuan, but he had no intention of leaving Shen Xiaoxiao because he seemed to have guessed the reason why Xiaoxiao was not right just now.

"Yes, the little girls nowadays are more powerful than the other."

"But Mrs. Yan's tutoring is excellent, and Mr. Yan is also a caring person. Mrs. Yan is lucky."

"Yes, my wife's tutoring has always been very strict."

Yan Kuan finally understood and continued to speak to Yu Yan without hiding it.

Yuyan smiled and then continued:

"Mrs. Yan, I'm going to set up a studio. When the time comes, I'll have to ask Mrs. Yan to support me. We women should be kind to ourselves, right?"

"I will definitely support Miss Yuyan's studio."

Yuyan smiled and nodded, turned and left.

As soon as she left, Yan Kuan said:

"So that's what it means. These little tricks are really impressive."

"Do you understand?"

"Of course, but even if she is an international movie queen, as long as she dares to speak in front of me, she will still be exposed. Just now, you didn't pay any attention to me in front of you. At that time, I was still wondering. These women are really letting people know. No shame."

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled faintly and stopped talking. Women sometimes have endless tricks.

Forget it, even if he said it, Yan Kuan wouldn't understand, and it would be best not to offend that little star called Lu Xing, but if he offends her, it won't be so fun.

But sometimes, some things just don't go as people want.

After the song ended, Lu Xing came over. Shen Xiaoxiao's smile was still hanging on the corners of his lips, so Lu Xing walked over.

"Mrs. Yan, Mr. Yan."

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, then looked at Lu Xing. This time Lu Xing did not pretend that he could not see Yan Kuan. Instead, he looked at Yan Kuan with a smile and said:

"Mr. Yan, why don't you also dance with Mrs. Yan?"

Lu Xing is extremely confident in her dancing skills. In addition, her skirt tonight is a little sexy and elegant. Her thighs are even more looming when she dances. Her skin is excellent, smooth and delicate, which is her most attractive. A place to be proud of.

After the exercise, there was still a hint of blush on the skin, not to mention that it was really attractive, especially the pair of tall ones, which were particularly sexy under the rapid breathing.

What man can resist this look?

If it were a normal girl, she would have waited until she was out of breath before coming over, but Lu Xing came over like this. Was she planning to take action?

The little girl's thoughts were very deep.

Yan Kuan was looking at the wine glass in his hand from beginning to end, but Lu Xing did not feel embarrassed after waiting for Yan Kuan's answer. Instead, he turned to look at Shen Xiaoxiao and said:

“Can’t Mrs. Yan dance?”

"Do you think I can jump?"

"I'm not very sure about this. I thought Madam Yan must have amazing dancing skills."

"Is something okay, Ms. Lu? If nothing happens, our couple will have to say goodbye."

"Oh, I just want to discuss with Mrs. Yan about signing a contract with your company."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the girl and said seriously:

"Let's put it this way, even if I am the Queen of Heaven and the King of Heaven, there is no need for me to personally take action. Miss Lu, do you understand this?"

"Ah? This, I, I, I'm just, just a little nervous..."

Xiao Baihua's appearance was made in an instant, but the price dropped. Shen Xiaoxiao lost all interest in it.

"This is not a stage. Put away your grievances. Also, don't say I'm rude to you. Your little tricks are nothing in front of me. If you do your job and be a good person, you may still have some future. If you covet something that doesn’t belong to you, you will suffer.”

Shen Xiaoxiao's words were very direct. Regardless of whether Lu Xing was pretending or really feeling embarrassed, his face immediately turned red.

"Okay, what do you say to these people? Let's go."

Yan Kuan took Shen Xiaoxiao's hand and left, but Shen Xiaoxiao was a little curious. Logically speaking, Yan Kuan usually waits until he is angry before he pulls away from her. What's wrong with being so impatient now?

No one could see what Lu Xing looked like. After leaving a distance, Yan Kuan said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"There seems to be an interview going on outside?"

This jump is really big. Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment and replied:

"Yes, I am doing interviews. The new Chief Executive will be reported around the world."

"Live broadcast?"

"It seems not."

"It should be live broadcast, you wait here."

After Yan Kuan said this, he accidentally dropped Shen Xiaoxiao and walked towards the group of reporters and the interview room.

Yan Kuan never appeared in the public eye, but at this moment he suddenly walked towards the reporter. This move attracted the attention of many people. What happened to Yan Kuan?

"What happened to your Mr. Yan?"

Mrs. Ma was the first to come over. Many people also saw what was going on here and gathered around.

Shen Xiaoxiao was also wondering, who knew what this person was going to do suddenly.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, do you mind if I borrow your press conference for a few minutes?"

Wang Tianlin saw that this person who could not even be fawned over actually came to his press conference, so naturally he said with dignity:

"Of course it's okay, Mr. Yan, please do."

You should know that in addition to local Hong Kong reporters, there are also reporters from all over the world.

In such a serious scene, Yan Kuan suddenly joined in. It is conceivable that the news was spread.

"Excuse me, everyone, now, the global live broadcast begins."

Yan Kuan suddenly said this, and the reporter was stunned at first, and then immediately turned on the equipment and turned on the network settings, and An Er in the distance also nodded immediately. After no more than 3 minutes, everything was ready. Yan Kuan began to say to many reporters and cameras:

"Hello everyone, I am Yan Kuan, the president of KN Group. I am here to issue a statement and hope that people from all walks of life will bear witness for me.

People in different positions will have different worries and troubles. I know that over the years, whether intentionally or unintentionally, there are too many women who want to get close to me. Here, I once again explain that anyone who wants to hit me or is trying to hit me My idea, or the woman who wants to take advantage of me in the future, I hope you have self-respect. I belong to my wife from beginning to end. If you still want to try, I will not hesitate if you are willing to do it.

I don't like to harass my wife again about these things.

In addition, my wife, I still owe you a wedding after 19 years of marriage. You have given birth to children for me, taken care of everything for me, and suffered for me. My wife, I love you. Having you by my side is the greatest blessing in my life!

My wife and I will have a wedding in a week. Everyone is welcome to attend. "

After saying this, Yan Kuan nodded, and then slowly disappeared in front of the already shocked reporters.

After saying this, President Yan actually broadcast it live worldwide. How much does he love his wife?

It was a big show. Mrs. Yan is so blessed.

At this moment, Shen Xiaoxiao did not expect that Yan Kuan would make such a declaration of love, and the people in the audience did not expect Yan Kuan to do so. This is a global live broadcast. What stimulated President Yan?

"Congratulations, Xiaoxiao, you are really lucky. I will definitely arrive early on the wedding day." Mrs. Ma was the first to express her opinion, and then other women began to congratulate Shen Xiaoxiao. But Shen Xiaoxiao herself was still confused. What's wrong with Yan Kuan? Why did he suddenly say that he wanted to hold a wedding? It's been almost 20 years, and he's only holding a wedding now? Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned, while Lu Xing's face had turned pale from the bright red just now. How could there be such a passionate man in the world? She didn't believe it, she didn't believe it, she absolutely didn't believe it!

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