Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 240 Use my life in exchange for your life!

Yan Kuan sometimes feels that what troubles him the most about Shen Xiaoxiao is her stubbornness. Sometimes Shen Xiaoxiao is a little stubborn. If she believes in something, she will rarely change it, unless she is really unreasonable or is She would change her story only after being suppressed forcefully.

Now, Shen Xiaoxiao was holding on to Yan Kuan's injured arm and insisted on driving by herself. Of course, Yan Kuan looked at her arm and didn't want to settle the matter with her, but he said nonchalantly:

"I did this for you, but you still don't listen to me. Besides, what you saw yourself is that the wound is very small. How can you be willing to do such a heavy hand if you do it yourself?"

Can't bear to part with it? Yan Kuan had never thought that Shen Xiaoxiao was a woman who was soft-hearted towards him, but seeing Shen Xiaoxiao insisting so much, he stopped saying anything and just stayed in the passenger seat. Just drive if you want. This girl has been there since last time. I kept thinking about it after driving the car, thinking he didn't know.

Sure enough, Yan Kuan could only smile helplessly at the feeling of pushing his back. Could this girl just step on the accelerator when driving? She was so fast. Fortunately, this place belongs to the suburbs. This area is the territory of the Ouyang family, otherwise It really scares other people to death.

They had just stayed in the car for a while, and they happened to be the last ones to come out. There were no other cars on the road. Of course, seeing the increasingly quiet lane here, Yan Kuan frowned slightly.

It was so quiet, so quiet that it was a bit eerie.

"Be careful, something is wrong."

As soon as Yan Kuan spoke, he took out a gun from under his seat and held it in his hand. Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan's actions and listened to his words, and suddenly became nervous.

Are we going to encounter a gunfight like last time again? Is this the end of the Ouyang family? Gunfights are fun, right?

Shen Xiaoxiao paid almost all of his attention, and even looked through the rearview mirror to see if there was a car coming from behind. However, just when Shen Xiaoxiao looked back through the rearview mirror, a faint red light appeared on the back of the back seat of the car. The back is printed on the leather pad.

If Shen Xiaoxiao had not had excellent eyesight and was extremely adaptable to darkness, this light would never have been detected. Shen Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly thought, is this a bomb?

"There's a bomb in the back."

After Shen Xiao finished reading the novel, she was about to apply the brakes to park the car on one side, but she realized that it was useless, not at all. The brakes failed?

Yan Kuan had already turned his head and looked over. When he opened the backrest that was blocking the backrest, he saw a blurred timed electronic bomb embedded in the back. It was even blocked by an iron piece around it, making you want to remove it. Will not work.

"It's already started. There are less than 5 minutes left. What's wrong? Did something happen to the car?"

"The brakes failed."

Just when Shen Xiaoxiao had just finished saying this, Yan Kuan suddenly pointed his gun at the back of the window and hit him. It turned out that four cars were driving over, and a gunfight was imminent.

Shen Xiaoxiao carefully controlled the steering wheel and checked the positions of the cars through the rearview mirror from time to time. She wanted to pull the handbrake and force the car to stop, but if the fluctuations were too great, the bomb would also explode.

On the way they came, she remembered that they were about to reach a slope, a very steep break, and then there was a spacious road with lawns on both sides and a lake at the other end of the lawn.

Shen Xiaoxiao quickly thought about it in her mind. She was driving too fast. She couldn't even brake now. If she jumped out of the car at such a fast speed, she would definitely be injured.

But if he uses this speed to jump out of the car when going uphill, it might be OK. Shen Xiaoxiao quickly checked around to see which place was the best place for Yan Kuan to jump out of the car. There was a car chasing behind him, so Yan Kuan couldn't be allowed to jump out. They were caught behind the car.

The gunfire around him kept ringing. Yan Kuan was dealing with the people following behind him, and was also thinking of an escape route for Shen Xiaoxiao. Now it seemed that these people were definitely going to bite him, as long as he took them. If they are lured away, Xiaoxiao may not be able to escape and ascend to heaven. Calculating the time, Anichi should be here. It is not a problem for him to deal with these people, but how to send Xiaoxiao away?

"You can jump out of the car later!"

"You can jump out of the car later!"

The two of them spoke the same sentence at the same time, and sure enough, when they were in the most danger, they could only think of each other.

Shen Xiaoxiao's heart was filled with joy. She knew that this man had her in his heart. He really had her. Although he never said it, just like she said before, she fell in love with him. She fell in love with him.

"Xiaoxiao, be obedient"

"Yan Kuan, be obedient."

Shen Xiaoxiao would never tell Yan Kuan that she couldn't jump. If she jumped, how could Yan Kuan avoid being surrounded by four cars while driving and shooting?

"Be obedient. Your man and I are not that weak. I can handle these minions more than enough."

Yan Kuan would definitely not give Shen Xiao a novel. Tonight's killers were a few steps higher than the last batch. It seemed that Ouyang Tian had sent out the most elite troops of the Ouyang family. He was afraid of him.

"Once the Obsidian Star chooses its master, it will not be taken off. Girl, you are the mistress of my dark empire. Remember, you are my strict woman. I love you."

In the dark carriage, Shen Xiaoxiao actually saw the unspeakable friendship in his eyes, and he said "I love you"

This is the first time Yan Kuan said I love you. Just now she was saying that this man couldn't say this, but now, she said such words.

There was lingering affection in his eyes. If it weren't for the wrong timing, she would have immediately pushed this man down and kissed him hard.

Yan Kuan had turned his head, focusing on the people behind him, and kept telling Shen Xiaoxiao: "Be good, don't distract me, jump out of the car later, you know? I solved the problem recently." Let’s switch places after getting into this car, you hear me?”

Shen Xiaoxiao's hands were squeezed tightly, did you hear that? I heard that the ramp has come, and the dark grove is getting closer and closer. This is a corner, and the surroundings are extremely dark. As long as you move quickly, even if Yan Kuan jumps out of the car, these people may not notice it. , the key is to seize the moment and take action right around the corner.

"heard it."

Answer his words and then concentrate on driving. Yan Kuan can also relax and concentrate on the car behind him.

Sorry, don't blame me!

Ten meters, five meters, one meter, there was a soft "click" sound as the car lock opened. Yan Kuan's heart tightened, and he only had time to yell out: "Shen Xiaoxiao, you fucking bastard..."

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't hear the last word "egg". Yan Kuan had already been kicked out of the car door that opened automatically, leaving no reaction for Yan Kuan.

He actually wanted to call her a bastard. She had called him every time, and now it was his turn to call himself.

Shen Xiaoxiao touched the tears at the corner of her eyes. Damn it, she would still shed tears for a man in this life. It was enough. She was so stupid.

The slope has gone down, and the only thing she can do to save herself at this moment is to rush towards the lake...

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