This underground world should have hollowed out the entire east side of the village. Fortunately, the houses in these villages have not had their foundations dug, so no one has discovered the mystery hidden underneath.

There was a large circle around it, with a round hole two meters in diameter and wide in the middle.

Yan Kuan walked up to the top and shined a searchlight on it. It was pitch black below, with not even a step. The only thing that could be seen was a reflective watch strap-like thing.

Yan Kuan took out the barb rope he was carrying, hung it at the entrance of the cave, and climbed down along the rope. Such a depth was not a problem for him. It was only when he climbed about 10 meters deep that his feet touched the ground. The watch he saw earlier was also in his footsteps.

Yan Kuan bent down and picked up the watch. When he bent down, the light on his head just found a pair of green eyes. Yan Kuan's heart tightened and it really shocked him.

He turned on the flashlight and looked at the place with the green eyes. It turned out to be a huge stone monkey. But strangely, when Yan Kuan's light shone on it, it turned around and ran away in fear.

Yan Kuan, who was already ready to fight to the end, suddenly became confused. Could it be because of the smell of child urine on his body?

Isn't it?

Yan Kuan watched the stone monkey run away and looked around carefully to avoid being so careless again.

But after looking at it, I realized that he was really careless. If he had chased or moved just now, he would have fallen into the snake cave below.

That's right, there was only a 20-centimeter-wide round platform under his feet. Under the round platform were densely packed nine-tailed snakes, each of which made a hissing sound. There was no place to stay in the surrounding Nuoda.

Where is 19?

Could it be that he has fallen into the belly of these nine-tailed snakes?

Yan Kuan has never found it so difficult. He really has no idea whether his brother is dead or alive.

Is he moving forward or retreating?

Yan Kuan glanced at the remaining rope. The distance to fall down here was enough, but once he went down, he would be surrounded by these nine-tailed snakes. With so many nine-tailed snakes, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to survive. It may not be possible to break out a bloody path.

But if he can't get to the bottom of it, his trip down here will be in vain.

Yan Kuanmo turned to a launching rope in his backpack and hit it downwards. He needed to calculate the thickness of the snakes and the width of the ground.

Then a fireball exploded around the launch rope.

Fortunately, this room is not big, but the snakes are half a foot away. It is conceivable that once this person steps down, the snakes will instantly fill his ankles.

The Nine-tailed Snake has been studied by Yan Kuan before. After all, in the Ouyang family, the Nine-tailed Snake has been a pet kept by the mistresses of the past generations. This thing likes yin, and the fireball just burned away in a big circle in an instant. , which made Yan loose a sigh of relief, and since he had child urine on his body, these snakes would not really dare to surround him anyway.

He glanced in the direction where the stone monkey ran away just now, and there was another black passage over there where he couldn't see the front.

Yan Kuan pulled the rope and climbed down slowly.

Sure enough, the smell on his body was so strong that all the Nine-tailed Snakes shrank back. He slowly walked in the direction the Stone Monkey had left. He had a hunch that he would find something amazing here, and 19 was probably already there. Going into the unknown first, he felt that 19 would not die so easily. This was due to his sensitivity to life and death over the years.

A person who licks blood from the edge of a knife all the year round is always a hundred times more predictive of death than ordinary people.

The road ahead seemed endless, just like the ancient tomb they entered before, he came to a world at the bottom of the valley again, an unpredictable world.

"Okay, since everyone unanimously voted that Tianbaowa will be the next sacrificial saint, then let's take the sacrificial saint with us."

Buda gave the order and the young people from the clan took the person down. Then Buda said:

"Earlier, we have arranged for 10 warriors to go to protect the prophet in preparation for the arrival of the king. Today, 10 warriors will go. I know everyone is participating enthusiastically, but our warriors must be able to fight and be good at fighting. Only the strongest young people can do it.”

After Buda finished speaking, he looked at the ten extremely proud young people standing forward, looking at their families and the glorious appearance of being chosen, allowing them to enjoy the attention of the entire clan.

Ah Cai looked on and was horrified, but he had too much time to take care of himself and couldn't care about that much. In fact, he was much better than many young people in the village, but his ideological consciousness was not high, so he was not selected as a warrior. , and there are more than 400 people in the entire village. With so many people trying to snatch the title of warrior, how could it be his turn?

However, Ah Cai also felt that it was a good thing that it was not his turn. He did not want to be a warrior or a warrior at all.

Once again watching the poor Langu baby being swallowed up by the group of snakes, Ah Cai's heart had hardened. Even if he wanted to say something or reveal the good deeds done by the clan leader and elders, no one would believe it. he.

Moreover, he had just saved Atawa, and he didn't want to cause any more trouble, so he just thought he was cruel. Languwa's parents didn't care about their children, let alone him, an outsider.

Watching the warrior leave the village and walk towards the forbidden area above, Ah Cai took another look at the nine-tailed snake that had disappeared. Under the round platform, he wondered if An An's father had arrived safely or if anything would happen.

15 After enduring the strong feeling of nausea, he felt that after he went out, as a psychiatrist, he would have to undergo psychological treatment. For two consecutive days, his daily job was to grind these living people, every hour. Throwing one down, they worked non-stop. After the 10 people were thrown out, they were left to lie on the ground to sleep and rest without eating. Everyone was like a walking zombie.

15 didn’t know why the bones and blood of living people were used for grinding, and he didn’t know why they were all these strong young people, but he slowly noticed some extremely small changes.

Ever since the first person was ground yesterday, the sky has gradually turned a little red. At first, he thought it was Caixia, but the red color became more and more brilliant, and he knew it would definitely not be as simple as Caixia.

Will the sky turn blood red after three days of grinding?

Even a person who has received Western education knows that Shen Guoan is most likely using some evil formation. He doesn't know what he wants to do, but such an evil method must be the kind that can destroy the world. Otherwise, how could so many living people be used? 15 was even secretly guessing whether they would be used in the end?

They are also strong young men.

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