The old man Yao was a little uncertain whether the black ganoderma was in Yan Kuan's hands, or whether Yan Kuan only had these three pieces here.

However, it is definitely not enough to make the antidote of Suoyinhua with only these three tablets, but it is enough for research.

With some refining techniques of western medicine, I hope it can save that woman's life.

"That apprentice of yours..."

The old man Yao was immersed in his own thoughts and was in a daze, when he heard Yan Kuan's words suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and he said hastily:

"He, he, he really has nothing to do with me. I don't know how he would betray me. He studied medicine with me since he was a child, but you also know my temper. It's too late for him to hate me. How can he care about my life. "

Yan Kuan knew that the old man Yao was telling the truth. The old man Yao had a weird temper and was not good to his apprentice. In addition, there were some grievances and grievances in the early years. The person who made a wrong needle and died, took in the young apprentice because of guilt. Even though he taught him with all his heart these years, people still hated him.

The reason why Yan Kuan mentioned this little apprentice was because Yan Kuan knew that this little apprentice Yao Ling'er's medical skills were no less than that of the old man Yao, and he could even wake up the fake Ouyang Jinling when the old man Yao was at a loss. One point, Yan Kuan will never let that Yao Linger leave.

Seeing that the old man Yao didn't intend to protect his weaknesses, Yan Kuan directly issued a global arrest warrant. If he wants to find him, there must be an extra layer of protection.

"Actually, I think you can ask Western medicine for the method. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine may not necessarily research the antidote for Yinhualei, which will be more effective."

What old man Yao said is also telling the truth. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine does not necessarily mean that the antidote can be researched faster. Isn’t some organ transplants in Western medicine a typical example?

"Ok, I know."

Of course Yan Kuan knew about it. He had already trained a medical team to study the matter of Suoyinhua in the early days. Now that he thought about it, he was planning ahead. No one thought that Xiaoxiao would be so heavy.

Huaguo's sky has changed today, and he feels that his own sky has also changed...

The next day, Yan Broadband left Huaguo with a group of people...

Shen Xiaoxiao recovered from her injury very well, because she wanted to see her child soon, so she had to get well soon, even if Xiaobao was not saved, Dabao must not have an accident.

Damn Yan Kuan, didn't you usually say that the Dark Empire is very powerful? Why haven't they come to save their mother and daughter yet?

Recently, Du Ze's behavior has become more and more weird. For some reason, Shen Xiaoxiao always feels that she can hear the baby crying at night. If she can't see Dabao growing up every day, she really doubts herself. Is there an auditory hallucination.

The nurse said that Dabao was crying at night, but Shen Xiaoxiao always felt weird.

On the day when the medicine line was removed, Dabao also came out of the incubator. He was skinny and pitiful. Fortunately, there was a professional nursery teacher and doctor to take care of him 24 hours a day. Dabao was still growing up slowly, at least he was better than the first time he saw She took a few laps.

Shen Xiaoxiao has no breast milk, perhaps because of her premature birth, she has no milk at all, sometimes seeing Dabao like this, Shen Xiaoxiao feels that she is not a competent mother.

Especially when she thought of Xiaobao, Shen Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable.

"You're not well yet, hold the baby less for a while and rest more."

As soon as Du Ze came in, he saw Shen Xiaoxiao sitting on the bed and hugging the child with tenderness on his face. This scene made him feel extra comforted in his heart, but this picture only lasted for a few seconds. Shen Xiaoxiao saw him Then, he showed that indifferent expression again.

Du Ze didn't know why Xiaoxiao was like this, but he still thought it must be because of Xiaobao.

He hasn't been entangled with Liu Yufei in the past half month, but his body looks much better than the previous thin one.

The first sentence Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Du Ze was still the same: "I want to make a call."

Du Ze still disagreed, and was thinking of what to say to evade Shen Xiaoxiao, when the assistant happened to come over.

If it wasn't for the conditions, Shen Xiaoxiao would definitely kill him with one punch, just because there is still a child in her arms, she must hold back for the sake of the child, and if Yan Kuan didn't come to save her, she also thought about it, no matter how hard it was, she would She must wait until the child is full moon before going out. She can ignore herself, but she must take care of the child.

The voice at the door was very low, but Shen Xiaoxiao could also hear clearly, but intermittently Du Ze and his assistant were getting further and further away, but the news Shen Xiaoxiao got still shocked her.

"19 is missing"

Was it saved? Or run away by yourself? 19 Do you know where you are? It seems that 19 was already in a coma when Du Ze came, could it be that 19 was rescued by Yan Kuan and the others? If so, does that idiot Yan Kuan know that his wife and children are still here?

Shen Xiaoxiao was getting more and more angry at the moment, that stinky man didn't find him when she needed him the most, didn't he always let go of bastardism? Why is it so useless now?

"Dabao, your father is really useless, and he still can't find us. It's been almost half a month."

The useless Yan Kuan in Shen Xiaoxiao's mouth was looking at the lump of flesh in the nurse's hand with a livid face.

Yes, it was a lump of flesh, and he never thought that the power of the Suoyin flower would be so powerful. Even with the golden needle technique and the surgery that was prepared in a few days without stopping, the child still could not be saved.

There were only two meat balls at birth, and ordinary people would have fainted from fright when they saw this scene, but Yan Kuan just looked at these balls with a gloomy face.

After a while, he said to An Yi: "Bury it well."

After all, it is his own flesh and blood, no matter how hard it is for Yan Kuan, but there is an adult in this ward is the most important thing, for him, nothing is as important as Shen Xiaoxiao, that is his life.

"My lord, the operation has been completed, and the plasma we prepared in advance has come in handy. This is the lady's report."

Yan Kuan glanced at the report, all the indicators of Xiaoxiao were normal. He was afraid that he had mistaken the wrong person earlier, and he could compare the DNA. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao had no doubts, otherwise he would feel that he was going crazy .

And if Xiao Xiao woke up and found out that the child was not kept, would she be able to bear it?


At this moment, Xiaoxiao in Yan Kuan's mouth is waking up from a nightmare, and the baby's crying makes Shen Xiaoxiao's heart tremble. Is Dabao crying again?

Shen Xiaoxiao got out of bed, looked at the time at 3:00 in the morning, opened the door, and followed the crying to find it, but the direction seemed wrong, right?

Although she has never gone out, she has seen that every time the nurse comes in with the baby from the right side of the door, but why is the voice from the left side so clear this time? Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

Shen Xiaoxiao got closer and closer to the crying, but the crying stopped suddenly. She stood in the corridor and didn't know where to go. She clearly felt that she was almost found, and her heart was even pounding, but the sound Why is it suddenly gone?

"Xiao Xiao, what are you doing here?"

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