Putuo has always been familiar with the name of the Black Emperor of the Dark Empire. Rumors from the outside world say that he is cold, arrogant, cruel, and vicious. However, from the moment he came into contact with him, he has seen with his own eyes how this man, whose true face has never been seen by the outside world, loves a woman. Chong, he thought this rumor was too exaggerated. After all, even a fool could see that the Black Emperor cared about his wife.

However, now, he has completely overturned his previous understanding. Just one word from this Black Emperor made him so scared that his legs became weak and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

And the most important thing is that he actually knows the secret skill that he has always hidden deeply. He can split any Gu insect into two parts to eliminate the poison. This skill was secretly passed down by his master back then, and his senior brothers all know it clearly. He didn't know, he thought he was the only one in the world who knew, but he didn't expect that the Black Emperor even knew his own unique skills.

"I don't……"

"What? No? Still unwilling?"

Putuo swallowed his saliva and said timidly: "No, no, I mean, I mean, it's not that easy. It's not that easy to separate the worms. Madam's worms can't survive three days, but just be prepared to separate them." Gu requires three days of preparation, and my things are not here, so I'm afraid that if I'm not prepared enough, I'll harm the lady."

Yan Kuan listened to Putuo's explanation and did not look at him. He just tucked the quilt for Shen Xiaoxiao naturally and said calmly: "My people have moved all your things for you, including the garbage in the trash can. "

Although Putuo was surprised when he heard this, he still felt a little uncomfortable. However, Yan Kuan's next words made Putuo change from the mild dissatisfaction and fear to surprise and excitement.

"I happen to have the second volume of the secret book in your senior brother's hands! As long as the madam's poison is removed, I can give you an additional 99 fresh corpses as a gift. Whether or not you can save them and how to save them depends on your choice. , of course, if something happens to Madam, I wouldn’t mind packing you to Tai Koo Tower with my own hands.”

Every word Black Emperor said made Putuo horrified. Tianjizi was their master's secret treasure. It contained unique secrets about making poisons. However, the master disappeared after his death. Unexpectedly, it was in the hands of the Dark Empire. But we can also figure out what kind of existence the Dark Empire is. There is nothing they can't find, okay? As for Taikoo Lou, he is his mortal enemy. If he is handed over to Taikoo Lou, he will only be made into medicine and his life will be worse than death.

This Black Emperor really knows how to manipulate people.

99 corpses are one of the necessary elements for the formal practice of Tianjizi. Even if there are secret books, it will not work without corpses, so this really tickled his itch.

"In this case, I will go down and prepare immediately. However, some medicinal materials will take three days even if they are made quickly, but I promise that nothing will happen to Madam."

Yan Kuan glanced at Putuo and said nothing. With a glance, An Yi immediately understood and took Putuo down. Along with him, Ouyang Le and another woman who looked very similar to Shen Xiaoxiao were also taken down. This woman is none other than Liu Yufei, who is being imprisoned in China at the moment. As for why she looks 80% similar to Shen Xiaoxiao at the moment, it must be attributed to the makeup artist's makeup skills. To get someone out of China, no matter what How is it possible to waste energy? But at this moment, Liu Yufei is no longer called Liu Yufei. She has changed her identity after coming out of China. Liu Yufei has been sentenced to death. In other words, China did agree to use Liu Yufei's life in exchange for information, but they did not say What should I do to keep Liu Yufei alive? The outside world knows that Liu Yufei has been involved in too many crimes, and it is impossible not to give an explanation to the outside world. Therefore, if Liu Yufei wants to survive, she can only live in another identity, and it just so happens that Yan Kuan and the others now need Liu Yufei to be their puppet. , so Liu Yufei was taken abroad by Yan Kuan.

Of course, Liu Yufei and Shen Xiaoxiao were born from the same mother. After using special paint on her face, she looked very similar to Shen Xiaoxiao.

Liu Yufei has been injected with high-strength hallucinogens and has no idea where she is or what she has experienced.

Now Yan Kuan's eyes are full of Shen Xiaoxiao, and no one else or anything can arouse his interest.


Pei Li saw with his own eyes that the liquid was injected into his body and Ouyang Le was taken away. He could be said to be helpless. The man in black said he would come to save them, but now he sees this He has gradually lost faith in the prison where even a fly can't fly in. The only thing he prays for is for the poison to attack and make Yan Kuan have to compromise with him. After all, Shen Xiaoxiao has Yan Kuan's seed in his belly. .

This afternoon he felt an itch in his heart, which was a sign that the poisonous insects were activated. He was waiting, waiting, waiting until they were helpless, waiting for them to beg him.


The iron door creaked loudly, and Pei Li shook his confused head. Could it be that someone came to beg him? He had just injected himself with hallucinogens (I thought) and when they begged him, he would inject these people with double the amount one by one, especially Yan Kuan, huh.

"Has the medicine been injected?"

"Increased dose injection."

"Send to Building 2.!"

Pei Li was stunned and sent him to Building 2. What do you mean? Aren’t you here to beg for yourself? how come?

However, he found that he could not make a sound or speak at all. What happened to him? what happened to him?

His limbs were stiff and unable to move. Pei Li found that except for his two eyeballs and his own thoughts, he seemed to be restrained by something, like a wooden man who could only be slaughtered by others.

What exactly did they inject him with? How could he be so abnormal?

He opened his mouth and watched helplessly as they walked into a two-story building. Then he was taken to a room. Not only was the room filled with medicinal materials, but there were also two women lying in the middle of the room. There were originally three beds. In the room, Pei Li didn't need to think about it to know that the middle room was definitely prepared for him.

Sure enough, he was fixed on the bed in the middle. They placed his head to the right, so that when he turned his head, he could see the side face of the woman next to him. Is this, is this Shen Xiaoxiao?

Pei Li was startled, and then overjoyed. Seeing that Shen Xiaoxiao had indeed been tricked, and looking at her bulging belly (don't forget that Liu Yufei is also pregnant), he felt very comfortable.

He will definitely be saved. Now that he is out of that prison, if the man in black wants to save him, he will definitely cherish this opportunity.

"Okay, let's go. Madam, the poisonous boss, has nothing to do. We can only see if Madam can wake up if she is closer to the mother. The young master in Madam's belly is really pitiful."

"Isn't that right? Let's go and let the doctor come over quickly."

As soon as the two men left, Pei Li opened his eyes again. Sure enough, it was Shen Xiaoxiao. Indeed, as long as she was close to him, she would definitely wake up. He was very excited and looking forward to it, waiting to see if Shen Xiaoxiao would be so arrogant after she woke up. , so look down on him? When the time comes, it will all be his decision.

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