Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 883 The whole family forms a group to make trouble

Shen Xiaoxiao was so unhappy that she had strung together the anger of two lives. Is this how parents should be? Not only did she ignore her own children, but she also let her children be sold and bullied.

She didn't want to complain about Gu Yuehua anymore, but Shen Jinhe was too disappointing.

She wouldn't do it if she wanted to deal with the two of them directly, but she would definitely do it if she wanted to make you feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, Shen Xiaoxiao took a stick and smashed the things in the room without thinking about it. No matter what antiques and jades you have, or what rare copies of famous paintings you have, you can tear them up and smash them. In short, you can't leave any place to stand in your room.

They never thought that Shen Xiaoxiao would suddenly appear here, and she rushed in with a stick and smashed like crazy. The two were stunned by this behavior. By the time they reacted, Shen Xiaoxiao had smashed everything in the room, even the tables and benches were torn to pieces by her. This fighting power is amazing.

Moreover, after Shen Xiaoxiao smashed all the things, she turned around and left with a stick without even looking at the two people. What made the two people unexpected was that when they reacted and chased after her, the yard was already empty. They didn't know where Shen Xiaoxiao had run off to. It seemed like a dream, but it was really scary.

The sound of hitting not far away was really strange to the two children. Yan Kuan sat aside without saying a word, fiddling with his own things, and the two children whispered.

"Mom, this is so loud, are you going to hit a lot of people?"

Dabao asked Xiaobao while playing with the nine-link ring.

Xiaobao dismantled the gun in his hand and said slowly:

"I don't know how many people I have to deal with, but mom is so stupid. Making such a loud noise will attract helpers. We should be quieter. In fact, I think it's better to do it at night. Those who are beaten can't find anyone to avenge themselves."

"But mom looked so fierce just now. Didn't dad say that if you are angry, you should vent it and don't hold it in your heart."

"Hey, Dabao, you are as simple as mom. You should know that sometimes you should hold your anger for a while, save energy, and give the enemy a fatal blow when necessary, so that they will never be able to turn over. This is the best way."

"But holding your anger in your heart is not comfortable at all. I still feel more comfortable to vent it immediately."

Yan Kuan listened to the conversation between the two children, especially when Xiaobao said that Xiaoxiao was as simple as Dabao, he was already full of black lines. Is this child's thinking a little too that?

But at this moment, the door opened, and Shen Xiaoxiao walked in with a stick with a calm face. After entering the door, he threw the stick behind the door, sat on the chair and gulped down a large pot of water.

Yan Kuan looked at her expression, which was much better than before. Dabao was right. Women are different from men. If you don't vent your anger, you will feel uncomfortable. Especially for women, anger is the most harmful to the body.

"Look, I said, I feel much better after I vent my anger. Mom's face looks much better than before." Dabao muttered to the side. Xiaobao looked up at Shen Xiaoxiao and seemed to be really happy. He stopped arguing about this matter. After all, men and women are different, as Dad said.

Shen Xiaoxiao was really upset when she heard the two children's words, but she felt much better in her heart. Anyway, if these two people are unhappy, she will be happy.

"Feeling happy in your heart?"

"Humph, it's not that easy. I have to deal with them tonight. Today is just the study, and at night it will be their bedroom, huh."

It's rare to see Shen Xiaoxiao act so childishly. Isn't this a typical act of this child seeking a sense of existence in front of his parents? But Yan Kuan won't stop it. If he makes trouble at night, it's just a good cover.

"Then have a good fight tonight. If you feel uncomfortable, you can take the children with you. The two little guys have been miserable these days."

"Dad has no principles. He actually let us two children fight."

Dabao was playing with toys while muttering to Xiaobao. But the two children are getting rid of you. Can you speak softly? Your parents are right next to you and can hear it.

Yan Kuan touched his nose and would never admit that he actually regretted it after saying this. Shen Xiaoxiao glared at Yan Kuan fiercely. Before he could say anything, he heard knocks on the door outside.

Shen Jinhe was really slow to react. He only realized at this time to ask the bodyguard at the door for help.

Shen Xiaoxiao immediately pricked up his ears to listen to the movement outside the door.

"Xiao Xiao, the young lady just came to my place and smashed things and ran away. Where is she? You brought her to see me, it's really outrageous." Gu Yuehua stood behind Shen Jinhe and looked at the bodyguard with a worried look, but the bodyguard said to Shen Jinhe: "Master, the young lady is not here, our people haven't found them yet, are you mistaken?" "I'm mistaken? Go and see the study, it's beaten to pieces, go and tell the master that I want to see him." "The master is seeing a guest and won't see anyone for the time being. As for what the young master said was done by the young lady, we will immediately arrange people to check around, and once found, we will send the young lady to see you." After the bodyguard finished speaking, he glanced at Gu Yuehua. Gu Yuehua was startled by the bodyguard's eyes, and immediately reacted to Shen Jinhe and comforted:

"Forget it, forget it, let them check it out. Let's go back first. I haven't seen you for a long time. I have a lot to say to you. Don't waste your time on this, okay?"

Gu Yuehua's ability is really great. Although she is already a half-mother, Shen Jinhe really likes Gu Yuehua. After listening to Gu Yuehua's words, he retreated and took Gu Yuehua to the bedroom in the backyard.

When Shen Xiaoxiao heard that the farce ended so quickly, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and said:

"Shen Guoan really did it on purpose. What did he want to do? To make me angry? Or something else?"

"You don't care what he wants to do. Make a fuss tonight, just in time to free up the secret guards. The bigger the fuss, the better. My husband and children will accompany you."

After Yan Kuan said this, he didn't see the disdainful eyes of the two children looking at the couple. We don't like to make trouble, okay? We were little kids, little kids.

"The young lady smashed the study to pieces, but it seems her anger is still there."

The bodyguard told Shen Guoan the news. Shen Guoan sat on the chair and smiled lightly:

"After more than ten years of suffering, how can it be so easy to extinguish the anger? Let her make a fuss and don't worry about it. The fuss will probably be even bigger tonight. My granddaughter's temper is up to me. It's just a pity that she is a girl. But Girls also have their benefits, at least for now, they are more useful. If she doesn't make trouble, I won't worry. There is no need to report tonight, as long as the young master is protected, there is no need to interfere with anything else. "

"Yes, I obey."

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