Shen Xiaoxiao and 19 walked towards the woods one after another, with Yun Qi following closely behind. The dark night created the greatest convenience for them!

As Shen Xiaoxiao and 19 walked, they looked at Yun Qi who was following them and said slowly:

"I said, you're the best, has your head really grown white? Have you really not noticed anything wrong? Now that you are pointing a gun at my head, are you sure you won't regret it?"

"Yes, Yun Qi, why are you so stupid? You are more innocent than me. Can't you see anything wrong with the way the boss looks?"

"What do you mean? What's wrong? Are you stalling for time?"

"What are you delaying? Are you suffering from persecution paranoia? Aren't you very smart? That fake..."


19 had just said half a word when he heard a gunshot coming from the direction of Yunqi. 19 and Shen Xiaoxiao tensed up. Oh no, someone was following them. Looking at Yunqi again, he was actually shot directly. in the chest, and fell to the ground unable to move!

"Yunqi, Yunqi, what's wrong with you?"

It was useless. Yun Qi didn't react at all. He only saw blood slowly flowing out from his chest. Who did it? Or did he shoot when they told 19 what they really wanted?

In such a dark forest, apart from Shen Xiaoxiao's amazing eyesight, there is really nothing we can do to prevent people from shooting him coldly. Stop the bleeding quickly, drag him up and leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to escape! "

19 reacted very quickly at this point. He held the wound with more than one hand and directly sprinkled the poison he made on the wound. This medicine was very powerful, but it also had the effect of stopping bleeding!

So now 19 is lucky that he has the medicine with him!

"It's too late. Let's get the people into the car first. Someone is catching up!" 19 As soon as he heard Shen Xiaoxiao's words, he grabbed Yunqi against his body and ran towards the car behind him!

Shen Xiaoxiao's eyesight was amazing, and he immediately took a gun and fired in the ten o'clock direction, bang bang bang, and then at least 20 people followed. Shen Xiaoxiao looked at it with a look in his eyes, Damn, I'm really afraid of everything!

"Change a gun at 19, my aunt broke the law today!"

19 He directly took out a small submachine gun from the passenger seat and handed it to Shen Xiaoxiao. Yunqi was still in the back seat of the car, and asked Shen Xiaoxiao to hold down his wound with one hand and hold the submachine gun in the other hand. The head popped out of the window, pointed at the person dozens of meters away, and shot at them!

Her eyes were already good, and this hit was accurate. 19 Seeing that the person was temporarily repelled, she immediately started the car and shot out!

"19Turn off the lights!"

19 was stunned, turn off the light? This is a small forest in the suburbs. He doesn't have as good eyesight as the young lady. How can he drive like this?

"I've taken care of most of the people in the back. You can take care of the rest and I'll drive!"

19 is not ambiguous, and he also feels that it may be safer to sit in the front!

The two quickly changed seats, and Shen Xiaoxiao drove the car in a push-back manner, making 19 almost fall out of the car. No wonder the boss never let the young lady drive. This technique makes her feel like a female killer!

However, the young lady's eyesight is really great. It's so late at night, and there's really no obstacle at all!

At this speed, they can run out of here in a few minutes, and it will be difficult for these people to catch up with them!

Three people in one car seemed to have temporarily got rid of the people, at least at the moment there were no vehicles or people following behind!

The bullet directly hit Yun Qi's chest above his heart and penetrated below his shoulder blade. This shooting method was quite strange. Could it be that the light was too dark and the shot missed?

No, what these secret guards must pass is their marksmanship, especially those who carry out assassinations or sniping. If their marksmanship is weak, they will not be attacked. Yun Qi's wounds look really scary, but they are just excessive bleeding. !

What exactly is going on? Who was so soft-hearted that he let Yunqi go?

19 My heart was full of doubts, but I suppressed them, calmed myself down, and bandaged the wound carefully!

"19 show the way. Is that Hejiang Pavilion safe?"

"Miss, don't worry, it's no problem. It's very close to the Dongjiang River. Let's go down the river. As long as we're close to the Nan River, they won't dare to catch up. That's a common place for military exercises, and the secret guards won't expose themselves. Go to that place!”

"That's good, how about Yun Qi? Has the bleeding stopped? With so much bleeding, it's only a matter of time before this happens!"

19 didn’t want to talk anymore, the lady kept saying Yun Jueding, it would probably be difficult for Yun Qi not to be Jueding in the future!

The speed of the car showed no intention of slowing down. Shen Xiaoxiao checked it and found that the brakes were fine this time. However, she also had a big question in her mind. Will the fake go to meet his mastermind tomorrow night?

"19 We can't leave right away! At least not until tomorrow. The fake will definitely go see the person behind it. I want to go and check it myself. Yan Kuan's whereabouts are still unknown, and I won't ignore it!"

19 I have known about the young lady’s plan for a long time, but now, they are a team of old, weak, sick and disabled people. If they don’t leave immediately, once they are caught, it will be difficult for them to save themselves, not to mention the boss. This is really difficult to handle. Okay, what should I do?

"Miss, we'd better leave today. At least I want to see you get on the ship, and I'll do the exploring!"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at her with contempt and said venomously: "Are you saying that you are better than your lady and me, or are you smarter than your lady? You still want to take credit, but there is no reward for this!"

19 Naturally, I heard Shen Xiaoxiao's sarcastic words, but did the young lady forget that she still had a little master in her belly?

"Little Master"

Just three words, okay. Shen Xiaoxiao felt that she had become a little unresponsive after becoming pregnant!

So, after hearing 19 silently spit out three words, he didn't speak for a long time!

19 Looking at the young lady who finally calmed down, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, the young lady still knows the taboos!

"19, your boss is suffering..." He muttered this sentence without a clue. 19 was confused. Is the lady worried that the boss will be tortured?

It's possible, or definitely, that he will be tortured. Miss, you are worried!

19 How did you know that the reason why Shen Xiaoxiao said this was that he had had almost constant nightmares in the past two months. In the dream, he lay there motionless, and every time he regained some consciousness, those people would appear in advance to inject him with drugs. , leaving him no time to recover!

This dream lasted for a month. After a month, they seemed to feel that his body had become resistant to the drug and slowly reduced the injections. However, Yan Kuan did not move much. If it weren't for people in white coats coming over every day. When he checked, she almost thought that what was lying there was just a living dead!

Until last night, there were different changes in last night's dream...

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