This sentence sounded like an explanation to her, rather it was Yan Kuan's words to anesthetize her.

"Yes, my Ran'er is already so old. My mother has been in coma for many years and has not been able to accompany you to grow up. It's just because the poison is too overbearing and she has missed too many good times of Ran'er. But now that my mother has woken up, she will definitely You can see Ran'er getting married and having children, right, Ran'er?"

Yan Kuan looked at this woman who was so perfect in both her tone of voice and facial expressions. Especially when the tenderness in her eyes when she said this didn't seem to be fake, Yan Kuan felt more and more annoyed.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first and you can have a good rest."

Yan Kuan looked at Ouyang Jinling's appearance and simply turned around and ignored her.

But Ouyang Jinling didn't just say a word and leave when she asked people to come.

"Wait, Ran'er!"

Yan Kuan stopped and turned to look at Ouyang Jinling, and asked lightly:

"Anything else?"

"Well, of course, my mother has been in a coma for more than 20 years and knows nothing about the outside world. I want to know, I want to know your grandfather, is he okay? Your sister, and your sister, where is she? How has she lived these years? Is it good?"

Yan Kuan paused in his heart, looked at Ouyang Jinling with some mockery, and said to her: "You are a filial daughter. I want to poison you with my own hands. You still care about him. Don't worry, he is much tougher than you. If you can't die, the harm will last for thousands of years.

As for your good daughter, don't worry. She is popular and drinks hot food. She is the direct daughter of the Ouyang family. Do you think she is doing well?

Another thing you need to remember is that she is not my sister. I, Yan Kuan, have no sister and never have had a sister! "

Yan Kuan's words were sarcastic and sarcastic. When Ouyang Jinling heard these words, tears immediately filled her eyes.

The same was true for Ouyang Jinling in his early years. Tears seemed to be free of charge. He had seen too many of his mother's tears since he was a child. They were so worthless and cheap.

Therefore, he is particularly tired of such pretentious, weak and boneless women. He hates dodder flowers and likes women who are independent and independent, just like Xiaoxiao.

"Ran'er, don't, don't say that. I know you are blaming your grandpa, but he is my father after all. And what happened back then, it was all my fault. It was my fault that I didn't..."

"Okay, shut up, have a good rest, and don't think about other things. If you really miss the Ouyang family that much, I don't mind having someone take you back, but don't expect to recognize me again.

And remember, I am not Ouyang Ran, and no grandson will have the same surname as Ouyang. I am Yan Kuan. I will only say this once, don't let me hear the word "Ran'er" again. "

Even those tough men may not dare to bear Yan Kuan's anger, let alone this woman who just woke up.

Immediately, she was frightened by Yan Kuan's eyes and was so frightened that she was dripping with cold sweat. She was so weak that she fainted.

Yan Kuan turned around angrily without showing any pity. Who is this woman? It seemed that he needed to explore the Ouyang family in person.

"I'll cover you."

"No, you just need to be my dance partner quietly. You don't need to do other things." Why would she let her go to such a dangerous thing as a joke? He Yan Kuan had no habit of putting his women in danger.

But how could Shen Xiaoxiao, a stubborn person, agree to Yan Kuan's decision, which she regarded as so chauvinistic?

"You can't bring bodyguards to the Ouyang family's banquet, neither An Yi nor 19 can get in, and my skills are not inferior to these two. I can be your female companion and protect you, so what's wrong with that? ?”

"The Ouyang family has my people, you don't need to worry about this."

Shen Xiaoxiao felt unhappy. Is someone great? But Yan Kuan's hands are really long, and they can fit people in.

"This is not the time for your people to strike a chord and alert the snake. This knife must be used on the edge, right? I'm just going to find out. If it weren't for the special characteristics of the Ouyang family and you need to go there in person, where would you need to take action?"

Yan Kuan naturally knew that Shen Xiao's novel was true, but he was unwilling to put her in danger.

But how could Shen Xiaoxiao not know what Yan Kuan was thinking? He immediately continued his efforts and said to Yan Kuan:

"That An Ning is full of firepower. This time such a big basket comes out. I am the only one who can help you block the line of fire, right?"

At the mention of An Ning, Yan Kuan's expression changed two points. Shen Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and asked quietly, a little boldly and a little tentatively.

"Actually, I never asked you if An Ning is your --- sister!"

Yan Kuan turned his head and looked directly at Shen Xiaoxiao. His eyes were as dark and shiny as ever, deep and blurred. Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but take two steps back, even worried about his bold question just now.

Will he go crazy? Or will he refuse?

But no, not at all. She just looked at her like that, with a hint of tenderness and tenderness in his eyes, and a hint of tenderness at the corners of his lips. He looked evil with a hint of bewitchment, and Shen Xiao looked at her. The little heart is racing and restless.

"I don't have a sister, not before, not now, and never in the future. An Ning is just that woman's daughter, you just need to remember this."

That woman?

That woman did Yan Kuan call his mother?

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded blankly. In fact, she was still his sister, right? At least she had the same mother. As for whether she had the same father, Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know, and she was beginning to be afraid to know at this moment.

Just such an answer made Shen Xiaoxiao feel that the Ouyang family was particularly disgusting. Even An Ning's behavior changed the taste in Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes. There was too much filth in this family.


"Well, be good, you will be my cover tomorrow, then it will depend on your ability."

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked, why did he change his mind? Is it appropriate to be so fickle?

"Don't worry, I will cooperate with you."

"Well, take the medicine and go to bed after taking the medicine!"

The black long-sleeved lace dress, paired with the obsidian star green stone on a black background, is particularly eye-catching, and the imperial green jade bracelet on her hand is equally attractive.

She didn't know why she wore the special necklace around her neck. She even saw him touching the necklace in a daze while she was asleep many times, but even today Yan Kuan had no intention of asking her to take it off.

Now, that versatile necklace has a teardrop-shaped emerald bead hanging from it, and the usual green jewelry on the hairpin. This set is low-key and luxurious, but the same , such a somewhat heavy color combination made Shen Xiaoxiao look more steady and subdued tonight.

The same is true for Yan Kuan's black suit. The ring on his finger is obviously a match with Shen Xiaoxiao's, and there is nothing else. However, wearing a black suit makes Yan Kuan look much more low-key.

Shen Xiaoxiao is sometimes very curious as to how Yan Kuan manages to control himself so freely. In front of different people, he can show many sides. He is usually just an ordinary businessman. But when he was the Black Emperor, he was so frightening and terrifying to the extreme!

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