After the simple ceremony, Ouyang's family held a dance specially for Ouyang Li, and the dance partner was naturally the daughter of Liu's family that no one could figure out.

How could she be so lucky to be chosen as Pei Li's fiancée?

Is it because someone recorded the beginning and the end?

Is it because Ouyang's family is not easy to step down?

If this is the case, I would have let my daughter do it if I knew it earlier.

Of course, envy is envy, slander is slander, whether the two of them should show affection or show affection, no one can stop it.

Including Liu Qianmin and Gu Yuehua, these Zeniths are also going out now under those strange eyes?

Moreover, she went out in such a beautiful way, and even appeared among the rich and powerful families to show off.

Look at that Shen Xiaoxiao, who climbed up to the president of Kone without accomplishing anything, I don't know if the two of them can succeed, can they fall in love with her who knows nothing?

Looking at her daughter, she has a serious marriage contract, and she is still in Ouyang's family. This Shen Xiaoxiao is a lowly life, and this is probably the only way she can live her life.

Shen Xiaoxiao watched Gu Yuehua stare at her fiercely after seeing her, full of loathing and hatred, it was the same in both lifetimes, why did Gu Yuehua hate her so much, she is also her own daughter, could it be because of her father? Different species, the species crawling out of the same belly are also different?

Frowning, if she could have kept a hand with Gu Yuehua just now, then now she is beginning to be grateful for the decision she made before the banquet started.

Liu Qianmin wants to use Liu Yufei to live a carefree and well-fed life again? dream! It is possible in the next life, but it is better to go to prison in this life, it is more suitable for him!

"What's wrong? Worried?"

Sometimes Yan Kuan is like the roundworm in Shen Xiaoxiao's stomach, he knows what Shen Xiaoxiao thinks most of the time.

Just like now, Shen Xiaoxiao just glanced at it, and Yan Kuan could clearly understand what Shen Xiaoxiao was thinking.

If it was changed before, Shen Xiaoxiao would definitely be afraid, but now, Shen Xiaoxiao will only be thankful that she is Yan Kuan's close friend and not an enemy, otherwise, based on her number, she would not know how she died.

But in response to Yan Kuan's question, Shen Xiaoxiao nodded and said: "After all, this is Ouyang's house. I'm afraid the general police would not dare to come in, even if they want to arrest people, they won't be able to catch them."

"Ordinary policemen may not dare, but those in the army are not sure. Don't worry, I have notified Anyi before leaving. If the policemen at the door are stopped, then let the nearest garrison come over directly. If this kind of social scum and cancer is not eliminated, it will be a crime for mankind, and we are benefiting mankind."

"The army? Do you even know the people in the army?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan with surprise on his face, Yan Kuan smiled, reached out and squeezed her palm and said:

"It's not that I know all the people in the army, but that we all have a common enemy. Do you think that just relying on Ouyang's family to act like this can not offend others?

Even if you don't offend me, this political player has no permanent interests at all. Today you may be my VIP, and tomorrow you may be a prisoner. This is normal.

Moreover, the ambitions of the Ouyang family are so obvious, and those high-level officials in Huaguo are not fools. I can know, and they also have the means to know.

Therefore, we have to do it, and people can get their own goals by pushing the boat along the way.

Remember Qian Weitang? The big gift, the above is very happy! "

Shen Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded when she heard that, often what she thought was a very simple and simple thing, in Yan Kuan's mouth, there would always be many, many unexpected side points, and these side points had many, many unexpected results, involving many Unbelievable thing.

This may be the difference between Yan Kuan and her. She thinks revenge is to destroy a person or a person's family or career, but Yan Kuan wants to destroy this person at the same time, but also destroys his hope. You have absolutely no chance of making a comeback, you must eradicate the roots!

"You always think more thoughtfully than me!"

These words were a bit sour, and Yan Kuan smiled lightly when he heard them, and those whispered words spilled out of his mouth softly.

"It's not being thoughtful, but I don't want to let you bother."


"Hahaha, it's not disgusting, it's just that you didn't have anyone to teach you that since you were young. It's already a very, very big miracle and achievement for you to be able to do what you're doing now. So, come on! Slow down, you will be even better! "

Shen Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, she wasn't participating in any competition, so come on, come on!

The two stood in the corner and muttered, but An Ning came over with a wine glass at this moment. Shen Xiaoxiao felt particularly bright about her generous and dignified appearance.

If we put aside the fact that they are in different camps, Shen Xiaoxiao really thinks that a woman like Anle is definitely the kind who is admired by all the stars and lives smoothly all her life, making people enviable.

"Mr. Yan, Ms. Shen, I have long admired you! I have neglected you two tonight. I respect you for this glass of wine. Please!"

Ouyang Le picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank it cleanly. With such a heroic appearance, Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but look up again.

"Hey, how did Miss Shen drink? There's champagne, waiter, champagne!"

An Ning looked at the yellow orange juice in Shen Xiaoxiao's hand, and calmly and autonomously stopped the waiter who happened to pass by them.

And very conveniently took the only wine glass on the tray from his hand, stretched out his hand and handed it to Shen Xiaoxiao.

This action has the same strength as Yan Kuan, and you cannot refuse it.

Ouyang Le, who is so heroic, might really buy her if she were Shen Xiaoxiao as usual, but tonight, she would not touch any alcohol, even Yan Kuan was holding grape juice.

"What's the matter? Miss Shen won't accept my apology?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Ouyang Le's pressing step by step, then at the glass of transparent and bubbling champagne, and was about to speak when Yan Kuan beside him interrupted:

"What kind of wine do women drink? We will take Miss Ouyang's wishes. Let's avoid this wine. We never drink alcohol."

Yan Kuan, the president of Kone Group, and the largest client of the law firm that Ouyang Le once served, a world-renowned golden bachelor, has always been a mysterious figure.

Originally, Ouyang Le didn't have much impression of people like Yan Kuan, and the daughter of the Ouyang family didn't have the final say on whom to marry. Therefore, despite studying abroad for many years, Ouyang Le never thought of going outside What kind of boyfriend do you have in private?

But when the family summoned her to come back this time, she got the news in advance that her goal, or the next goal of Ouyang's family, was this Yan Kuan, so she appeared here with extremely complicated hearts.

Yan Kuan has never published a photo of her in any media, and if Ouyang Le had not served as the legal counsel of K-one company, she would never have seen this legendary figure.

He was really different. He was the first man who dared to quarrel with Ouyang's family just now, from the time she was sensible.

And this kind of person is also a type that Ouyang Le admires very much. This is different from those men who used to flirt around her and scramble to flatter her. Yan Kuan's domineering and aura, not only the idiot An Ning, but also her heart No end, at least she began to feel extremely satisfied with such a marriage partner!

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