To even out the two hidden guards within 20 minutes, it is still a dark 4 and a dark 9, which is not something ordinary people can do.

In 20 minutes, there are absolutely no more than 4 people in this world with this ability.

Boss, dark one, dark two, little sister-in-law.

Of course, you said there are other masters. The place where the old man Yao is is the base of the Dark Empire in China. Can you easily break into that place?

As long as any outsider broke in, the alarm would have sounded long ago, so it was simply impossible.

Therefore, 19 even began to suspect that it was done by insiders.

But who actually made the old man faint?

dark one? dark two?

But if you do this, won't you be exposed directly? Can't you just check it out?

19 didn't understand for a while, then the phone rang again, and 19 answered it, until he hung up the phone, 19 was a little puzzled.

It actually said that the old man Yao, Dark 4 and Dark 9 were all poisoned with hallucinogens, and the so-called hallucinogens were caused by the old man Yao himself knocking over the medicinal materials.

If this is the case, it can explain why all three of them had accidents in this short period of time.

But why is there always a faint sense of uneasiness in my heart?

But now this uneasiness can only be suppressed, because the most important thing is not this, but Xiaoxiao.

19 took the medicine and walked out of the room. Fortunately, the two children were asleep at this time, otherwise it would be difficult to handle the trouble.

After 19 entered, he injected Shen Xiaoxiao with medicine without saying a word, but Yan Kuan didn't stop him, knowing that 19 would not harm Shen Xiaoxiao.

"When will she wake up?"

"It is estimated that it will take three days at the earliest. Don't worry, this is already the fastest effect. It has been almost 3 months since the last poisoning, which means that the medicine is effective."

"Go into the mountains as soon as the snow melts."

Yan Kuan looked at the motionless person on the bed with a worried face, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"How is the old man Yao?"

"The old man Yao had some glitches during his research. The doctor at the base has checked it out. He will wake up tomorrow."

Speaking of waking up tomorrow, 19 felt a little weird in his heart.

Because as long as Shen Xiaoxiao poisoned her and injected her with the medicine immediately, she would wake up after sleeping for at most three days.

However, if the time of drug injection was later, the longer she would be in a coma. For example, last time Shen Xiaoxiao fell into a coma for 10 days.

Therefore, the more such an effect, the more suspicion in 19's heart. Is this too coincidental?

But if someone really did it, why did the other party do it? Miss Delay's coma time is to deepen the toxin, what is this trying to do?

When Shen Xiaoxiao fainted, Yan Kuan did nothing and stayed by Shen Xiaoxiao's side every day.

19 really wanted to go to the base to see it for himself, but he knew it was impossible. Yan Kuan couldn’t even take care of the child. They kept lying to the child that the father and mother had gone on a business trip and would not be able to return until three days later. Otherwise, once they found out that Shen Xiaoxiao was ill Well, these two children don't know how to make a fuss.

During this period, 19 did not relax his vigilance, he has been carefully observing Dark One and Dark Two.

The person who went to pick up the old man's medicine that day was An Yi, but An Er was working outside, so he wasn't sure whether it was An Yi or An Er who did it.

Knowing that now he doesn't believe that it was just an accident, but he didn't tell anyone about it.

Even though he suspected An Yi, he didn't show any difference.

In fact, in 19's heart, since he had memories, the people who filled all his memories were Shen Xiaoxiao and his two children.

As for An Yi, it's just his lover, but this lover is no longer the person who grew up together and experienced life and death.

If it was 19 before, he must have loved and respected An Yi, obedient and sensible.

But the current Anyi not only created a magic star single-handedly, but what he has learned in the past few years is completely different from what he learned in the Dark Empire.

The dark empire is finally strict and lenient, sticking to the rules of the dark empire.

But in this society, there are indeed all kinds of interpersonal interactions. Even if there is a lover, the premise is that there must be a self first.

Therefore, even if An Yi understands that 19 is still 19, the inside is already different.

It's just that he also loves 19 deeply, so he can bear it naturally, and sometimes even finds it very novel.

But this difference is different after all.

Therefore, 19 loves An Yi, but he will never lose himself for An Yi, and has no stand of his own.

And his position is Xiaoxiao and the two children.

Once there is anything that threatens or hurts the two children, he will not let it go.

But in the past two days, An Yi's reaction didn't seem like he was hurting Xiao Xiao, he brought old man Yao over as soon as he woke up.

The face was also tense, and 19 observed everything around him calmly.

After the old man Yao took Shen Xiaoxiao's pulse, he said to Yan Kuan:

"The medicine was delivered in time, and I will wake up in three days. Do you still have the medicine for 19?"

"No, this is the last one. Didn't you say that you want to continue researching, so I only kept one at that time, you know."

"Didn't you say before that that you also want to study the antidote? You have some achievements in the one you mentioned yesterday, so hurry up and tell me."

"Oh, that's what you said. I just think there is something wrong with the poison of the golden osmanthus snake. It doesn't work very well. I'll take you to have a look."

19 In a few words, he led the old man Yao to the side, but Yan Kuan and others naturally did not stop them.

Arriving at the small research room on the first floor of the defendant, which is also the small office of the old man Yao, the old man said as soon as he sat down.

"It seems that I'm really old. I did my own research and overturned the medicine, and even those two people overturned the medicine together. It's really funny. Fortunately, you acted in time."

"Dark 4 and dark 9 should stay away from you, so as not to have such an accident next time."

"It's far enough, it's already at the door, how far is it, if they go too far, who should I ask for help if my old man needs help?"

The old man Yao is very familiar with 19, and this is the most talented kid he has ever seen, even more talented than his little apprentice back then.

But because the little apprentice hated him too much, he fought against him and helped Ouyang Juehou, so he had already severed ties with the little apprentice.

And the little apprentice was also killed by the old woman. At that time, he said that he would never accept another apprentice in his life.

Otherwise, the 19 under his hand is not bad.

As early as 19 heard the old man say that the dark 4 and the dark 9 were standing by the door, his expression was a little ugly again.

He deliberately took a yellow test tube and said to the old man:

"I have studied the Pinellia nutrient solution you put here before, and the efficacy of the medicine will be halved when it comes into contact with the air. This research is not going well."

The old man looked at 19's yellow bottle and was taken aback for a moment. This is not pinellia, it's an ordinary liquid, but after thinking about it, he turned to look at 19, squinted his eyes, and finally nodded and said lightly. One sentence:

"Well, so this antidote has not made any progress."

"Hey, how can I do this..."

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