Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 891 Please bring out the sacred object

Agen's words made Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan feel uncomfortable. The main reason was that the impact on their hearts was too great. These intricate relationships have made both of them a little bit mindless. It's Yan Kuan who has such a brain. People with strong circuits can’t figure out what’s going on.

This one, 19 was standing around a circular altar at the moment, looking at the densely packed nine-tailed snakes around him and he didn't know what to do. These snakes crawled over at an extremely weird speed since he entered here. , trapping him inside and unable to get in or out.

The treasure of the village they were guarding, the Yang Zhuan Pearl, was placed around the altar. However, 19 knew that the more obvious the Yang Zhuan Pearl was placed, the more difficult it would be to get it.

He just used that token to open the cellar door. Before he could do anything, the nine-tailed snakes were already running from all directions. 19's heart could not be described as shocked. He wanted to run out. This I'm afraid it will be difficult this time.

15 Looking at everyone lying on the ground to rest, An Yi and An Er were on the outermost edge. The two people who had led them before were standing outside. This huge stone millstone was placed in the middle, and a high platform made of stone was also placed. There are depressions in the human shape. Just looking at this, you can tell what is going on. These are probably used by people for sacrifice.

15 Carefully sacrifice all these images. There is no signal around here. It is absolutely impossible to send these images. Fortunately, he still has a small robot in his bag. What he has to do now is to send this robot to Release it, set the program to release it from the air, and it may be delivered to the boss.

But the white thick fog in the sky is too big. Unless it is flown to the highest altitude, it will be easily buried in this thick fog.

15 looked at the people who were already asleep, secretly released his fingers, and let the robot fly away.

Just after 15 released his fingers and the robot flew out, he felt a strange feeling on his hand, as if something crawled over him. He didn't dare to open his eyes, speak, or even move. Move.

What on earth is that cool, slippery feeling? Is it a snake?

The feeling of something extremely heavy pressing on his body was too strong. How big was this snake? He was going to be crushed to death. As well as these secret guards, they didn't move at all. They looked like they didn't feel anything. To the same.

Then there was a clicking sound. At this moment, 15 wanted to get the robot he recorded back. He thought that the things he recorded were already complete, but what on earth are these now?

At this moment, the white mist was all shrouded, and even at this moment, the surroundings were pale. 15 opened his eyes, and he could see clearly. The ground around him was covered with snakes and corpses, and those snakes were eating. Looking at the corpses on the ground and the clicking sound just now, it turned out to be a pair of skeleton soldiers moving in unison.

What the hell is going on?

15 His teeth were trembling with fear. Oh my god, where is this place? How could it be so weird? It must be an illusion. It must be an illusion.

15 took a deep breath and even took out a small bottle of child urine from his bag and applied it to his eyelids. He closed his eyes and opened them again, but these things were still there.

Except for a little bit of the surrounding white fog, the skeletons and those big snakes are real.

What on earth is this place?

15 I didn't dare to move for a while. I could only close my eyes and pretend that I didn't know anything, and quietly waited for dawn.

Ah Cai saw all the men, women, and children in the village, including Uncle Agen and Atawa, supporting each other as they walked to the sacrificial platform. The patriarch's spirit did not look very good. In fact, he no longer knew how he walked back to the village. , the charm in his hand fell off, and the token also fell off. It was probably because these two things were missing that he was so confused. I heard from the elders that he almost left his soul.

Buda knew very well that every time he went to see the prophet, everything there was full of mystery. Without the prophet's talisman, he couldn't get out at all. It was easy to get lost in it and something might happen if he didn't talk about it. It seems that he accidentally put the talisman into it. I dropped it, and then I was confused and almost had an accident.

He was a little scared when he thought about this, but when he thought about the major event that would happen in three days, he was still very excited. The villagers said:

“Our King will come in three days’ time, and when the time comes He will bring us eternal life.”

"Ah? The king is coming. The king who has been waiting for thousands of years is really coming."

"Yeah, great, our new life is coming soon."

"Everyone, be quiet. Our new life and our eternal life are about to come. Thank you to the true God for your blessing. Thank you to our king. In order to welcome such a grand event, we decided to respectfully invite our clan's treasure Zhuan Yang Pearl. Our king will appear in front of us personally with the Zhuan Yang Pearl."

After Buda finished speaking, he walked to the altar, and the four elders danced a unique sacrificial dance behind him. All the people knelt on the ground and did not dare to take a second look.

After nearly half an hour, the sacrificial dance ended. They saw the clan leader personally go up, put his hands on the high flag in the middle, and pull it up with all his strength.

Suddenly there was a roaring sound from the entire stone platform, and everyone saw a small round platform suddenly rising in the middle of the altar. The round platform they practiced every day turned out to be such a hidden mechanism.

Everyone looked at everything on the high platform in shock. At first, there was no change on the round platform, but then a snake head suddenly appeared in the small hole on the round platform, followed by one, two, and several nine-tailed snakes from above. Climb up and surround the small round platform with water.

"Oh my God, it's the legendary Nine-tailed Snake. It's really the Nine-tailed Snake."

"Yes, the sacred beast that protects our treasures."

"Wow--this snake really has nine tails."

Everyone was talking a lot below. Although they had heard countless legends, this was the first time they saw this sacred object.

Nine-tailed snakes surround a wooden box. The box is completely dark and intimidating.

At this moment, the patriarch suddenly waved his hand, and the four elders personally brought out the fruit flower. Buda looked at everyone and said:

"In order to bring out our Sun-Transforming Pearl, we will sacrifice the most beautiful girl in our clan to the sacred beast that protects our sacred objects in the next three days."

The Guohua was helped by her hands and feet and her mouth was blocked. Everyone was shocked when they saw it, but they had heard this legend all along. Once the Yang Zhuan Pearl was invited, three of the most beautiful women in the clan would be sacrificed to protect the sacred beast. , offering sacrifices as a reward for their hard work.

The most important thing is that the three women used for sacrifice must not only be the most beautiful women in the whole clan, but also must be women who have been tested by the clan leaders and elders in a special way, and that special way is...

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