Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 243 Secret Exploration into the Ouyang Family

"Yufei, let the Ouyang family think of a solution. If your father is really sentenced, it will be all over. I asked the lawyer, it is very likely to be the death penalty. What on earth are we going to do?"

Gu Yuehua couldn't help crying. Although she blamed Liu Qianmin for letting her down and stealing food behind her back, she couldn't bear it if something happened to Liu Qianmin.

What does their family need so much money for? It's not just to support Pei Li. Don't think she is really pretending to be stupid. She knows this very well.

So now that something happened to their family Liu Qianmin, Pei Li can't ignore it, and neither can the Ouyang family.

Liu Yufei was very worried at the moment, with her father on one side and her own glory and wealth on the other. She wanted both and didn't want to give up either.

But now, it is obvious that her father is definitely going to give up, but she is unwilling to give up. After all, it is still for her. If it were not for her, why would Liu Qianmin do these things and do it himself?

But now, her mother's words seemed to have some intention of blaming her, but she couldn't tell. Seeing Gu Yuehua looking so haggard, she really couldn't bear it, so she could only comfort her:

"Mom, I will find a way to save dad's life no matter what. As long as he saves his life, there will be a way to get dad out. Whether it is medical parole or anything else, it will be possible.

But now this matter has been widely reported, and almost everyone in China knows about it. It is difficult to save dad's life first.

Now we have to find a scapegoat, so that Dad can have the opportunity to change the death penalty to life or fixed term. "

"Looking for a scapegoat? Who are you looking for? No one is willing to take his life."

"Mom, as long as you have money, you can definitely find someone who is terminally ill and give him a sum of money to appease the family. This is better than dying of the disease and dragging down the family."

Liu Yufei's words were like a shot of chicken blood, which made Gu Yuehua excited. Yes, yes, give money. Things that can be solved with money are definitely not trivial. But where can I find this person?

"Where can I find this person?"

"Mom, don't worry. A Li will help me find the candidate. We have already started looking for him. He will be found in three days at most. Just wait patiently. Anyway, even if you go through the judicial process, it is not that fast."

After listening to Liu Yufei's arrangement, Gu Yuehua finally felt confident. However, Liu Yufei knew that although Pei Li's method was feasible, he was afraid that someone would suddenly interfere again. After all, Li San'er ran away in the middle.

Fortunately, when Liu Qianmin was about to take over those things, she got rid of the people left behind by the previous scar, otherwise she might really be bitten by someone.

But one thing she can rest assured about is that her father Liu Qianmin loves her so much that he will definitely bear all the charges. Yes, he will definitely do so.

"Dad, I think we need to train someone again. The chess piece Liu Yufei is basically broken. The Yue family is useless and will only hold me back."

Pei Li sat in the study and told Ouyang Jinming his plan.

Ouyang Jinming looked at Pei Li with a teacup in his hand and asked, "Are you willing to do it?"

"Are you willing to give up? Huh, how can a woman be reluctant to give up when she achieves great things? Besides, as long as I sit on the position of the head of the family, am I afraid that there will be no room for Liu Yufei?"

"Okay, courageous, that's how a man should be. Don't worry, the candidate has already been arranged. I've already found him after I told you last time. I'll take him to grandma as soon as the limelight passes. As I said, Liu Yufei’s mother clan is too weak to stand on the stage and cannot be helped. If I don’t make preparations, this won’t work.”

"Well, this is best. If this happens, dad will have to work hard!"

"It's not hard work, as long as I can see you take on the position of the head of the family, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it."

The two of them talked happily, but neither of them saw the figure slowly walking away from the crack in the door.

"Sister-in-law, this is the fifth batch of people who have disappeared. Are the Ouyang family really so powerful?"

Yun Qi was a little frustrated. They sent five groups of people in succession to explore the legendary Ouyang family's forbidden land, but none of them returned. When did the secret guards of their dark empire become so miserable?

Shen Xiaoxiao also frowned. Whether it was the Dark Empire or the Ouyang family, she had seen the skills of their secret guards. Each one was more powerful than the last, but the Ouyang family could really annihilate all nearly 50 secret guards. She didn't believe it.

“Perhaps all of our people have been caught, and the only way to prevent any of them from escaping is to either die or capture them all.

But it's not easy to catch all our secret guards. I can only say that the Ouyang family must have some hidden methods. Don't you believe in the secret guards you trained yourself? "

"Sister-in-law is right. I also think the Ouyang family used some medicine to knock them out, so none of them could escape. Otherwise, according to the wolf cubs in our training department, they would have to hold them back even if they died. How can a person's personality not be revealed? I don't believe it. I have carried out so many missions in the past and it will never be like this one.

No matter how dangerous it was before, there was always a mission coming out. Now look, not only did they not send out any news, but all the locators on everyone were also extinguished, which means there is only one possibility.

These people must have been knocked unconscious or something by some means, and they removed all the devices. They seem to have a deep understanding of our dark empire. "

Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't agree more with Feng Lie's remarks. It was indeed very likely that this was the case. If this was the case, they could no longer rashly break into Ouyang's house.

"In this way, I will go there in person tomorrow night. I know more about drugs than you guys. I will put on my special suit again. I won't be able to return without success this time."

As soon as Feng Hao finished speaking, Lei Lie immediately responded: "I'll go with you, there's someone to take care of you, and it's really not appropriate for you to be alone. Even if we find the boss, it will be difficult for you to escape alone without any cover." come out."

"Yes, let Lei Lie go with you. We will provide support outside. The limit is 20 minutes. No matter whether we can find someone or not, we must evacuate."

"Okay, let's do it this way, I agree!"

Shen Xiaoxiao also felt that this decision was a good one. After everyone had no objections, Feng Hao and Lei Lie went down to prepare, and the study became deserted again.

19 As soon as everyone left, he brought the prepared medicinal meal from the kitchen to Shen Xiaoxiao. After watching her drink it, she felt a little relieved. But she had to find the boss. This young lady would even collapse, otherwise it would be over by then. Even if he found the boss, he couldn't spare him.

"19, don't worry, I'm fine. I haven't waited for Yan Kuan yet. Your little master is very obedient!"

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