Pei Dongguo felt very uncomfortable. What did this in-laws mean? He actually wanted them to recognize Pei Meimei.

Of course, their family can't tolerate a daughter. They can use it to marry into the Pei family, which can be regarded as repaying their family's upbringing over the years.

But what does in-laws mean? Returning to the Pei family in honor, but leaving other matters to the Ouyang family, is this really like going to someone else's house to bully them, isn't that what you mean?

"Dad, what does Ouyang Tang mean? Why do you want Meimei to come back all of a sudden? What's wrong with this?"

"Boss, go and investigate who Meimei has been in contact with recently and what she is doing! Especially the matters between men and women must be found out!"

Pei Tianheng was stunned. Check these aspects? Their family can't tolerate any more scandals, and now they have to investigate, which is not a good thing!

However, it would not be appropriate to take someone back to the Pei family without knowing anything about it. You have to understand it clearly!

After Ouyang Tang's eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law left, Ouyang Tang sat in the entertainment room without speaking for a long time. It was not impossible to marry Pei Meimei, and he could also have a good relationship with the elders.

Now that he is here and his eldest brother is also here, it will be of some help to their room, but once they die, his room will not be so easy.

The eldest daughter-in-law's family is the best among the two. Even the eldest brother's family is considered one of the best. It is a military and political family with strength and power. The youngest son of their family has fallen in love with Pei Meimei. This has to be said to be a family. A good thing.

Using Pei Meimei to marry into their family has only advantages and no disadvantages for them. However, there has been news recently from his people. Pei Li seems to be a little unsettled. It is hard to see that this junior actually has such big ambitions. , he would like to take a closer look to see if he is ambitious and capable. If he is really capable, he cannot support him secretly.

Back then, he was not as capable as his eldest brother, nor was he as ruthless as his eldest brother, who could kill his brother with his own hands. However, the next member of the family also has the ability to win, and half of Pei Li's body has the blood of their eldest brother, so , this matter is not considered a betrayal of eldest brother, let’s see again, see again and then talk about it!

Ouyang Tang returned to the study and stared at the empty wall for a long time without reacting. It took a minute before he let out a shocking roar.

Even the servants outside the yard heard the noise. What happened?

An hour later, Ouyang Tian was also alerted. Ouyang Tang angrily demanded that the entire Ouyang family be searched and his precious paintings must be found.

Ouyang Tian looked at his younger brother and connived at the end and acquiesced, but he didn't know that just after he had acquiesced, the four corners of Ouyang's house started to catch fire!

Ouyang Tian was also shocked. First he stole four valuable paintings from Ouyang's house, and then set fire to Ouyang's house. Who is so bold?

Looking at the whole country of China, except for the imprisoned Black Emperor, no one should have this ability!

Damn it, there are still people, as well as the 50 secret guards imprisoned in the dungeon. These people are one against ten. If they hadn't used drugs, they might not have been able to catch those people!

If it were really them, they would have just let the tiger go back to the mountain. No, they must send someone over immediately...

When Shen Xiaoxiao saw 19 again, it was already early the next morning, and they stopped temporarily in a villa area in the northern suburbs.

I didn't see Yan Kuan when I got up. He must have been busy all night. He has been missing for so long. I don't know how messed up the dark empire has been by that fake.

"Miss, you're awake. Did you sleep well? I made some yam porridge for you to nourish your stomach."

When Shen Xiaoxiao came downstairs, he saw 19 walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of porridge. He felt happy, surrounded 19 and said:

"19, are you okay? Did An Yi do anything to you? Did he lock you up? Look how bad your face is!"

19 felt that the young lady was simply the best best friend. She suddenly guessed that An Yi had locked him up.

"Miss, how did you know that I was imprisoned by Anichi?"

Shen Xiaoxiao held the porridge and ate it, and said while eating:

"If you weren't locked up, you would definitely come to rescue me. I still have this confidence. What's more, if you weren't locked up, I guess An Yi wouldn't be able to do anything to you, and I think that between An Yi and I You will definitely choose me, right, 19!"

"Well, of course, I am definitely on the side of the young lady, and our little master. Miss, you don't know how hateful An Yi is. He not only locked me up, but also used cartilage on me. Scattered, afraid that I would run away."

19 simply found the organization. The lady really understood him, but what Shen Xiaoxiao said next made 19 confused for a long time what expression to use to describe it.

"19 Ah, I'm not talking about you. Although An Yi looks like that, you can't be conquered by him so easily. Next time, remember to learn how to use medicine to defeat him. The ability to resist, so you can do whatever you want..."

"Shen Xiaoxiao..."


Shen Xiaoxiao almost choked on the porridge in her mouth. When she raised her head, she saw Yan Kuan staring at her with a livid face. Of course, An Yi also looked at her with a disheveled look on his face. His expression was so sour.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I'm talking nonsense. 19. Why don't you go and make porridge for your boss? What are you doing standing here?"

19 glanced at the livid faces of the two grown men at the door, and hurriedly fled the battlefield. Fortunately, he didn't say anything nonsense just now, otherwise, not only the boss, but also An Yi would not be able to spare him.

19 Quickly fled, Shen Xiaoxiao pulled up the stool and ran towards Yan Kuan in a hurry, and he was still running at a trot. Yan Kuan's face became more and more ugly, and he strode forward and grabbed him.

"Shen Xiaoxiao, please walk properly for me, don't even look at how big your belly is!"

Yan Kuan was originally yelling, but after saying this, his heart suddenly thought, yes, is the little guy's belly a little too big?

Is my belly still this big at more than three months old?

"An Yi, when will the arranged doctor arrive? Are the equipment at the third base ready?"

"Everything is ready. Miss, you can go after breakfast."

"Should I go for a check-up? That's right. I haven't had a check-up until now since I was pregnant. You are always a son, maybe you are a daughter." Shen Xiaoxiao also said thoughtfully, but he just said After finishing, I saw Yun Qi running in like a raging wind.

"There is news from the boss base!"

"What news? Are you so anxious?"

Yun Qi looked at Shen Xiaoxiao first, and then said sarcastically: "The Ouyang family announced through the official news that the boss, you and Ouyang Le, the eldest daughter of the Ouyang family, will get engaged on the 11th of next month! They also announced that the Ouyang family will invest in K -one group!"

"Huh? Engaged? Do you want to invest in K-one?"

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