Chapter 31: Lin Ze’s trick, shocking the people of the mainland! (5, ask for flowers and ask for everything).

The sun outside the window is just right, the lonely man and widow in the window, dry firewood, a touch!

In the end, before Ge Jiayi’s arrival, Lin Ze first gave Guan Zhilin a full bag.

Then, the refreshed Lin Ze came to the living room and saw Ge Jiayi.

The maid served her a cup of tea, but Ge Jiayi didn’t have the heart to drink tea, looked at Lin Ze, and couldn’t wait to ask:

“Chairman, you called me here, is there any good way?”

Hearing this, Lin Ze waved his hand, and the maid on the side picked up the photo that Lin Ze had already prepared.

It is the group photo of Lin Ze and the respected old man.

Ge Jiayi took the photo and didn’t know what Lin Ze meant.

Lin Ze spoke

“You take this photo, in my name, to send opening invitations to various leaders.”

“Two months later, attend the opening ceremony of our company in the mainland, and after that, you take the invitation card and photo to go through the procedure.”

As soon as Lin Ze spoke, Ge Jiayi understood what he meant.

Ge Jiayi’s eyes lit up and she was full of praise:

“Chairman, your trick is too great, as the saying goes, Yan Wang is so difficult to provoke little ghosts, get those leaders, forgive those staff and dare not delay and snub us.”

“If the time comes, we are still delayed and unable to open the business, and those staff members will not be able to withstand accountability!”

With a clever plan, Ge Jiayi took his leave, and went to the mainland to personally invite the leaders.

Not long ago, Lin Ze promised to invest three billion Hong Kong dollars at the national celebration ceremony.

At that time, there were many leaders and high-level leaders at the scene who witnessed it with their own eyes.

Subsequently, Lin Ze became famous in the mainland.

At this time, Ge Jiayi went to invite in the name of Lin Ze, and those leaders did not have a reason to refuse, and agreed very happily.

Successfully invited the leaders, Ge Jiayi went to various departments non-stop to approve the process.

This time, when the staff saw the invitations of the senior leaders.

Naturally, there was no slightest slack, and soon, the procedure was approved.

Commercial land has also been approved, and it is in the best area of Bao’an County.

Immediately afterwards, Ge Jiayi began to recruit construction workers and brick movers.

Dongsheng Village, Bao’an County, is a small village where the sun rises and the sun sets.

In addition to farming, the villagers go out to sea to fish every day.

Now the interior is short of materials, the business environment is deserted, and even if villagers catch fish, there is no way to sell it.

On this day, Wang Mazi went to a nearby town to buy farm tools, accompanied by his nephew who was in the sixth grade of elementary school.

The two entered the town and saw recruitment notices posted in many places.

Wang Mazi was illiterate and asked his nephew

“Xiao Ming, what is written on this?”

Wang Xiaoming looked at the notice and stumbled to read:

“The world company hires construction workers with high salaries, 5 yuan per day for small workers, 8 yuan per day for large workers, including food, and three meals are enough.”

When he heard Wang Xiaoming’s words, Wang Mazi knew that this was a recruitment revelation, and he was shocked at that time.


“Groove, did I hear you right? Small workers have 5 bucks a day? ”

Wang Mazi is not shocked that the standard of living in the hinterland is now very backward and poor.

The wages of the working class are only fifty or sixty yuan a month, which is far from Hong Kong Island.

Just like this, it is still envied, envied and hated by countless people in the mainland.

Wang Mazi is a farmer, busy all day, exhausted, and earns at most twenty or thirty yuan a month.

Now go to move bricks, there are 5 pieces a day, nearly ten days and a half of his hard money.

150 yuan a month, this is an astronomical amount that Wang Mazi dare not think of!!

In an instant, Wang Mazi was so shocked and excited that he trembled all over, and his eyes were red.

I couldn’t even buy farm tools, so I pulled my nephew and ran home.

When he arrived at home, he saw his two brothers and quickly said:

“Brother, I just went to the town and saw someone recruiting, and the small worker has 5 yuan a day!”

Hearing this, Wang Mazi’s brother Wang Shi looked shocked and said in disbelief

“So high, you didn’t lie to me, did you?”

Wang Mazi also had doubts in his heart, but such a good thing would rather be trusted or not.

“Brother, it’s okay anyway, let’s go and see if there is no loss.”

Wang Shi nodded in agreement and said

“Indeed, let’s go, let’s take a look.”

The three brothers took Wang Xiaoming to the location marked on the job posting.

When they were on the road, the three of them saw a lot of people, and when they got to the place, it was even more crowded.

“Is it true that you recruit workers for 5 yuan a day?”

“Of course it’s true, our Tianxia Group is a large company on Hong Kong Island.”

In the face of everyone’s doubts, the personnel of Tianxia Group came forward to explain that the recruitment was real and effective.

Hearing this, everyone present looked happy.

5 yuan a day, in today’s mainland, is definitely a high salary among high salaries.

In one day, one spread ten, ten pass hundred, call friends and friends.

Tianxia Group soon recruited five or six hundred workers, and more people continued to arrive.

The next day, the work began intensively, laying the foundation and building the factory.


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