After Yan Kuan was rescued, Shen Xiaoxiao stayed in the room for a whole day without coming out. He was too tired and his nerves were highly tense every day, fearing that something would happen to Yan Kuan.

Fortunately, the person has been rescued now. Although his body is covered with injuries and his face is disfigured, he is still safe!

19 I asked the servants to come in and check several times, and found that the young lady was still sleeping soundly, so no one disturbed her. After all, the young lady was really tired these days, and she still had a little master in her belly!

Early summer is coming, and at night, Shen Xiaoxiao wakes up from a nightmare with the unique coolness of spring. She looks out the window with some horror. The white curtains are blown by the wind and flutter. , adding a touch of mist to the night outside...

In the dream, Yan Kuan was locked in a dark room, only 8 square meters in size, with only one bed. He lay there motionless, which was so similar to the ten years of confinement she had experienced.

She kept calling him and pulling him in disobedience, but he just lay there motionless, his limbs limp. If it weren't for the warmth between her palms, she would have thought that what was lying there was a corpse!

This dream was truly terrifying, even when she woke up she could still feel the residual warmth in her palms!

He touched the sweat on his forehead, stood up and put on a coat casually, opened the door and walked to the room on the side.

He was still lying there, his body covered with gauze, motionless, similar to the dream but not the same.

There seems to be some difference, but I can't tell what the difference is!

I walked over slowly, and my anxiety miraculously calmed down when I saw him!

But the feeling of panic is still there, even getting stronger!

The white quilt covered his whole body. She stretched out her trembling fingers and slowly lifted up one corner of the quilt. It was already bandaged. All the wounds she saw yesterday were bandaged. She remembered that there was something on his lower abdomen. There was a black mole. Once upon a time, she always liked to draw on it with her fingers, which made him inexplicably excited!

But now, there is a scar that covers the mole, so there won’t be anything there anymore!

"Miss, why don't you rest so late? Boss is fine, the doctor is here 24 hours a day, don't worry!"

19 As usual, he checked around the young lady’s room, but he saw the door open. He immediately guessed that the young lady might have come to see the boss. When he opened the door, he saw that it was indeed the case!

The young lady devoted her whole heart to the boss. Fortunately, the boss was rescued. They were so in love and now have a little master. They will definitely be the happiest couple in the world, right?

"I'm just going to come over and see, when will he wake up?"

Shen Xiaoxiao carefully tucked his back and asked 19 in a low voice.

"Two days at most. The doctor said that the boss has a lot of drugs in his body, so he should wake up slower. Miss, you should go back and rest. There is still a little master in your belly. It's so late, and the little master should also News.”

Yes, there is still a child in her belly. Shen Xiaoxiao touched her belly. I wonder if Yan Kuan will be happy when he wakes up and knows that he is going to be a father? Will you feel happy?

Liu Yufei touched her weak legs and slowly walked towards the elevator entrance while holding on to the wall. Director Liu was so good at playing tricks. She couldn't resist the many tricks he did.

She originally thought that just giving her some money would be enough, but this old man actually fell in love with her. If it wasn't to save her father, and Director Liu was the director in charge of Liu Qianmin's case, would she be willing to accompany this dead old man?

She has little energy but many tricks. She was tortured to death, but she also learned to be smart this time and secretly recorded the video. If Director Liu wants to turn his back and refuse to admit his guilt, then these things will definitely appear in the Discipline Inspection Commission. inside.

It's all Pei Li's fault for refusing to help her. If it weren't for him, would their family be in this situation? Now that you see the Liu family down and something happened, do you want to kick her away? Then it depends on whether she is willing to do it. Want to find a spare tire? snort! dream!

Ouyang Jinming walked around the office anxiously. He had been informed for a long time, but why couldn't Pei Li come over?

"Dad, what do you want from me? I have just taken over the affairs of Tangge, and I am not familiar with many things, so it is inevitable that there will be more things."

While explaining, Pei Li loosened his tie at the collar. He didn't know why he was so anxious to come back. There was a meeting to be held later.

Ouyang Jinming didn't see how reluctant Pei Li was. He just said anxiously after seeing Pei Li:

"Something happened to that old nanny. She died in the mountains when I went to find her this morning."

"What? Grandma is dead? How did she die?"

Pei Li was shocked and confused. This was terrible. They had just decided to change the candidate for the mistress, a woman. Why did this old lady die?

"I don't know. People in the village said she died after falling down a valley. She was over 80 years old. Although she usually looks very healthy, how old is she? Hey, it's just a pity that our plan can't After it was implemented, apart from the old nanny enshrined by the Ouyang family, only this old nanny who escaped from the Ouyang family 20 years ago knew those things."

"Then what are we going to do now? Dad, can I only be with that bitch Liu Yufei? I can feel the green fluttering above my head now."

Pei Li looked very reluctant, but if that old nanny died, he really would have no second choice.

"Then there is nothing you can do, unless the old man is willing to personally cultivate a daughter-in-law for you, but the possibility is too low, the boss and the others will not agree. But if you really hate this woman, Li'er, there is a second way. .”

"Dad, do you mean to let me take the position of the head of the Ouyang family?"

"Yes, that's what it means!"

Pei Li frowned, he didn't know it, but even if he was to take the position of the head of the Ouyang family, Liu Yufei could not offend him for the time being, because this was a marriage arranged by the old man himself.

"Liu Yufei is very busy with the affairs of the Liu family right now. All she wants is that her father can live. At worst, I will step in and have him imprisoned for the rest of his life. Anyway, sometimes being imprisoned for a lifetime is more uncomfortable than being dead."

"Well, it's true. Li'er needs to remember that sometimes people should learn to be conceited. It's just a woman. When you succeed, what kind of woman will you not get? When you become the head of the Ouyang family, are you afraid that you won't be able to accommodate a Liu Yufei? "

"Well, I understand."

Pei Li reluctantly picked up the phone in his hand and dialed Liu Yufei. This day was really frustrating.

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