Agen ignored his own body and went outside to sharpen the hatchet, while Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao sat down and carefully recounted what happened at the altar.

The sky was already filled with sunshine. 15 didn't know when he fell asleep. When he woke up, the sky had returned to light. He was surrounded by towering bamboo forests and the white mist had long since disappeared. He looked Looking around, the big snakes and skeleton corps that I could clearly feel last night were all gone.

Who was the secret guard or the leader in the corner? 15 immediately opened the last aircraft in the bag and flew it high in the sky. This thing was only the size of a mosquito. It was one of the essence of the entire robot. It could accurately fly this aircraft in one turn in the sky. The bamboo forest, which was still relatively clear in the film, was recorded once.

I don’t know if the thing last night was released, but now this one is the last hope. Everything from last night has been recorded, so complete. I hope the boss can receive it smoothly.

The aircraft flew extremely high. In order not to be discovered, 15 formulated the highest mode. Spending tens of millions of things would really be in vain if it didn't bubble up.

As soon as they finished doing this, 15 heard a noise, and another slightly soft whistle sounded. An Yi and An Er stood up first. 15 immediately stood up. Under his command, all the secret guards who had fallen into hypnosis also woke up. Come over.

At this moment, An Yi and An Er actually walked over to the millstone that had been placed yesterday and began to push the millstone into motion.

15 was stunned, what is this going to do?

Before 15 had time to think about it, a group of people came from a distance, followed by a group of villagers in strange clothes, but they were just like An Yi and An Er with dull expressions. They looked like A total of 10 people were controlled by someone.

At this moment, the huge grinding eye was pushed hard by one of the leading bodyguards, and a person fell into it, while they continued to pull the huge grinding stone strangely.

This was grinding people's bones. 15 suppressed the panic in his eyes. As a secret guard, for the first time, he felt that the people under his hands were so innocent at this moment.

Even if they kill people, they have principles, but they have never done anything like this to grind a living person.

But looking at everyone looking so dumbfounded, 15 could only feel anxious in his heart, but he had no idea what to do.

Boss, you'd better come quickly. What on earth do these people want to do?

Yan Kuan looked at the content recorded by the flight instrument in his hand with a confused expression. Even Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

He sat alone in the corner, playing with all his equipment and searching for all the information he could find. She kept the two children aside and played with them, not daring to disturb him at all.

Time passed slowly and in a panic. Finally, after dark, Shen Xiaoxiao watched Yan Kuan and Ah Cai slowly disappear into the dark night.

Agen was injured, and it would only be a hindrance if he went. Shen Xiaoxiao knew that Yan Kuan not only had to protect the three of them, mother and son, but also the lives of the 10 secret guards he had brought out were still uncertain. Although Yan Kuan was ruthless, he had no regard for his own. Brothers will never let it go.

Therefore, Shen Xiaoxiao not only did not stop him at all, but even tried his best to persuade him to act quickly.

Yan Kuan held his woman and child in his arms and comforted her, then closed the secret compartment from the outside and walked out.

I had always known that the saint who was going to be sacrificed must have gone through some kind of baptism, but when Ah Cai and Yan Kuan arrived at Atawa, who was imprisoned, they realized that this so-called baptism was actually Such a disgusting thing.

"Atawa is too young, so she will be left as the last sacrifice. Now bring up Lan Guwa."

Buda personally ordered that the four elders personally came forward to bring Lan Guwa, another beautiful 15-year-old girl, into the room.

Languwa is different from Atawa. Although Languwa is scared, she knows that everything she does is for the sake of her tribe, so she also has a spirit of looking forward to death.

So I knew I was going to be baptized, and I didn't feel scared after being brought to this room.

It was only when she knew that this so-called baptism was like this that she couldn't help but scream. But her mouth had long been blocked, so naturally she screamed to the heavens and the earth.

"Since ancient times, even saints cannot be virgins. Our Nine-Tailed Snake God loves pretty girls the most."

After saying that, Buda took off his pants and possessed Lan Guwa under the comments of the four elders. Desperate sobs came from her throat, and tears had already blurred her eyes.

Seeing how the amiable patriarch treated her like this, she felt despair rising in her life.

The patriarch finished, and then came the four elders, each of whom was half a hundred years old, but when they were galloping over Lan Guwa, everyone's face was so ferocious and terrifying.

"These damn beasts."

Ah Cai saw clearly from the sidelines. He did not expect that this so-called baptism was actually like this. These beasts were not sacrificing holy objects. They were clearly trying to satisfy their own desires. This Lan Guwa was only 12 years old and was only older than Ah Cai. Tawa is 2 years older, how could these beasts get away with her?

Fortunately, Atawa was only 10 years old, so she was ranked last.

Ah Cai wanted to rush in just now, but he is also a selfish person. Yan Kuan has already gone to rescue Atawa. He must monitor these people, but seeing Lan Guwa like this, he felt uncomfortable. Who is selfish? By the time he came, it was too late, Lan Guwa had already been ruined by the third elder.

Ah Cai finally gritted his teeth, took the kindling he carried with him, walked to a corner and lit the dead wood pile in the corner, burning you to death, you bunch of beasts.

Yan Kuan looked at Ah Cai's actions. He saw the scene in the room at a glance. He hit the five stones in his hand towards the room. Without exception, they all hit the clones of those people. What followed was a burst of Then there was a burst of screams.

Ah Cai ran over in a hurry. He thought they had been discovered, but he didn't expect An An's father to take action.

"Withdraw immediately."

Ah Cai carried the unconscious Atawa on his back, and the two evacuated immediately. However, Yan Kuan still had something to do, so he told Ah Cai and immediately walked to the temple.

"Who did it? Who did it?"

The patriarch and others did not tell others how this so-called baptism was performed, so he did not dare to call people in at this moment. However, he was not stupid. He immediately ran to the room where Atawa was detained and looked over. Sure enough, he was nowhere to be seen. I immediately knew who was responsible for this and was about to give the order. Suddenly I heard someone shouting:

"Thunder is falling from the sky!"

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