Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 247 Yan Kuan’s weirdness

Shen Xiaoxiao's hand holding the doorknob was a little tight. After taking a deep breath, she slowly pushed the door open. However, Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked when she saw the woman in the room. It was Ouyang Le. Why was she here?

This is the second base of the Dark Empire in China (not the one where Ouyang Jinling stayed). How could Yan Kuan agree to have a woman from the Ouyang family come here.

Not only that, when Ouyang Le saw Shen Xiaoxiao coming in, not only did he not get up, he even continued to peel the apple in his hand as if nothing had happened. Was she peeling the apple? ? Cut for whom? There was no one else in the room except Yan Kuan. It was impossible for Ouyang Le to cut it himself, right?

Moreover, there is a hint of smile in Yan Kuan's eyes. Isn't this style of painting wrong? Could it be that Yan Kuan had any other plans? But I just came back from the Ouyang family's danger. No matter how much I have a plan, I shouldn't act now when my injuries are not healed, right?

"Miss Shen is here? Yan your apple, since Miss Shen is here, I will take my leave and come back to see you in a few days!"

Ouyang Le handed the apple in his hand to Yan Kuan and stood up to leave. Shen Xiaoxiao smiled at Ouyang Le. How could she not do these face-saving tricks?

And now, no matter how curious I am, my confidence cannot be lost. Even if I am curious, I have to wait until this woman leaves to slowly ask Yan Kuan.

Because this serious injury caused great damage to Yan Kuan. Although it was a skin injury, in addition to the scar on his forehead that ruined his appearance, his throat was also seriously injured. It hurt his throat, and his voice had a unique hoarseness. , completely different from the depressions of the past.

I don't know if it was because of this reason that Yan Kuan spoke less and less. After he woke up, he just gave a few instructions to let the four hall masters go to their own places and do their own things. He didn't speak much anymore, just talking to Shen Xiaoxiao rarely had anything to say, and was always tired and wanted to rest. Every time he saw this, the panic and weird feeling in his heart would become stronger and stronger.

Shen Xiaoxiao wanted to take care of him, but he refused. He only said that he wanted to have a good rest. In addition, she had jumped into a river before, so for her sake, Shen Xiaoxiao was not allowed to come over every day.

That's why Shen Xiaoxiao was so curious now when she heard the voices of other women in the ward.

What's even more curious is, how could it be Ouyang Le? Yan Kuan's injuries were all due to the Ouyang family. What on earth is he trying to do?

After Ouyang Le left, he closed the door of the room. This Ouyang Le was really not a simple person. How could he be so calm? And what's going on with Yan Kuan?

"What's going on? Why is she here?"

Yan Kuan glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao, lowered his head and placed the peeled apple in his hand on the table beside him. He didn't seem to be ready to speak at all, and the disgust in his eyes couldn't be deceived, but he clearly didn't like it. , why should you accept it?

Didn't Yan Kuan never wrong himself? What's more, it's still a frivolous affair with a woman? This is not his style.

"She? Ouyang Le? She is different from the people in the Ouyang family. In the Ouyang family, she saved me."

"Saved you? When?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked, this was actually like this?

"When I was detained by the Ouyang family, if she hadn't accidentally encountered me, my life would have been lost."

"Is that so?"

"Well, okay, it's all over, so it's okay to show Ouyang Le a little more color."

Yan Kuan obviously avoided the topic and didn't want to talk about it anymore. Shen Xiaoxiao originally wanted to talk to him more, about his affairs at Ouyang's house, or about his previous intrusion into Ouyang's house, but Yan Kuan's voice suddenly changed. Every time she heard this voice, she felt like listening to a stranger talking.

So now Yan Kuan doesn't want to mention it anymore, and she has no desire to ask anymore, which is very different from her usual self.

Shen Xiaoxiao carefully poured out the soup in her hand and put it in front of Yan Kuan. She was not ready to tell Yan Kuan about her pregnancy yet and was still hesitating, especially after seeing the conversation between Ouyang Le and Yan Kuan just now. , she was even more reluctant to tell the news, and she didn't know why it was like this. Anyway, she just didn't feel comfortable seeing such strictness.

Yan Kuan took the bowl handed over by Shen Xiaoxiao with one hand. This time, he didn't feel disgusted with it just now. Shen Xiaoxiao was ready to praise him a few words, but suddenly saw his empty fingers and immediately held back the words he was about to say.

Where's the ring? What about Obsidian Star?

Doesn’t it mean that once the Obsidian Star recognizes its owner, it cannot be taken away? But why did Yan Kuan take off the ring at this moment and put it so casually on the table next to him with the apple.

What does it mean?

Her rings can never be taken off, is the men's ring in Yan Kuan's hand an exception?

"Why did you take off the ring? Didn't you mean..."

"Oh, I felt uncomfortable wearing it and I was injured, so I took it off. What's wrong?"

He asked her what happened?

Shen Xiaoxiao shook his head, bit the corner of his lip and said, "It's nothing. If you feel uncomfortable, just take it off. It's okay, just drink the soup!"

After Yan Kuan Gulu encouraged him to drink the soup, he lay down to rest as if he was very tired and did not communicate with Shen Xiaoxiao at all.

Shen Xiaoxiao kept beating the drums in his heart, but looking at the injuries all over his body, he didn't say anything and turned around and walked out to let him have a good rest.

"Miss, does the boss know? Are you very excited and happy?"

19 As soon as he saw the young lady coming out of the base, he couldn't wait to ask her. Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned, and it took him a long time to realize that he was asking about that matter.

Shen Xiaoxiao touched his belly, then pulled up his seat belt and said, "No, I haven't had time to tell him yet. He looks very tired. Let him rest more."

"Oh? So that's it. By the way, miss, I just saw why Ouyang Le walked out of here? Is she here to see the boss?"

"Well, your boss said it was because he saved him, so forget it. 19, no one knows about my pregnancy, right?"

19 smiled at Shen Xiaoxiao and said, "Of course, Miss, you said you wanted to surprise the boss. Of course I won't tell anyone else. Don't worry, 19 is very strict."

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded, Yan is good, Yan is good, she felt more and more unsure. Although he shouted the words "I love you" at that time, but until now, when he woke up, those feelings of love , the love that should have been there, the love that could shine like light in the dark night, was gone. Was it because he deliberately said that to appease her and let her run away, or was Yan Kuan's love just saying that? Just say it, can't you take it seriously?

"19, do you think your boss loves me?"

19 I was driving the car when I suddenly heard this. I was startled for a moment, and then my face turned red. Why did the young lady ask such a stupid thing? Who in the entire Dark Empire didn’t know that the boss was afraid of the young lady because he kept it in his mouth? I hold it in my hand for fear of falling. Do I still need to ask?

"Of course, we all say that the boss is like an iron gourd and is very kind to you. Of course he must love you."

"Really? Love? Maybe, it's love!"

Shen Xiaoxiao's words became less and less confident, and his eyes looked into the distance, "Do you love me?" It was love that night, but now, she is not sure...

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