She won.

In this round, she narrowly won.

She used her life as a bet to see if Yan Kuan was serious about it.

Her blood and life will always be his weakness.

Those dazzling bright reds, those blood reds that made his heart beat wildly and only caused heartbreaking pain, stimulated every nerve in him.

Its daybreak!

She won the bet.

With a deep hug, she took back her husband.

In a deep hug, he almost lost his true love.

With a deep embrace, they welcomed the morning sun...

Dark red blood flowed from his facial features, resembling Shura who was reborn from hell, evil and crazy.

Both of them looked so embarrassed.

The woman in his arms was light and weightless.

They collapsed on the ground, letting the coldness slowly calm down their hot and excited hearts.

"You are truly my life!"

Listening to his familiar low voice, I had never felt so comfortable as I did right now.

"Yes, I am your life, and you are my life."

They are like intertwined vines that cannot be pulled apart or separated.

Shen Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and looked up at the sky. The sun stung her eyes, but she couldn't bear to close them!

Die to life, live to death!

You live, I am willing to be reborn for love!

If you die, I will never live alone!

The door opens from the outside.



The two children looked at the blood on Shen Xiaoxiao's chest and cried in fear.

Yan Kuan also looked embarrassed at the moment, with bright red marks everywhere on his face.

They are like the warriors left alone after a bloody battle, and also like a pair of eagles left behind in the desolate land after the tragedy.

Finally, he spread his wings proudly and flew in the air, unreachable and undisturbed.

He wanted to step forward, but he didn't dare. He wanted to get closer, but he shrank back in fear.

They didn't know whether the man hugging their mother in front of them was their father Yan Kuan, or the strange and terrifying Long Xi.

They stood a few steps away from them in horror.

Shen Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and waited for the child to return to his arms.

"Come here, this is Dad."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Sob quietly.

They covered their mouths at the same time to prevent themselves from crying, because their mother had just said not long ago that as Yan Kuan's children, they could not shed tears at will.

Shen Xiaoxiao's heart ached because of the child.

The wound was not deep, but it looked terrifying.

"Mom, you're bleeding."

"Mom, does it hurt?"

Yan Kuan put his arm around him, and the child who was crying just now was brought into his arms. The child's timidity turned into more intense cries because of Yan Kuan's actions.

This is the first time a family of four is truly reunited.

No one came forward to disturb their warmth at this moment.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, that's fine, that's fine.

"It's okay, everything is over, it's okay."

Shen Xiaoxiao held the child and said nothing, while the hole in Yan Kuan's heart was filled.

Those so-called pursuits and so-called protections in the past seemed so insignificant in front of his wife and children.

"Miss, are your injuries okay?"

19 In the end, what concerned her most was Shen Xiaoxiao's body. After all, the injury on her chest looked particularly scary.

Yan Kuan also reacted, pulled the child over, looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's wounds and said to An Yi:

"Have Old Man Yao come over immediately."

Shen Xiaoxiao let go of the child and smiled, covering the wound with her hand. She did it herself. She knew that the wound was not deep, but it just looked scary, but she couldn't ignore it.

Therefore, Shen Xiaoxiao let go of the child, comforted the child, stood up slowly, and walked back to the room.

Yan Kuan naturally followed closely and walked over.

No one came forward to interrupt, because they all knew that there was still a crisis between the two of them that had not been resolved.

What Shen Xiaoxiao got was not an ordinary poison, but Yinhua Tears.

When the children watched their parents leave, they didn't understand anything, especially after everyone told them again and again, they knew the difference between Yan Kuan and Long Xi.

To be precise, children have very sensitive perceptions. Although Yan Kuan spoke to them, his eyes at least showed love and care.

But Long Xi looked at them with eyes filled with murderous intent and anger.

They can naturally understand these two completely different looks, perhaps even more clearly than adults.

Family reunion is the most direct and natural thought in the minds of not only adults but also children.

"Uncle, will mom and dad be separated again?"

"Yes, uncle, will that bad guy Long Xi come back? Is he a twin like our father? So they look the same?"

The child's own thinking made everyone sigh in relief,19 and then they said directly:

"Yes, they are twins. Now that Long Xi has returned to his hometown, he will never appear again. Don't worry."

"Great, the big bad guy got away."

"Yes, the bad guy ran away. It's time for you to go and rest. Your parents will take you to have fun when you wake up."

"Okay, let's go to bed obediently. When we wake up, our parents will be with us forever."

Seeing the two children jumping away, everyone hoped that life like this could continue like this.

19. Close the door.

Xiaobao took back the smile on his face, looked at Dabao and said:

"What should I do if I don't like Dad?"

"Why? Why doesn't Dabao like dad?"

"Because he always makes mom cry. Mom even bleeds today. It's because I am incapable of protecting mom. From now on, Dabao, I will train hard to protect you and mom and not let you cry."

"Thank you, Xiaobao. I will also practice my skills well, otherwise you and mom will cry. Mom said we can't cry casually. I won't cry anymore."

"Yes, we won't cry anymore, let's go to sleep, Dabao."

"Why don't you call me sister? You just called me sister."

"No, you heard wrong."

"No, I heard you right, you just called..."

Listening to the child's whispers in the room, 19 didn't know how to describe it. He was also worried that Xiaobao would be frightened, but he didn't expect that the child was more tolerant than they thought.

Maybe children's hearts are inherently small and can't accommodate so many things. No matter how much you explain, or maybe everything else is good, if the children don't understand, they won't get too entangled, so the world of children has always been better than the world of adults. Happy and simple.

in the room.

Yan Kuan personally applied medicine to Shen Xiaoxiao's wound. Although it was not deep, the blade was sharp and the tip still penetrated into the flesh.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so much blood left.

Yan Kuan felt inexplicably distressed.

After taking the medicine and washing up, they both lay on the bed a little tired.

Looking at the sleepy beauty, Yan Kuan thought about it again and again, and finally asked the doubts in his heart.

"Xiao Xiao, what disease do you have? Tell me, is it Yin Hua Lei?"

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