Long Xi didn't expect that someone would take advantage of him and take away all the goods. He spent so much effort all night just to get these samples of the latest psychedelic drugs. Although he didn't take drugs, he If this batch of goods is sold, the money will definitely not be comparable to what he earned from selling a piece of land after working hard.

Of course, this was not the end. After he directly dealt with a few small flies, he returned to the room, only to find that the room was empty.

He was a little anxious now, and immediately walked from the room to the deck to look around. It wasn't until he met the old captain that he realized that the old captain had organized a group of people to leave first when the gunfight started. By chance, Xiao Shen I was among the first group of people when I was little.

However, the kind-hearted old captain was ready to lead a lifeboat again and let Long Xi follow him. However, something unexpected happened and those people actually fought from the third floor to the first floor. Long Xi really responded to what he had said to Shen Xiaoxiao in the first place. In short, he really saved the old captain's life. Of course, with his back and ruthlessness, it would be easy to deal with these people on the ship.

Everyone was wiped out by him because the cruise ship had a bomb, but no one on such a large cruise ship knew where the bomb was hidden, so the remaining crew members and the old captain all escaped in lifeboats.

And Long Xi also hopes to find Shen Xiaoxiao after arriving in T country, because according to time, Shen Xiaoxiao left only an hour before him. In an hour, the port of T country is not big, and it is still difficult to find someone. It's very easy, especially for an extremely beautiful Chinese woman like Shen Xiaoxiao.

Everything was going very well, but after arriving at the port, the news Long Xi received surprised him.

Taken away by a snake?

Are the crew members on the cruise ship actually human snakes?

Even the old captain was a little unsure of himself. For a moment, Long Xi felt more and more like he was a bastard.

Although he knew that Shen Xiaoxiao would never suffer a loss, he still couldn't help but worry. It was one thing not to suffer a loss, but her only gun was given to the old captain, and she was alone in those foreign countries. I'm afraid it won't be easy to keep it intact in the hands of drug dealers.

Long Xi drove a yacht directly, preparing to single-handedly go to the darkest Cha Cha Ge in Southeast Asia.

Although Shen Xiaoxiao said that he was a gang leader, Jiang Wendong didn't really believe it. After all, he had met many gangster bosses in country T. There was absolutely no boss like Shen Xiaoxiao who was not a bit ruffian.

Of the gang bosses he has met, there are also women, but which one is not a vicious person who smokes, drinks, and plays with men?

Shen Xiaoxiao, who looks like a socialite and a lady at first sight, could he be a gangster?

At most they are people with some skills or some influence in China.

Shen Xiaoxiao knew that Jiang Wendong didn't believe it, but she didn't want him to believe it. It was already past 7 o'clock in the morning, the morning market had begun, and there were vendors and buyers everywhere. They walked a little carefully, but Shen Xiaoxiao also saw that many people on the water raft knew Jiang Wendong, and he also confirmed that the name of his country T was indeed Dora.

"Your foundation is quite deep."

"Having been here for so long, I naturally have some reputations."

Jiang Wendong seemed a little proud when he mentioned this, but Shen Xiaoxiao was not prepared to attack him. He just turned to stare at the backpack he held on his chest and asked curiously:

"What kind of treasure is in your bag that is so rare? I haven't seen you leave me since I boarded the ship yesterday."

Jiang Wendong was still smiling, but Shen Xiaoxiao still caught his fleeting panic. It seemed that there was something in this bag.

"Just some of my daily necessities and some things that I have accumulated in country T, I will bring them back home."

"Oh? Really? Then you should protect your bag."

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't get to the bottom of it, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart. Is this guy so cunning, really just some of the things he accumulated? Not necessarily.

"Sister, look at those people, are they looking for something?"

Hearing Jiang Wendong's words, Shen Xiaoxiao looked up and saw people who looked like thugs. The only difference was that they all carried heavy weapons on their backs. There were 7 or 8 people in a team, because the water cards were arc-shaped. So two teams of people surrounded them from both sides, and when they saw single men and women, they would pull them over to take a look.

At this moment, even if Shen Xiaoxiao wanted to think that these people were not here for them, he didn't show it.

Fortunately, there are many water boats on the river. It takes half an hour to reach the city of Chachag by boat. They both knew it was wrong and immediately jumped on the boat below. After paying the money, they can sail to Chachag. Go.

"Look, where is Dora, where is that boy."

That kind of boat has no awning and is supported by a bamboo stick. It is very recommended. Even if they lower their heads, they will still be discovered when they are standing at a high place.

But at this moment, Shen Xiaoxiao knew that the person these people were actually chasing was Dora, that is, Jiang Wendong, not her.

Those people spoke Thai. Although Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't speak Thai, he could listen. They were talking about Dora, not them.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Dora, who was sitting face to face with him, and was even trembling with fear because of the words of the people on the shore. Isn't this kid not afraid of anything? Who did this offend?

"Who did you offend?"

"No, I didn't offend anyone. Sister, save me, save me."

Shen Xiaoxiao glanced at Dora but said nothing, save you? You have to be worthy of saving, but you still haven’t told the truth yet. Shen Xiaoxiao said coldly:

"Anyway, the person they are looking for is you, not me. If you don't tell the truth, I can naturally pretend that I don't know you. It's easy for me to walk away on my own. There is no need to bring a burden like you with me."

"No, no, sister, don't, don't, don't leave me, I, I, I..."

"Let me guess, you are the one who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger on the cruise ship, right? What is in your bag is what those people want? Jiang Wendong, you are so brave."

Jiang Wendong's raised cheek had already turned pale with fright.

Fortunately, the boaters didn't realize that they were being followed, and they still rowed very fast along the water. Even if the guns fired, they were not hit.

People on the shore heard the gunshots, and although they screamed a little, here, these things have long been accustomed to, and no one acted surprised enough, and still set up their stalls.

Shen Xiaoxiao's words aroused deep fear in Jiang Wendong's heart. She actually knew this?

For a moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He had seen this woman's methods before. If she said she wouldn't save him, she really wouldn't save him. But he had also seen the methods of those people. Both sides even had their own merits, and both had things that scared him. .

It's just that he is more willing to believe Shen Xiaoxiao than those people outside with guns and nuclear bombs, because Shen Xiaoxiao once said that she knew his father. This reason is enough!

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