Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 257: Openly repairing the plank road and secretly visiting Chencang

Shen Xiaoxiao has been to the KONE office building many times before. Du Ze's Dongyou Kingdom is also here, but it has changed from an office building to an entire floor.

The development of Dongyou Country is rapid and unexpected. Of course, apart from Shen Xiaoxiao, An Yi, 19 and Yan Kuan, everyone knows who the boss behind Dongyou Country is.

Yan Kuan has also said before that Dongyou Country is Shen Xiaoxiao's private property and he will never interfere or let others know unless Shen Xiaoxiao is willing to expose himself.

However, it was such a coincidence that when Shen Xiaoxiao was waiting for the elevator downstairs, he unexpectedly saw Du Ze standing there.

However, he was obviously shocked when he saw Shen Xiaoxiao, but he adjusted himself instantly and said hello directly: "Miss Shen, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Mr. Du, long time no see."

"Miss Shen is here to see Mr. Yan?"

Du Ze looked at the cake box held behind 19 and asked directly. It was really a small elevator room. It seemed a little embarrassing not to say anything?

"Yeah, what a coincidence. I bought a cake. Do you want Mr. Du to try it? Anyway, I bought a lot."

19 stunned? Okay, it turns out that the lady is waiting here. He said that he bought a box of cakes and it was enough. Why did he buy another box halfway? Is this for Du Ze?

Is the boss going to have a love rival?

No, he almost forgot that Dongyou Country is the lady’s own property. Is this to reward the employees?

The lady took the box of cakes all the way. He thought it was for Yan Kuan, but now it was better to give it to Du Ze than to the fake one.

"Not to mention I'm really hungry. Thank you so much, Miss Shen. I'll treat Miss Shen to dinner another day."

"Well, it's really an honor for me. I'm lucky enough to have dinner with Mr. Du from Dongyou Kingdom.

Of course, if Mr. Du has any cooperation projects, don't forget about our Shen Enterprises. "

"It's natural. It's rare to see such a majestic woman like Miss Shen. The elevator is here. I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Du Ze walked out of the elevator with the cake. Before leaving, he looked at 19 and nodded as a greeting.

19 I really want to pout, these two people are really pretending, no, it’s Du Ze who is really pretending, there are only 3 people in the elevator besides him and the lady, these two people really pretend that they don’t know each other at all , is this too dramatic?

Fortunately, we bumped into each other accidentally, otherwise these two people would probably have continued to act.

Eh, that's not right. The lady personally took the cake and gave it back to Du Ze. Of course, she did take it in person on the way. When she gestured to him just now, she was pointing to the box on the right. Could it be that the lady did this on purpose?

Did they actually meet on purpose? What news is the lady trying to spread on purpose?


"19, when the elevator arrives, let me just say you are very smart."

Shen Xiaoxiao blinked at 19, and 19 instantly cracked. Miss's friend has the potential to be an agent, does he have it?

Can you imagine this? Is the purpose of the lady coming here to spread the news or to find a computer?

This question is so profound!

The secretary knew Shen Xiaoxiao, but her expression this time was definitely not as natural as before.

They all thought that the boss had recently been replaced by a new person, and that Miss Shen had already finished class. Unexpectedly, Miss Ouyang had only entered the room for a while, and Miss Shen had arrived.

Are you here to catch an adulterer? Oh, no, this is two women fighting for one man?

"Miss Shen? I'm sorry, Mr. Yan has ordered no one to disturb you. Do you want to sit down first?"

Shen Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and looked at the secretary, smiled and said to her: "No need, just go about your business. If anything happens, I will take care of it."

Knock on the door? She doesn't know how. She really doesn't have the habit of knocking on doors, let alone a fake.

Shen Xiaoxiao was followed by 19. The secretary didn't dare to offend him and couldn't afford to offend him. He could only watch Shen Xiaoxiao open the door and enter.


"Hey, are you busy? Sorry, I forgot to knock on the door again. How about you continue? I'll just sit and wait."

"Shen Xiaoxiao!"

Shen Xiaoxiao listened to Yan Kuan's furious voice and watched him hurriedly pull down his pants. Oh my, will this fake be ruined by this sudden move? If that's the case, that's really, really great.

And the women in the Ouyang family are really more open-minded than the other, and they have sex in the office. Isn't this Ouyang Le always aloof?

Look, this white shirt and bright red bra are so exciting? She was so seductive, it seemed like she came at the wrong time.

"Miss Shen, have you never known that you should knock when entering or exiting? And you, what are you looking at?"

Ouyang Le's face turned pale with anger, and he was sorting out his underwear and shirts in a panic. He was 19 seconds old, but he was still staring at her at this time. Is this because he has never seen a woman before, so he doesn't like women?

"Hey, I'm sorry, I really don't have the habit of knocking on the door. How about I do it once? 19, don't look at it, you are not afraid of getting needle holes? You don't have a great figure, are you okay?"

"Shen Xiaoxiao, you..."

"Miss, I didn't look there. I'm just curious."

"Curious? Curious about what?"

"Miss Ouyang's legs are so short, how could she complete that difficult move?"

Shen Xiaoxiao thought about it so much that he wanted to laugh. What he said was really hard to understand.

"19, let's go back to the base."

"Yan Kuan, 19 is one of my men. Don't overdo it. Besides, he told the truth, and he didn't blame you or others. Why did he protect his shortcomings so quickly?

I haven’t asked you yet, but you guys got involved so quickly, so it seems like there’s nothing wrong with me, right?

Yan Kuan, have you forgotten what we said before? If you have another woman, we'll be done with it. "

Jie Yankuan was shocked, damn it, why did Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly come here? Hasn't he been rejecting him all this time? Now that he sees such a scene, what should he do with what he wants?

Ouyang Le looked at Shen Xiaoxiao angrily, but Shen Xiaoxiao's words made her feel a little hope. It turned out that there was this agreement between them. If they had told her earlier, she would have fallen in love with her earlier. , of course, it's not too late.

She originally thought that Yan Kuan doted on Shen Xiaoxiaochong, but didn't he make a mistake that all men in the world would make?

Now that the commotion had started, Yan Kuan took this opportunity to kick the woman away, saving her from taking action.

However, Ouyang Le originally thought that Yan Kuan would speak out what was on his mind while the iron was hot. Unexpectedly, Yan Kuan, who was still furious, actually said in a low voice to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"Xiaoxiao, don't be willful. It's inevitable for men to make mistakes..."

What? Was she just a mistake made by Yan Kuan? How can this be?

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