Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 966 The Wolf’s Scheme

The two children were so frightened that they swallowed their saliva. They had just been washed and dressed. They really didn't expect to see such a scene as soon as they returned to the cave. The wolf looked at them like this, it was so scary.

Moreover, the wolf lying on the ground looked even larger than the wolf earlier. The eyes it looked at them were so cold and bloodthirsty that they couldn't help but feel their scalps numb and their whole bodies tremble.

"What to do--what to do--Dad said, this wolf is the most dedicated. It must be here to avenge the other wolf."

"But why didn't it attack us?" Xiaobao also swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Yes, why didn't he attack them? Instead, he lay there, as if waiting for them to come to the door automatically.

"This one is bigger than the one just now. This one must be an adult male wolf. The one we killed is a female wolf."

"Then, then, then, then this is just more powerful, then what should we do? Run?"

Of course they wanted to run away if they were in danger, but just as they were about to retreat, the wolf stood up slowly, looked at them with even colder eyes, and let out a low growl, as if to say, "You guys No matter how hard you run, you will never escape. You are destined to be my prey."

"It --- stood up --"

The two children suddenly didn't dare to move and could only stand there stupidly. When the wolf saw that the two children had stopped moving, it actually lay down again and stared at them like that. It seemed that it was using This method gradually disintegrated the willpower of the two of them, making them gradually afraid. Finally, their fear became the food on his lips, and they could even "sit back and enjoy the fruits of it" without spending any effort.

"It, why, it's just like our mother punishing us, not letting us move. If we move, it looks like it's going to eat us."

Dabao was about to burst into tears. As soon as they moved, the damn big wolf actually stood up and looked like he was going to eat them. But he didn't let them move and let them stand by this wall. Are they going to wait for death?

"Do you remember what I told you before?"

"What? You said so many things to me, how do I know which one it is?"

"Every time my mother does this, she overwhelms us with her momentum and makes us afraid to move. In fact, even if we move, our mother will not do anything to us, but we are just afraid, right?"

"Well, yes, are you saying that the wolf is scaring us too?"

"Well, it must be scaring us. When we get scared, we can only make food for it."

"But how could it be what mother thought?"

"You are stupid. Dad said that all animals have thoughts. Sometimes they are smarter than us."

"Then what are we going to do?"

The sky was completely dark at this moment, and the round eyes that had been looking at them were already green in the black, deeper and more sinister than what they had just seen.

"Wow----I'm so scared---Wow---don't tell me to look at me like that----"

Dabao was so scared that he couldn't control himself. He was still a child after all. Being stared at like this all the time, one can imagine his fear. Xiaobao could only hold Dabao's hand, but as soon as he moved, the big wolf stood up.

It was obvious that he had no intention of standing up when Dabao was so frightened and crying. It seemed that this big wolf still recognized people. Did he think he was more dangerous than Dabao?

If that's the case, then he knows what to do.

To make sure, Xiaobao deliberately said to Dabao:

"Don't cry, try walking a little further back."

Dabao was already very scared. Hearing what Xiaobao said, he really stepped back a little. Xiaobao looked carefully and saw that the wolf really didn't want to stand up. Instead, he just moved his hand again, and the wolf lowered his head. roared.

Xiaobao swallowed his saliva, thought for a while and said to Dabao:

"Dabao, don't cry, I have a solution, and you must be the main force."

After hearing that there was a solution, Dabao immediately stopped crying and said to Xiaobao:

"Woo---what way---what way?"

"You can't cry, otherwise we will both die. Now is the time for you to save both of us."

"What, how can I save it? I don't know how to save it?"

"I just saw it. If you move, the big wolf will not care. But if I move, the big wolf will move. Now you slowly retreat to the right side of the cave entrance. After you retreat, we will still Just like in the morning, I immediately moved to the left. This wolf would definitely chase me out. He was more hostile to me than you. Dad said that when the wolf leader went out to fight, he would often focus on the most powerful one. I thought he must have smelled it. There are differences between men and women.”

"Can you smell this too?"

"Animals can't speak human language, of course they smell through their noses."

Xiaobao would never tell Dabao that this was a random guess on his part, but at the moment he could only do this to distract Dabao from his nervousness, and it would definitely make their tough battle much more difficult than at noon.

But Xiaobao also believes in one thing more, that is, what his father said, people are always many times smarter than animals. No matter how smart the animals are, no one is smart. Using wisdom, you can defeat all impossibility.

"It turns out that you smell it through your nose, so should I wait until I see it coming out and then target the back?"

"Yeah, but this wolf is taller than the one at noon. The thigh you can't do this time must be the belly. It must be the belly."

"I know, I know, I have to paddle like you did at noon."

"Yeah, yes, pull it."

Xiaobao would never admit it. When Dabao said he was going to stretch the big wolf's belly just now, there were little stars in his eyes. There was no longer any fear, only excitement, yes, excitement.

"Well, Dabao, you must pay attention to its legs, don't get kicked, do you understand?"

"Well, I know, it won't get kicked. It's so high, I can run away from under his legs."

Xiaobao really wanted to see Dabao or touch her head, but at the moment the two were in tandem and he couldn't see her at all.

But they are really twins. At this moment, Dabao suddenly reached out and did what Xiaobao was thinking. She put her hand on Xiaobao's head and said like Shen Xiaoxiao normally:

"Don't be afraid, little baby. I'm going to look after my sister this time. She will definitely not let anything happen to you."

"Be careful, be careful."


Dabao slowly backed away. They had been not far from the entrance of the cave just now. It was already dark now. Fortunately, he had lived here for nearly 10 days and was very familiar with this place, so it was pitch black all around. Dabao They are not afraid, let alone not being able to see their surroundings. The moon here is much bigger than outside, and it looks much brighter. Many times, it even seems as if the moon is only the top of a building away from them. So although the surroundings are dark, some light can still be seen clearly.

"I'm hiding and I've got the knife. Move quickly and don't get knocked down by it."

"Okay, I'll count one, two, three, get ready."


"one two three……"

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