Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 862: Ginger is still spicier when old

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't expect Yan Kuan to actually take out the Bagua Roulette they picked up. Not only that, but was it really important to see that Lin Jiahui still had Shen Guoan's expression?

"Boy Ouyang, you are quite capable. You managed to get this thing. No wonder my people almost turned the mountain over and couldn't find it."

"I think I can exchange this with you."

"Do you want to exchange two children, or do you want to exchange the antidote for Yinhua Tears?"

Shen Guoan is extremely cunning. At this time, he actually tricked two people. Shen Xiaoxiao just wanted to kill him at this moment. How could this old immortal be so hateful.

Yan Kuan also didn't expect that Shen Guoan actually proposed the antidote for Yinhua Tears. Did he really have the antidote for Yinhua Tears?

"What if I want both?"

"Boy, have you ever heard of the saying that if you try to sit on two chairs at the same time, you will fall between them?"

"I'm sorry, I really haven't heard of it. I only know that if I can't get it, I would rather destroy it. Since you know the origins of my two children, then I don't mind that our family of four will live and die with us. In comparison, old man, you lack the courage to go out, and you ask for too much. "

Shen Guoan didn't expect that Yan Kuan would actually tell him that he would rather die together as a family of four than let go of his things easily. This kid is quite tough.

"Besides, old man, it seems you still lack the antidote for Yinhua Tears, right?"

Shen Xiao's novel was about black Ganoderma lucidum, and Shen Guoan naturally knew that.

The Suoyin flower, Yin Yang fruit, and black Ganoderma lucidum are the key to the solution to Yin flower tears, but Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan feel that the key to the antidote should be half a summer long.

Because Pinellia ternata is the nemesis of Suoyin flower, and the nemesis of Yin Yang fruit should be black Ganoderma lucidum. Only in this way can this antidote be made without toxicity.

According to the blood analysis in Ouyang Tian's body, traces of Pinellia ternata were indeed found in it. Therefore, apart from Yan Kuan, Shen Xiaoxiao and Shen Jin, only 19 knew about this matter.

And 19 will definitely not tell An Yi, so An Yi and Shen Guoan will naturally not know either.

Therefore, Shen Xiaoxiao said this deliberately at this moment, which can be regarded as a kind of test.

Sure enough, when Shen Guoan heard Xiao Xiao's words, he smiled lightly and said:

"Suoyin flower, Yin Yang fruit, black Ganoderma, these three things are indispensable. I already have the medicine of Suoyin flower, Yin Yang fruit is also in my hand, and the last black Ganoderma, Xiaoxiao, if you want If you want to live a good life, you should take the initiative to take it out. After all, you are also the blood of my Shen family. How could I really refuse to save you?

But my words will not change. Your marriage must be abandoned. As for the child, I can allow you to keep the older girl, but you must not keep the younger one. "

"Are you really dreaming? What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? Just because you captured my child? Huh, you are wrong in one thing. You don't have any of the three treasures in your hands."

"What's the meaning?"

Shen Guoan's eyes narrowed slightly, what did he mean by this?

As soon as Shen Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand, An Yi, who had already taken off the Yin Yang Fruit, actually walked directly in front of her and placed the Yin Yang Fruit in her palm. On the other hand, the secret guard reacted very quickly and pressed Liu Yufei down. On the ground.

Isn’t this just the same thing?

"Anichi! How dare you!"

"Mr. Shen, I have done what you asked me to do. From now on, you and I will owe each other nothing."

Shen Guoan looked at An Yi, mocked, and clapped his hands gently. A side door in the distance suddenly opened, and a pair of men in black helped a girl appear in front of everyone. And Gu Yuehua was actually among these people.

Shen Xiaoxiao's face darkened. They were really family members. Everyone except her was an insider.

"An Yi, don't you want to save your sister?"

Yan Kuan was confused. Wasn't An Yi's sister burned to death in a fire many years ago?

He looked at An Yi, and then at the person who clearly looked like a child not far away. He was completely confused. What was going on?

"I will extend her life for 30 years. An Yi, you should know that your decision back then was to use your whole life for me."

An Yi clenched his fists tightly. He looked at his sister, then at Ouyang Jue who was lying in the crystal coffin, and finally at Yan Kuan. An Yi seemed to have made an extremely important decision, and his whole body was filled with excitement. There was an aura of death all over him, and Shen Xiaoxiao felt numb all over. What was An Yi going to do?

"My sister has lived like a living dead for 30 years. It's better to die and get rid of everything. As for what you want, I won't give it to you even if I die."

After An finished speaking, he rushed towards the group of men in black.

Those people all had guns in their hands, and they opened fire immediately when they saw An Yi rushing over. Fortunately, Shen Xiaoxiao was prepared. Seeing An Yi's look, she knew that this person was determined to die. The blade in her hand was directly canceled and hit An Yi. on the legs.

An Yi knelt down in pain and just missed the bullet, and the secret guard immediately took action. The two sides faced off, and a fierce gun battle started here.

"Stop it all."

In a round-robin shooting, these people are no match for the secret guards. Mr. Shen obviously knows this, so he will not let anyone get into trouble at this time.

He looked at Shen Xiaoxiao looking so helpless, and finally said helplessly:

"Your temper has been so stubborn since you were a child. After so many hardships, you have not changed at all. You really look like you are from the Shen family. It's just a pity. You are so disobedient. What the Shen family wants is an obedient child." As a chess piece, I can send you back to the present, Xiaoxiao, you should know that I can also send you back again."

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked, what does this mean?

Could it be that her rebirth was the work of Shen Guoan?

Yan Kuan also looked at Shen Guoan in great surprise. He was thinking exactly the same as Shen Xiaoxiao was thinking at the moment, but he was more rational. He already knew that the key to the so-called reversal of time and space was the roulette wheel in his hand. Although he Don't know how to use it.

But just now, both Shen Guoan and Lin Jiahui cared more about the roulette wheel than the Yin-Yang Fruit. He was not a fool, so he could naturally tell. And the so-called antidote to Yinhua Tears was probably closely related to this. .

Shen Guoan finally stood up from his dragon throne. He didn't seem to be afraid of the guns in the hands of these secret guards at all. He slowly walked towards Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan, looked at them and shook his head and said:

"Xiao Xiao, there is a saying that when you are old, you are still spicy when you are old."

As soon as he said this, there were a few bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang," bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang," the positions of these people all fell from above, and they were surrounded by iron nets.

Everyone fired immediately, but none of the bullets could be fired. Is this an iron prison made of magnets?

The positions of Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan are even more special. They seem to know that their skills are incomparable to others. Therefore, what is covered in front of them is transparent on all sides, just like what they encountered when they entered. Glass, thick, transparent...

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