She asked Yan Kuan to wait and walked in first. Fortunately, the Jiang family knew that Xie Qi was the daughter of Jiang Narcissus and did not give Aiwei the same medicine. Aiwei just fainted on the bed. .

When Xie Qi saw a woman walking in, and it was someone she didn't know, she was even more frightened.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Xie Qi's neat clothes and said to Yan Kuan outside: "Come in."

After speaking, he also said to Xie Qi:

"It's okay. We have taken care of the people at the door. We will send you to see your sister later."

After Yan Kuan came in, he saw Aiwei lying on the bed, neatly dressed, but not as optimistic as Shen Xiaoxiao thought. He didn't think that the Jiang family would really be so kind. Even though Xie Qi had blood from the Jiang family, her surname was Xie , whose surname is not Jiang. Just for this reason, the Jiang family will never be so soft-hearted.

Shen Xiaoxiao brought a glass of cold water from the bathroom and poured it directly towards Aiwei, while Yan Kuan tapped the back of Aiwei's neck a few times.

Aiwei woke up after a while.

"Why am I here?"

This is probably what all comatose people will say after waking up.

But Yan Kuan felt that things were weird more and more. After all, Mr. Chen was still unknown, so he said to Aiwei:

"Pack up and leave immediately."

However, Xie Qi kept crying and didn't even move. Yan Kuan looked at him and frowned, while Shen Xiaoxiao walked over. She was just a little girl after all. She whispered:

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

"No, no, there, there, there is someone there."

Xie Qi really had no defense against Shen Xiaoxiao, after all, they were the only two women here.

Hearing what Xie Qi said, Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao felt nervous at the same time, but it must not be what they thought. If Mr. Chen died here, he would really be in big trouble.

Yan Kuan walked over slowly. The huge wardrobe could really hide a person.

There was no sound at all inside. Yan Kuan carefully opened the closet, but as soon as he opened it, a man fell out.

As soon as Yan Kuan avoided it, the man fell to the ground.

Not Mr. Chen.

This sight made them all sigh in relief.

Yan Kuan stepped forward and touched it. He was already out of breath. How did this person get here?

"Xie Qi, how did this person get here?"

"I, I, I don't know, I originally wanted to hide in the closet, but I didn't expect that there was someone in the closet."

"You mean there's already someone in the closet?"

"Woooooo, yes, I, I, I changed my clothes and came out, and Aiwei was lying on the bed. I knew something was wrong, and the door couldn't be opened, so I wanted to find a place to hide.

But, when I opened the closet, I saw a person inside. I was so scared. I want my sister. "

Although he spoke intermittently, Shen Xiaoxiao still heard clearly.

"Do you know this person's identity?"

"He, he, he is the third young master of the Kong family."

"The third young master of the Kong family? Your sister's fiancé?"

"Ah? My sister's sweetheart?"

Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan looked at each other. The Kong family was involved, Yueyan was involved, they were involved, who else was involved? Yes, there are also the Xie family and the Chen family, but that's not enough. It would be a big loss if only one old man, Chen, was involved in so many.

"Aiwei, do you have any questions?"

"I'm fine. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Well, you can send Xie Qi down and take the stairs. I remember you are capable."

"Well, I smelled a scent in the toilet just now. I guess I was drugged. Under normal circumstances, a few people are no match for me. I will practice with Yueyan whenever I have free time."

"I heard Yueyan say that you can fight him to a draw. You can take Xie Qi down safely and hand it over to Xie Di. Then tell Yueyan what happened here. Yueyan knows how to deal with it."

"Okay, don't worry. If you catch someone attacking me, remember to leave it to me to deal with. What about this person?"

"Xie Qi, remember to tell your sister what happened here. You must keep it as it is and don't add anything to it, but you must not let your mother know. Do you understand?"

"Why can't my mother know?"

Xie Qi looked at Shen Xiaoxiao with tearful eyes.

Shen Xiaoxiao knew that this girl was not at all different from Jiang Narcissus, so she said:

"Because your mother has a big mouth, everyone knows that this matter will cause trouble. Today is your grandpa's birthday. Does everyone know that you want to cause trouble?"

"Then, what about Master Chen?"

"You don't have to worry about this. You go down first, hurry up and leave quickly."

When Xie Qi heard these arrangements, she naturally knew what was going to happen. She was not stupid to begin with, so she immediately followed her idol.

After Yan Kuan saw them leaving, he moved them back to the closet and put them away, then pulled Shen Xiaoxiao out.

Mr. Chen was in the innermost room. Yan Kuan took out the gun from his waist and gave it to Shen Xiaoxiao. He had seen that all the bodyguards were armed. Although it was not enough evidence, the bullets had no eyes and could not hurt. Tiny.

"I'm not that weak, just a few minions. Husband, I take good care of you."

"Little one, your mouth is especially sweet when you make your husband work hard."

Even so, the words "husband" really pleased Yan Kuan. Yan Kuan smiled, hugged her and said to her;

"Say a few more words and listen."

"Husband, husband."

This man really doesn't care about the occasion.

"Weird, when you go home at night, remember to scream a lot when you're in bed. I like it..."




The door was kicked open again. Shen Xiaoxiao stood at the door with her hands on her chest, waiting for the fun inside to end. Don't mess up her makeup, mess up her hairstyle and clothes at this time. I have to go back to attend the banquet.

After several muffled sounds, there was no sound, and Shen Xiaoxiao clapped his hands and walked in slowly.

But what they didn't expect was that in addition to the bodyguards, there was an old man here, but this old man was not the Old Man Chen they thought, but someone who looked very much like Old Man Chen.

"Hey, they look so similar?"

"Come here, Xiaoxiao, this is Mr. Chen Guojian."

"Who is Mr. Chen****?"

"That's my eldest brother, what? We two brothers look alike, right? Hahaha, but you two reacted very quickly and found me so quickly."

"How is this going?"

Shen Xiaoxiao asked the doubts in his heart, and Yan Kuan thought for a while and said:

"Mr. Chen, I admire your brotherhood very much."

"Hahaha, well, I knocked down the eldest brother right now, but if I don't come here in his stead, the entire Chen family will be destroyed tonight."

"But why are you being threatened, old sir?"

"Because the person who held us hostage had a list..."

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