Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 272 Are You Pregnant?

Fragments of sunlight shot out from the gaps in the leaves, Lei Lie, Huo Gui, and Feng Hao looked at the pool of bloodstains in the small forest with inexplicable expressions!

None of the news that came was satisfactory, not to mention that Yunqi disappeared, it was said that it was because of Dongfang Xiaoliu and 19, and they were the killers!

In fact, to be honest, the three of them didn't believe it!

19 grew up in the dark empire since he was a child. If 19 hadn't admitted that he had an affair with the little Oriental Lolita, they would not have believed that he would betray the Lord!

"Lei Lie, go over there and have a look, Huogui, stay where you are and check, I'll check around!"

After all, Feng Hao was a little skeptical, he only believed that the reports of those people were one-sided, and he always felt that there were some things they ignored, Feng Hao frowned and looked around slowly.

According to the position where Yunqi fell to the ground and the direction of the blood splatter, it should be seen that the shooting position should be 400 meters away at 10 o'clock!

This alone can show that this cannot be done by 19 and Dongfang Little Lolita, because the traces of the car over there are very obvious, which doesn't make sense!

Feng Hao came to the surrounding area, took a closer look, and found traces, not only that, but also some strange places, the bullet casings are actually there, not only there, the scene has not been cleaned, isn't it right?

This is too unreasonable. As a secret guard, you don't even know the basics of what a sniper should do?

After the battle, you must clean up the scene. The most basic rule is that no one in the kitchen knows it!

But, how come there are magazines here? That is to say, the gun in Yunqi's body was not actually done by 19 and the others?

So why did those who reported it lie? Also, did the shooter leave clues for them on purpose? This is really strange!

"Feng Hao, how is it? Did you find anything?"

Huo Gui probably didn't find anything special there now, he came over and looked at Feng Hao in a daze, and became curious now!

Although Huo Gui has a fiery personality, when Feng Hao handed him a bullet casing, he was shocked immediately, which is weird!

"Someone left it on purpose? Long-range shooting is definitely not a novice's action. If you are a veteran, there is only one purpose for leaving the shell casing, and that is to convey something to the discoverer!"

Huo Gui's words naturally resonated with Feng Hao...

The three of them probably have to think about this matter, it's weird, it's just too weird!


Ouyang Le didn't sleep well last night. In the first half of the night, he dreamed that his chest was in pain from being pressed by a big stone. In the second half of the night, he felt that he seemed to have fallen into an ice skull. It's not good for people who are frozen, but they just wake up Come on, it's like being fascinated by a dream! After she finally woke up from the cold, good guy, Ouyang Yu's big head was in sight, and she screamed loudly in fright.

By the time I realized that it would attract people if I couldn't be so loud, it was already a bit late, and the servant had already knocked on the door.

Ouyang Leqiang kept his mouth shut and didn't even have time to think about why Ouyang Yu was staying in the same room with her. He just wanted to wake up this person quickly, and then tried to hold Ouyang Yu with his feet, but he didn't react in the slightest. When the bare instep touched Ouyang Yu's body, it was icy cold!

At this moment, a strong sense of uneasiness surged in my heart, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it be what I thought?

Ouyang Le couldn't help reaching out and sniffing under the tip of Ouyang Yu's nose, good guy, he's really dead. Now, even though Ouyang Le was calming down, he was also frightened stupid, and could only make the most primitive sound, screaming Endless!


Shen Xiaoxiao naturally didn't know how the Ouyang family was in chaos. She was staring at Yun Qi who had just woken up right now!

"How on earth are you guys? What about 19? Who shot me? And what do you mean by fake before you shoot?"

Yunqi just woke up and asked Shen Xiaoxiao a series of questions, but Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't answer him, glanced at him, and said mockingly:

"I said Comrade Juding, do you think you are the head of state? Or are you the boss of your family? Why should I answer your question? Don't you think you are smart? Then guess for yourself!"

Yunqi was blocked by these words, wishing to get up and tear the mouth of this little oriental loli. Of course, he really wanted to stand up, but his own conditions are in control, bleeding so much, it is a miracle not to die. I was dizzy when I got to the station!

Just when Yunqi was so angry and dizzy that he couldn't control himself, 19 walked back to the cave with two pre-conditioned pheasants!

"Yun Qi, are you awake?"

19 Seeing that Yunqi woke up, she was really excited. Shen Xiaoxiao held back her mouth and ignored the two of them. Instead, she walked to the side and took the two fat chickens. I can't wait to feel it!

Yunqi looked at 19 and the first sentence was: "19 What do you mean by fake products? Who are you talking about?"

Yunqi's expression was extremely serious, and his eyes were calm and sharp. He looked directly at 19 and didn't dare to make mistakes. Could it be what he thought? No way?

"Hey, Yunqi, you grew up with the boss, you should be the one who knows the boss best, right? Have you carefully observed the current man? His voice, his style of doing things, and his Ability, what do you think he looks like the boss?"

Yunqi's heart sank heavily. Yes, he felt something was wrong a long time ago, but they were sent to the base for training for nearly two months after the boss was rescued. When they came back yesterday, they met with the boss and talked last night. He thought it was weird at the time, but he didn't think about it at the time, and he really thought it was a little incredible, isn't it so unbelievable, the one they rescued was actually a fake?

This, this, this, what the hell is going on?

"Did Ouyang's family do it on purpose? Did they do it on purpose? Why? Why did they do it? "

"I think it has something to do with the power of our dark empire. The Ouyang family probably wants to use our power to seek a great cause for them!"

Shen Xiaoxiao had discussed this issue with 19 in detail before. At that time, 19's expression was the same as Yun Qi's now. He felt unbelievable. Did the Ouyang family lose their nerve? Whimsical daydreaming? And also delusional to make daydreams come true!

"how so?"

Yunqi was still a little dazed, but at this moment Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly asked with a roast chicken:

"I said extremely, have you ever heard of Black Glory Star?"

Yun Qi was taken aback for a moment, why did he suddenly ask this? The star of Hei Yao, how does the little Oriental loli know?

Yunqi raised his head and looked at Shen Xiaoxiao, who was sitting with his mouth open and his stomach obviously protruding (the cloth belt was not removed last night!), and he was taken aback!

"You-you-your belly, are you pregnant?"

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