Shen Xiaoxiao sat on one side of the bed and Yan Kuan sat on the other side.

For the first time, their family of four lay in the same bed together.

Although Xiaobao still rejects it, Dabao accepts it first. Yan Kuan's faint voice tells an empty and boring fairy tale.

The children listened carefully and excitedly.

Perhaps this is the first father in their minds telling them stories. The excitement cannot be described in words, and the excitement cannot be summed up.

This is the first time I have felt such tenderness in many years.

Such harmony is also a rare pursuit.

Leaning on the bedside, he slowly closed his eyes under the child's occasional childish whispers and Yan Kuan's deep and hoarse voice.

Tired, very tired, that kind of psychological tiredness is Shen Xiaoxiao's most intuitive feeling at this moment.

After Yan Kuan finished telling the story, he didn't expect that not only did he coax the child to sleep, but Xiaoxiao also fell asleep. Her appearance was not pretending. Her thinness made people feel distressed inexplicably. Her hair, which was no longer smooth and black, was even more... Beating him in the heart.

Holding her in his arms, she was so light and weightless that Yan Kuan was even afraid that he would crush her if he used too much force.

"Give me the lady and let's go."

19 stood at the door, and when he saw Yan Kuan coming out with Shen Xiaoxiao in his arms, he growled angrily at Yan Kuan.

After all, Shen Xiaoxiao was afraid of waking up. Although he was dissatisfied with Yan Kuan, he still didn't make any unnecessary moves.

"19, for the sake of small things, I won't argue with you. Get out of the way."

19 Hearing this, he became very angry and refused to care about him. Who did he think he was?

"Humph, if you don't care about me, do you have the right to care about me? Do you know how much Xiaoxiao has suffered for you? Do you know what Xiaoxiao has gone through?

You are always self-centered and live in your own world. Look at your wife and children. It’s ridiculous. The children are almost 5 years old and they don’t even recognize you. Are you embarrassed to show up here? "

Yan Kuan looked at 19 with more and more murderous eyes, and those eyes were even more frightening.

An Yi was afraid that if 19 said more, Yan Kuan would be really angry, so he immediately interjected:

"19, the boss doesn't want to do it either. You know the situation at that time."

"Shut up. If you hadn't been there to help me, would I have been able to get here today? Why do you think it's still ancient times and you are still loyal? What do you sincerely say to him? When he shot you, when he wanted to kill you, you Are you really so willing? Don’t say that you can’t help yourself. You can erase everything without knowing it. An Yi, don’t forget, the lady is..."


This time it was An Er who took action. Yan Kuan did not expect that An Er, who had always been taciturn and rarely acted, would suddenly intervene.

He even knocked 19 unconscious. Why?

And what does 19’s last words mean? What's wrong with Xiaoxiao?

"You two had better think of some excuse to get by before I come out."

Seeing that the people in his arms were sleeping uneasily, Yan Kuan didn't want to chat with them in the living room, so he carried Shen Xiaoxiao into the room first.

He took off his thick clothes and wrapped her in a quilt. His movements were not very gentle. After all, men's hands are sometimes very strong.

But even so, Xiaoxiao showed no sign of waking up. She slept very uneasily, but she just didn't wake up.

This doesn't resemble her.

What happened to her?

The hair that was no longer smooth and shiny under the palm of his hand, and even a little dull, made Yan Kuan feel a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Why didn't even his two best and most heartfelt secret guards tell him the truth?

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead. He had a lot to say to her, but looking at the sleeping person in front of him, he couldn't say a lot.

Apologize? then what?

Xiaoxiao doesn't need to apologize at all.

He knew her too well, so some of his actions inadvertently hurt her in the name of love.

Turn off the light and walk out of the room.

"what is going on?"

"Boss, Miss has muscle weakness. As I told you before, it is very serious."

"Didn't you say that Pinellia ternata can cure something? Where's the old man Yao?"

Yan Kuan was even more worried when he heard that the two people still said this. If it was really muscle weakness, how could it be so serious? Or is it that he doesn’t know enough about myasthenia?

"Old Yao has been researching it and has already developed some eyebrows, so it still needs some time."

Yan Kuan looked at An Yi's eloquent appearance, his expression became colder and colder, and he said directly to him:

"It'd better be as you say."

"Bang bang bang"

Several gunshots came out from outside, and the glass was shattered. Yan Kuan bent over and rolled into the room, shouting at An Er:

"Anji, child"

As soon as the darkness was over, he didn't take the killers seriously.

Yan Kuan immediately rushed into Shen Xiaoxiao's room, just in time to see a killer climb in through the window.

The Blue Devil fought out directly, and the killer fell from the window, but then someone climbed up. Yan Kuan knew that this was for Xiaoxiao.

The two children woke up from such a loud noise, and Xiaoxiao naturally woke up slowly.

Seeing myself nestled in Yan Kuan's arms, completely protected by him, I couldn't tell how I felt.

She was really too tired and fell asleep just now. If Yan Kuan hadn't come in, it's very likely that she would have been tricked.

This is really a trick of fate.

The killers climbed in through the window one by one, and the two of them didn't have the time to wait for them to come in one by one.

He walked out of the room and saw An Er holding two children, and An Yi had already killed the killer outside the window.

Yan Kuan said to everyone:

"Prepare the plane."

"The two children were nestled in An Er's arms without making any noise, and Xiaobao even held a small gun in his hand."

Yan Kuan took a casual look and knew in his heart how defensive this child was, how similar it was to him when he was a child.

An Yi was just a killer, so he did it cleanly.

But after leaving the door, they realized that it was really a massive assassination. The entire corridor was filled with gunshots and screams of customers.

No one knows how many killers came here.

19 was also woken up at this time. As soon as he saw that Shen Xiaoxiao and the child were okay, he said to them:

"There are killers on all floors from the first to the third floor, with the most on the third floor. The hall is already under control."

"19, is Jiang Haoran okay?"

Shen Xiaoxiao asked this question, but when Yan Kuan heard it, he was filled with jealousy.

19 glanced at Yan Kuan, his expression was so serious that he was almost dripping with water, he deserved it.

He just likes to see him frustrated and helpless.

So he said to Shen Xiaoxiao: "Don't worry, young lady, he brought his bodyguard with him. He just asked the bodyguard to come over to see you, but I stopped him."

"This is Jiang Haoran's territory. Even if they are dead, nothing will happen to him. Let's go."

Yan Kuan suddenly interrupted, and neither Shen Xiaoxiao nor 19 paid any attention to him, which made him even more angry.

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