Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 231 Injured and Accused

Ouyang Tian's expression changed slightly when he saw Yan Kuan appearing. Although he was still smiling, they still felt that there was a lot more perfunctory in it.

Of course, it was perfunctory. Someone just broke into the inner courtyard of Ouyang's house and entered the realm. If his guards hadn't discovered it in time, the secrets in this realm would have been prying into.

But that person ran extremely fast, and it is unknown if he has caught anyone, but that person has just been shot, so he shouldn't be able to run far.

Ouyang Tian also deliberately took a look at Yan Kuan's arm, which seemed to be moving freely, and he was still holding his hand. If he was shot, it wouldn't be so natural, would it?

But this person is Hei Di, what if he holds back? Or what if the one that seemed to hit was actually dodged? Maybe those bloodstains belonged to the injured guards? There are still a few corpses lying in the backyard now, should he try again? Don't miss it, but you can't offend the black emperor at will.

At least he can't offend him tonight. As for after tonight, hmph, that's not up to him.

"It's normal for young people to be addicted to cigarettes. I just heard that Ning'er accidentally stained your clothes. I'm sorry."

"Ma'am, you're welcome, it's just a piece of clothing, nothing to worry about."

Both Huo Wanting and Ouyang Tian swept Yan Kuan's shirt at the same time, it was really white and clean, it seemed that they had really changed their clothes.

Huo Wanting gave Ouyang Jincheng a wink, and Ouyang Jincheng nodded invisibly. They all knew what happened just now, but the old man suspected Yan Kuan, which they didn't expect.

Ouyang Jincheng quietly gestured behind his back, and the servant immediately backed out.

"It's nothing. Miss An Ning was very guilty just now, which made me a little embarrassed. As for Miss An Ning, I want to apologize to her in person."

Shen Xiaoxiao was happy, this Yan Kuan was indeed a second person, didn't he want to catch them, now it's time to find An Ning, and it will be a good show if he finds it.

However, Yan Kuan didn't seem to have the slightest brother-sister affection for An Ning. If he made such a move, An Ning's reputation might be ruined. The memory of invading the pig cage is still fresh, wouldn't it be too much?

"Don't worry, they are reluctant!"

He said don't worry, but said it quietly, did Yan Kuan really guess everything? She even guessed what was in her mind.

Shen Xiaoxiao lowered her head and said nothing, watching him holding her right hand, which seemed to be wrong.

It's a little red, and the tip of her nose still smells of blood. Her sense of smell and vision are much more sensitive than ordinary people's.

Shen Xiaoxiao became more and more frightened, he won't get hurt, right?



Her words were blocked by him again, and this is not the time to ask these questions, Shen Xiaoxiao held him back with more force, and after a long time of calm, she looked up and looked around.

"Why hasn't An Ning come out yet?"

"It's coming, it's coming..."

Huo Wanting's expression is not good anymore, this dead girl is used to finding things to do.

Just when Huo Wanting was about to go numb under the tremendous pressure of staring at Ouyang Tian, ​​the servant quickly walked in and whispered something in Huo Wanting's ear.

Huo Wanting was surprised: "What?"

"What happened? The old man?"

Ouyang Tian glanced over, and Huo Wanting's face became like a palette, which made people feel weird, and she opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

Just when Huo Wanting was thinking about how to deal with the countermeasures, a cry suddenly sounded from outside.

"Grandpa, father, you have to decide for me..."

Huo Wanting's heart stopped, how could this idiot be so stupid, how dare she come here to make trouble, if she doesn't cover up such a stupid thing by herself, why should she announce it to the public? When the family rules come down, don't say that Huo Wanting is cruel.

But when the family rules came down, the face of their big family was gone. Sure enough, this dead girl was born to be against her.

"What happened? Ning'er, why are you crying?"

The first to speak was Ouyang Jincheng, and Huo Wanting looked at him with some reproach. Her husband had loved this dead girl very much since she was a child, and now seeing her crying, it seemed that she was going to stand up for her again.

But this matter must not be messed with, Huo Wanting quietly turned sideways, and gestured to the youngest son behind her. Although the youngest son Ouyang Zheng is only 24 years old, he is the smartest. He saw her mother's gestures , immediately reacted, and immediately pulled the second child next to him, and the second child passed to the boss, well, now the boss understood, and immediately pulled his father Ouyang Jincheng.

Because their eldest son is the eldest son, they have always been targeted and plotted the most. Earlier, Huo Wanting and the father and son made a set of gestures. Only they can understand them. communicate.

Seeing this gesture, Ouyang Jincheng's face changed instantly. As soon as the words he spoke just fell, he immediately closed his mouth tightly, and did not speak for a long time.

This Aning is not as important as this big house's reputation, so when the two match up, there is no need to choose.

Huo Wanting glanced at Ouyang Jincheng's appearance, and smiled mockingly. The people in Ouyang's family are so cold, they usually hurt like eyeballs, and they made a choice without thinking about it at a critical moment.

Now she felt a little pity for this Ouyang Ning, she really was cast in the wrong baby, why did she run to Ouyang's house to be her daughter.

"What the hell is going on? Ning'er's place is a banquet hall."

Ouyang Jincheng can't speak when Ouyang Tian is here, and now that Huo Wanting has taken over the right to speak, Ouyang Jincheng only needs the old god to stay there.

"Grandpa, grandpa, you have to make the decision for me."

Now it's all right, the grandpa who was called directly, Huo Wanting has nothing to do, at least she doesn't need to come forward to deal with it, and she can pretend to be stupid for other things.

"What the hell is going on?"

Ouyang Tian's complexion is not good either, why is An Ning so impatient today?

An Ning ran up to Ouyang Tian and knelt down in front of Ouyang Tian, ​​weeping, pointing at Shen Xiaoxiao who was standing on one side as if she was wronged by Tian Da, crying loudly:

"Grandpa, Shen Xiaoxiao, that bitch, tried to destroy my innocence. She knocked me out and threw me into Fifth Brother's room. Fortunately, my servant came to find me. Otherwise, it would have ruined me." !"

"Wow... no way? So explosive?... Is this asking someone to invade the pig cage?... Can't you see that Miss Shen is quite clever!"

These things kept coming and going, Shen Xiaoxiao looked at An Ning's stupid look, is this really a pig's brain?

"Miss An Ning, this is not a movie, this scene is too much, and everyone is not a fool if you are so fake.

This is Ouyang's family, Ouyang's family, can you be harmed by an outsider like me in your own home? Are you addicted to drama? "

"You bitch, don't deny it, I have witnesses, grandpa, I have witnesses, fifth brother, fifth brother is the witness!"

Ouyang Tian's face darkened, the Ouyang family's descendants are really not as good as the previous generation, but now that things have come to this point, he can only shout: "Let Feng'er come over!"

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