Du Ze was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and even sprinkled some cologne on purpose. The whole person looked imposing and imposing. Of course, if the slightly limping right leg was ignored, as soon as such a person walked out, it would be a sight to behold. A young talent with outstanding achievements.

"Mr. Du, the car is ready, do you see?"

"Waiting for half an hour before setting off."

The secretary was taken aback, the boss invited Miss Pei's family to dinner, why is he late on purpose? The boss of the dinner with those people was very punctual before, what happened today?

But he didn't dare to question it. Although this Du Ze looks gentle and gentle, he has a weird temper and no one dares to provoke him. Fortunately, he treats his employees well, but he seems to hate women. Anyway, he has been in the company for so long, and he rarely Seeing some women around Mr. Du, the only woman in their secretarial department is Sister Zhang, who is in her 30s and is approaching 40. If she is not very capable and married with children, it may be difficult to transfer to help Mr. Du works.

Mr. Du is so handsome and capable, his only flaw is probably his leg, but as long as this man has a successful career, it doesn't matter if he has some innocuous little problems.

It's just that Du Ze has been "forced" to meet a lot of daughters from everyone these days. Many bosses deliberately bring their unmarried daughters with them when they ask Mr. Du to talk about things. The young lady is courteous to Mr. Du, but Du Ze has always been distant and indifferent.

It's just that Mr. Du is a little bit wrong with that Miss Pei's family today? For example, dressed up on purpose, and late on purpose?

This is one of the means to attract people's attention, right?

Of course, the secretary Xiao Chen must not know about the farce about the Pei family. In fact, many people from the desperate class don't know.

All the people who attended the banquet that night were greeted one by one by the Ouyang family. If you want to offend the Ouyang family, you can whip the Ouyang family at will, but you have to taste the consequences yourself.

Just ask, there are so many wealthy families who can make them all shut up, except for the Ouyang family, there is no second place in Huaguo.

Therefore, to the outside world, Pei Li and Pei Meimei's identities are still sought after and envied by everyone as the young lady and young master of the Pei family.

So much so that secretary Xiao Chen felt that Mr. Du's behavior seemed inappropriate.

Pei Meimei thought that she would arrive half an hour late, but in any case, this way of taking Joe was enough of a taste.

But when she arrived, she found that Du Ze wasn't there. At first she thought that she was taking Joe too much. It's because Du Ze didn't show up at all.

Pei Meimei's anger rose immediately, she was really dragged in, didn't she dare to be late for so long, when this bumpkin arrives, he must whet the appetite of that bumpkin, do you really think that she, Pei Meimei, is easy to pursue? ?

Pei Meimei ordered coffee and sat there. She waited for more than half an hour. After 8 o'clock, when she felt that she was about to lose control of her anger, Du Ze was finally late.

Pei Meimei's actions were facing the door, and she saw Du Ze walking slowly with a slight limp at a glance.

The look of contempt flashed across his eyes, not only that, but there was also a faint smile on the corner of his lips, no matter how glamorous he was dressed today, he used to beg for her, and was raped in the snow by someone insulting.

Of course, no one knew what she was thinking, but Du Ze had endured so many hardships, seeing Pei Meimei's playful smile and undisguised mockery in her eyes, the anger that had been suppressed in her heart returned again.

I really thought that no one knew about the scandal of the Pei family. He was just an illegitimate child, but a scoundrel born of chaos. How could he be so proud and look down upon him so much.

"Mr. Du's concept of time is really not that good. It seems that Dongyou Country is developing very fast, and the business is so busy."

Du Ze walked over slowly and sat on the sofa. Hearing Pei Meimei's plainly complaining words, he didn't look at her, stared at the menu in his hand, and only looked up at Pei Meimei after ordering from the waiter.

Du Ze looked up at Pei Meimei in a daze, obviously her heart skipped a beat, why is Du Ze looking at her like that.

However, this high-spirited Du Ze is completely different from the Du Ze in his heart who was always wearing a plaid shirt with big black framed eyes.

The current Du Ze is exactly the prince charming in his mind, with suits and leather shoes, high-spirited, and full of vigor, no matter how you look at it, no matter how you look at it, this Du Ze is definitely not the person who was bullied by her before.

Seeing this made her blush even more, and even lowered her head shyly. According to Du Ze's current wealth, she could barely match her.

Pei Meimei had a big dream of spring and autumn in her heart, but Du Ze naturally didn't know it, but Du Ze found the sudden flushed cheeks very glaring.

Finally, I calmly said the first sentence I said to Pei Meimei tonight: "It's not because the company has a lot of things to do, but because I met a lost puppy halfway, I thought it was quite interesting, and the time for teasing is too long." It's a little longer."

Pei Meimei's face turned from red to blue, and the change was so fast, she never thought that Du Ze's reason was this, so ridiculous.

What does he think of her? Worse than a stray dog?

She really wanted to get up and walk there immediately, and she did so, but Du Ze's words immediately dispelled her thoughts, only to hear Du Ze say:

"Is Miss Pei leaving? It's just right, I also have a drink with the boss of Ligao Technology, so I can leave first."

Ligao, who stayed abroad for a year, Pei Meimei has naturally heard of Ligao's name, a famous foreign online game company, but she didn't expect that Du Ze is really so powerful, and even the boss of Ligao is attached to her. It seems that she is I really have to swallow my anger at the man for a while.

Pei Meimei reluctantly sat down, looked at Du Ze and said, "How can we say that we are old friends, no matter how busy Mr. Du is, he should take care of old friends. I won't pursue this matter of being late." Alright, let's order food."

Du Ze smiled, this woman is still so white-eyed.

Pei Meimei thought that she would settle the matter and not pursue it, so Du Ze should be happy to death.

But Du Ze sat down, but the words he said made Pei Meimei feel colder and colder.

"You don't pursue it anymore? Why do you pursue it? Do you think you are still the eldest lady of the Pei family? Or do you think I, Du Ze, are just so cheap and looking for abuse?

Pei Meimei, **** This trick also depends on who it is used on, and who is it used on? As for you? You're just an evil breed, and you deserve to say this to me? "

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