Sneaking into Ouyang's house to watch a good show at Ouyang's house is very interesting for both Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan.

If Ouyang Tian's lifespan is stable, he can live to at least 120 years, but now he has a stroke, let alone bed, the filial sons and grandchildren outside pretend to be really good, but behind the scenes, they have been fighting for a long time. .

There is no need to say more about the internal decay of Ouyang's family. Anyone with a discerning eye can already see it at a glance. Now, as the representatives of the 7 rooms of Ouyang's family, they are all sitting in the inner study.

The result of the discussion has come out. Although Huo Wanting is the current mistress of the Ouyang family, she is a female family member and is not allowed to enter the inner courtyard of the Ouyang family.

Huo Wanting watched Ouyang Jincheng walk in alone, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, because Ouyang Jincheng's combat effectiveness is really not that good, and now I just hope that he can be more careful. Fortunately, the second brother and The third younger brother also followed in. Although it didn't help much, they were grasshoppers on the same rope, so they couldn't sit idly by.

Moreover, although Huo Wanting and the others are at odds with the other houses, they usually have a good relationship with the elders. She has also asked people to give generous gifts before, and she also promised that as long as the big house gets things done, their house will never forget them of.

Huo Wanting was anxious and worried, but she could only bring her three sons to guard the door.

No one left the inner study room from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

At 8 o'clock, night has fallen, and An Ning has moved from the inner courtyard to Ouyang Tian's bedroom. No one is looking after her now. Except for the family doctor and some servants, there is no one around the old man to see him At a glance, everyone's eyes are fixed on the inner study at the moment.

"Grandpa, wake up quickly. If you don't wake up, they will take the position of Patriarch. At that time, I will be the first one to die. How dare you, why are you willing to let me just be like this?" Die, you said it, you said you would protect me for the rest of my life, you said it."

An Ning couldn't help crying. In fact, she knew that she was not Ouyang Tian's granddaughter, but her daughter, and the evil seed of Ouyang Tian and Ouyang Jinling, but she could only pretend that she didn't know. Not only that, she had to act A very cooperative appearance, because it is really too difficult to survive in Ouyang's family.

As long as she is not willing to be a mediocre person who spends thousands of dollars a month on living expenses, An Ning will make such a choice.

She set foot in the entertainment industry at the age of 18. She enjoyed too much and earned too much money these years, but all the money was spent on Ouyang's family. Now she is no longer in the entertainment industry, has no income, and only a little money every month It would be too cruel for An Ning.

That's why she is not reconciled, and she feels that she has given so much and got nothing in the end. It is better to go all out and be with Ouyang Tian. At least in this way, no one will dare to underestimate or bully her in her life.

An Ning counted everything very well, but she didn't count that Ouyang Tian actually collapsed at this time.

As Ouyang Tian's most beloved granddaughter, An Ning knows how Ouyang Tian's body is, especially Ouyang Tian told her that the life span of the head of the Ouyang family is usually around 120 years old, so at least it can guarantee that An Ning has more than 30 years left. Her status has been consolidated, and of course she doesn't mind having a child born, regardless of gender, her life is truly complete.

Where Ouyang Tian was lying there, his face was flushed, and the swelling below had subsided, but there was still bruises on the head. It would be fine to have an operation, but Ouyang Tian is the most taboo person to use a knife, and it is absolutely not for Ouyang at this moment. During the surgery, if something happened in the operating room, no one would dare to take it.

Therefore, it has always been treated conservatively. Seeing that Ouyang Tian's head was full of silver needles, it was not an option for An Ning to procrastinate. Whispering words in the ear, An Ning saw that Ouyang Tian's eyebrows moved when he heard those words, and his heart was overjoyed. Regardless of whether those words should come out of her mouth, she continued to work hard and even added fuel and vinegar to fiddle again. ...

Inner Academy

As soon as 9 o'clock arrived, the door opened with a creak, and the courtyard was brightly lit. Not only that, even though everyone had been waiting for a day and a night, they were looking at the people who came out one after another with great energy.

Everyone's facial expressions are different, especially Ouyang Jincheng, whose complexion can almost be described as livid.

When Huo Wanting saw his appearance, what else did she not understand? This is lost?

As the eldest son of a direct descendant, he lost the election? how can that be?

"Due to the sudden accident of the patriarch, we discussed with the elders and the grandson of the patriarch's 7th house, and Ouyang Li, the fourth house, will take the temporary position of patriarch. All orders will be obeyed by Ouyang Li."

"What? It's the fourth bedroom?"

"It's actually Ouyang Li?"

"It turned out to be that wild species?"

"I guessed it would be him. He is the most powerful in our generation. If we don't choose him, no one has the ability to lead the Ouyang family to a higher level."

"Come on, you've been with him for a long time, but it's better to be Ouyang Li than Dafang, otherwise we bastards would have no way out."

"Yeah, it's better than being a big house!"

Be it Huo Wanting, or the other three sons of Dafang, hearing those comments at this moment is really irritating. She has been wronged so much because of her status as the head of the Ouyang family, but after decades, she still hasn't got the position she wants, how she is willing, how willing.

At this time, Huo Wanting ignored everything, and said directly to the elder: "When you grow up, the Ouyang family has always paid attention to the distinction between concubine and concubine, and I don't need to say more about Ouyang Li's identity. Everyone knows, how about such a person?" How can I take on the heavy responsibility of the Ouyang family?"

"Ma'am, you are overthinking. This is not the time for the Ouyang family to choose the head of the family, but the most critical moment. Everyone knows the actions of the Ouyang family in the near future. At this moment, the life and death of the head of the family is lying in it. Ouyang Li is the one who is most familiar with his orders, and as for the elder, he is really not the one who can take on important responsibilities at this time."

"Even if it's not my first wife, it can be second and third. Why would you choose him as the grandson? Our first wife also has three sons who can inherit the grandchildren. No matter which one you choose, this Ouyang Li is not qualified."

"The big house does have three descendants. It's just that the incident happened the day before yesterday. The big lady hasn't forgotten it. Everyone remembers it clearly. The eldest and second young masters have bad morals, and the sisters are easy to marry. How can such a person guide my thousand-year-old family?

As for the second master and the third master, neither of them have male heirs, but this one is already out of the heirs.

As the person with the purest blood in the Ouyang family, Pei Li has great means and has his own unique property. Such a person is the most suitable person for the Ouyang family. "

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