Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 226: Taking advantage of the situation and being reckless

"Miss Shen is very beautiful tonight, especially eye-catching!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Ouyang. Mr. Ouyang is still as charming as ever."

Who doesn't know how to say polite words, but the polite words in Shen Xiaoxiao's mouth are flirting words in Ouyang Feng's eyes.

Because she had already preconceived the idea that Shen Xiaoxiao was definitely interested in him, so she spoke like this.

Ouyang Feng's favorite move, or my man's favorite move, is to hold the wine and look at you with a playful expression. Of course, the eyes should be narrowed, and the body should be tilted forward 15 Du, okay, now I can talk properly again.

But this action, this look, and this tone of voice, okay, Shen Xiaoxiao has fully understood that this is a symptom of estrus.

"I don't know if Miss Shen likes antiques. Apart from anything else, this Ouyang family has the most genuine antiques. If Miss Shen likes it, I can take Miss Shen to appreciate it. What do you think?"

Appreciating antiques?

Shen Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and asked following his words: "Antique? Is it the same as the one in this hall?"

"Of course not. Ouyang's family has countless antiques. To be honest, the wash basins in the bathroom are all blue and white porcelain."

"Oh, really? In other words, this thing is not here, but in the inner courtyard of Ouyang's house?"

"Well, there are some very special things in the inner courtyard, especially the courtyard where I live. Is Miss Shen interested in going to see it?"

Interested? Of course I'm not interested. What about blue and white porcelain or Ru kiln official kiln? I'm sorry she doesn't understand.

But she was interested in being able to go to Ouya's backyard so openly, and she was very interested!

"Then shall we go now?"

Ouyang Feng was overjoyed, this girl is really on the road, is she so impatient? If he takes such initiative, he is not a man if he is being reserved.

Ouyang Feng placed the wine glass in his hand on the stand, nodded slightly, and walked forward.

Shen Xiaoxiao followed them step by step, and had been watching their peace. At this moment, his face was even redder, and his whole body was as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood. This, this, Shen Xiaoxiao actually followed Ouyang Feng like this?

Is this direction to the inner courtyard? Hahaha, she thought that Ouyang Feng was ready to give up after holding back for so long, but she didn't expect that he was waiting here, and that Shen Xiaoxiao was indeed a coquettish person who couldn't stand loneliness, and Yan Kuan actually misjudged him. when.

I don't know if Yan Kuan knew that Shen Xiaoxiao was stealing people behind his back. He would be so angry that he would kick her away. Great, she wants to follow her and take photos. It's best if she can take some serious photos. Show the video to Yan Kuan. Now, let’s see how arrogant this bitch is.

Carved railings, painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions, these objects that are only seen in those antique buildings or on TV, can indeed be seen again in this thousand-year-old house at this moment.

I don’t know how many times every inch and every wood here has been renovated, and I don’t know how many bones there once were.

Next to the corridor that I walked through, the hollow carved windows cast different phantoms under the light. This place was quaint with a hint of decay.

"Be careful of the steps. You are the first woman to enter my yard. This is not a place that ordinary people can enter."

Every step, every word shows the uniqueness of the Ouyang family and her luck tonight.

Shen Xiaoxiao ignored him, but carefully observed every corridor and every pavilion around him.

Yan Kuan once showed her the internal map of Ouyang Mansion, but when she compared the routes that were clearly clear in her mind with reality, she found that they were so stupid that she couldn't understand them at all.

"This is the inner courtyard of our fifth room. They all went to the front hall tonight. Let's go in and sit down. I'll show you some of the antiques I collected."

"I'm a little thirsty, can you get me a glass of water?"

Thirsty and want to drink water? Of course, he has some good stuff. If he added it, wouldn't it be more fun?

Ouyang Feng immediately took the person directly to the room. He also paid special attention to it. Shen Xiaoxiao was not reluctant at all. It seemed that she was really a knowledgeable woman.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked around, but he didn't expect that Ouyang Feng's vigilance was so low. Did he really think that their Ouyang family was fortified and no one would dare to break through?

