Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 973 Observe and learn

"Are you still afraid?"

Xiaobao looked at Dabao's bright eyes, not knowing what she was thinking, and didn't speak, just staring at it with big round eyes.

"Talk, are you scared? Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Little Treasure, I found out that you are really powerful now. You cut off such a big snake with one knife, and I didn't notice it just now."

It was the first time that Dabao's adoring eyes looked at Xiaobao so unreservedly.

Little Treasure has black lines all over his head, and this big Treasure is sometimes so nervous that he is really speechless.

"Please, you can do it too, it's just that you are too focused and went to watch other people fight."

"But you are also very powerful. This snake is bigger than both of our thighs. If we get entangled by it, we will die. Sure enough, the outside world is really dangerous."

Dabao expressed his remarks with a lot of emotion, Xiaobao glanced at her, shook his head speechlessly and said:

"Look quickly, we'll go back when we're done, it's been out for over an hour."

"Well, I know. I think the outcome will be divided. Xiaobao, do you think the big snake will win or the big tiger will win?"

Xiaobao took a look at the situation below and said directly:

"big snake"

"Hahaha, I also think the big snake will win. Although the big tiger moves fast and has a huge body, the big snake is too flexible, especially its tail, which is like a whip. Every time a whip is thrown down, you see Seeing that the ground shook, so although the big tiger looks powerful, the big snake will still win in the end. If you have brute force, but without a flexible body and skills, it is still in vain."

Dabao's comments all touched Xiaobao's heart, and he really didn't expect Dabao's eyes to be so sharp, and he could see it. He is usually lazy, lazy to use his brain, lazy to think, it seems In the future, we will open up the feature of Dabao more.

"Wow, look, the big snake really won."

With the last sway of its tail, the big tiger was beaten and lying on the ground and could no longer move. The big snake stood in the middle like a victor and looked at the other beasts. At this moment, no wild beast stepped forward to provoke the big snake. With a stroke on the big tiger's belly, a yellow bead protruded from the big tiger's belly.

"Xiaobao, look at it, it's a yellow spar."

Of course, Xiaobao also saw the yellow spar in the big tiger's belly, but he was thinking about a problem. The big wolf they met before was a white spar. The different colors of the spar represent different levels. , So in other words, this tiger is one level higher than the previous wolf, so how can I find a big snake? What grade is it?

Little Treasure hasn't figured this out yet, but at this moment they saw that big snake suddenly raised its head and opened its mouth to the moon, spitting out the same yellow spar, and the two spar slowly closed and turned into blue , the big black snake also doubled in size in an instant at the speed seen before, and then swallowed the blue spar again.

"It, it, Xiaobao, is this big snake advancing?"

"Well, it seems that it is, swallowing the crystals of other animals to help him advance."

"It has turned from a yellow spar to blue. Look, Xiaobao, it seems to have horns and a small bump."

Dabao looked very carefully, and was a little excited when he saw a small bump growing on the big black snake's head.

"Oh, the stinky black monster that snatched my hat last time must be of a higher level than this blue spar. It has feet, so I guess it's a green level."

"Well, it's very possible, white, yellow, blue, green, red, different colors and different grades."

"Okay, should we go back, so as not to be discovered by those animals, then we will not be able to escape."

"Well, let's go. We've seen enough. We'll start practicing tomorrow. Although this big snake is big, its body is soft and its tail is too flexible."

"Yes, the tail is very flexible, so we must not only learn the surprise of the big tiger, but also learn the flexibility of the big snake, hurry down."

The two slowly climbed down from the tree and prepared to leave with the basket under the tree, but Xiaobao still joked to Dabao:

"Xiaobao, do you want to eat snake meat? Didn't you say that snake meat is delicious?"

Dabao glanced at the motionless snake lying on the ground, and remembered how he had sneaked up on her just now. She walked over without saying a word, picked up the knife and aimed at the middle part of her body, and chopped off. She took a small section and held it in her hand. Then he said to Xiaobao:

"Okay, just eat a little, and leave the rest for other animals. Let's eat grilled snake meat. I haven't eaten grilled snake meat yet."

Seeing Dabao's fierce action, Xiaobao was stunned for a while. He thought that Dabao would definitely dislike her, and he would be able to laugh at her at that time, but he didn't expect Dabao to become so fierce.

"Why don't you go? Are you stupid? Xiaobao, we can't be greedy. This big snake is so big that we can't handle it, and it will slow down our speed. We can't chew it if we are too greedy. Xiaobao, if you still If you want to eat snake meat, we are coming out to fight, good boy, let's go."

How could he be educated by Dabao in turn? Why is this feeling so strange? He actually wanted to tease Dabao, but he didn't feel like teasing Dabao, so strange.

The two children threw the black body under the tree and walked back in the basket, but they didn't expect that this action would cause them another catastrophe.

"It's a pity that we only found salt and no other seasonings. Otherwise, the baked food would definitely taste much better."

Dabao muttered as he walked, Xiaobao couldn’t listen anymore, what his uncle said was true, a woman is really an animal that can’t be satisfied, when there was no salt before, Dabao said that if there was salt, everything would be satisfied, They found a small earthen pit like a salt well by the lake. Dabao was not satisfied, and now he still wanted spices.

Even if the spice is in front of them, they don't know it. Sometimes Dabao is very smart, sometimes how can he be so stupid?

"Do you know spices? Said to add spices."

"I don't know, but Dad said that barbecue with a little spice is delicious."

"Please, it's good that we can find salt now, but tomorrow we can go and beat some honey, honey is very good."

"Are you going to the hornet's nest? I'm not going. What if you get stung? Xiaobao, it's not my sister who told you that you can't put yourself in a dangerous situation just for a moment's pleasure, you know?"

Dabao turned his head and left after speaking to Xiaobao in a serious manner. Xiaobao looked at her like this and wanted to show her around. It was so annoying. He said that for her sake, why did he want to eat it? what.

Damn Dabao, he's becoming less and less cute.

"Xiaobao, did you hear any sound?"


Xiaobao didn't want to talk to Dabao, so he didn't want to answer what she said, but Dabao listened very carefully, there was a real voice, and it seemed to be right above their heads.

Dabao looked up.

"Ah--run, it's the pterosaurs coming--"

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