The little paper bag in the handbag really comes in handy. 19 is simply the most considerate little cotton-padded jacket. He said that every party always encounters some monsters and monsters. People nowadays have dirty hands and feet and like to get these dirty things, so with In case of emergencies, she prepared them in advance.

Ouyang Feng came out quickly, holding two bottles of water in his hand. One was handed to him, and the other he took and took a sip.

Shen Xiaoxiao slowly opened the bottle cap. Don't think she didn't see it. Ouyang Feng kept looking at her secretly. Is there something else in the bottle?

Forget it, it's better not to drink. Yan Kuan reminded him again and again. Don't touch anything handed to him by anyone from the Ouyang family.

Shen Xiaoxiao pretended to drink water and rolled his eyes while holding the bottle and was about to drink the drink. Suddenly, he heard a "sneeze". Ouyang Feng turned around and avoided it. Shen Xiaoxiao pointed the powder in his hand at him. The location is just a wave of the hand.

Good guy, before I had time to count, this man fell immediately.

Seeing the person fall, Shen Xiaoxiao immediately took off the gloves on her hands. She had been holding her breath, so when she saw the person fell, she immediately turned around and walked out.

It wasn't until she walked out of the room that she took a few deep breaths. This idiot, this was too easy to solve.

Ouyang Feng is the eldest son of Sifang, who has the largest population, with two sons and one daughter, the third eldest Ouyang Yu, and the second eldest Ouyang Hui.

Ouyang Jinhong lives in the main house in the front yard with two entrances to the courtyard, while the second child Ouyang Hui is already married to an official in S Province, so only Ouyang Yu and Ouyang Feng live in the backyard.

Ouyang Yu went to the banquet hall earlier than anyone else, and Ouyang Feng had just told him that no one was allowed in the courtyard, so no one knew that Ouyang Feng was lying on the ground.

Shen Xiaoxiao walked straight out of the four-bedroom compound the way she had just come. Ouyang's house was so big that she didn't even know how to turn left or right, but when she got around a big tree, she was ready to walk around at will. When she was trying her luck, she actually saw An Ning sneaking into the courtyard of Ouyang's fourth house where she had just walked out.

You're really smart, you caught up so quickly, but now that you're in, as long as you enter the room, if you smell the smell that hasn't dissipated, why are these two people in the same room? She doesn't care about the things inside. No more.

However, this Ouyang Ning is so stupid. She really doesn't know if Yan Kuan sucked all his intelligence away when he was in his mother's belly. This really doesn't look like siblings who share the same breast.

The entire Ouyang family attaches great importance to tonight's party, but after Shen Xiaoxiao entered the Ouyang inner courtyard, she realized that her idea seemed a bit naive. When she walked out of Ouyang's fourth room, the cameras everywhere around her were simply unbelievable. many.

He sighed lowly. Now he definitely couldn't look around like he was looking around. He could only calm down and pretend to be someone who couldn't find the way.

However, Shen Xiaoxiao still deliberately chose to walk under some corridors or around corners. Shen Xiaoxiao also finally understood at this time why Yan Kuan didn't let her participate. Entering the Ouyang family, it felt like falling into a trap every minute. She was such a scumbag, and the Ouyang family really couldn't stand it.

Next to Ouyang's fourth-bedroom house is Ouyang's third-bedroom house. Spring has just arrived, and the emerald green branches of the sycamore tree are at the peak of their growth. They probably haven't had time to prune them yet, so this place has become an extremely safe place for cameras to take pictures of. A dead end area.

There is an artificial lake separated between the third and fourth rooms. It is not big, more than ten square meters. It is full of water lilies, and green lotus leaves cover the entire water surface.

Shen Xiaoxiao was worried that he would cause trouble if he went further. When he was about to push out, a voice rang from behind: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

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