Chapter 33: Poor is good for himself, rich is good for the world! (7, ask for flowers and ask for everything).

In their eyes, Lin Ze has an aura on him, a good person.

Not only were the wages extremely high, but they also killed so many pigs for them to eat meat, and they had never seen such a good boss.

Being watched by thousands of people grateful to Dade, for a while, even Lin Ze’s mood was a little complicated.

To be honest, in Lin Ze’s opinion, what he did was nothing.

The current exchange rate gap between Hong Kong dollar and RMB is very small, and the exchange rate will not be very different until the 80~90s.

Therefore, the salary of 5 yuan a day is much higher than that of the mainland, but compared to Hong Kong Island, it is a dime a dozen.

And fifty pigs, the value is only a few thousand dollars.

In his eyes, it is no different from a few cents.

Unexpectedly, thousands of people were so grateful to him.

This made Lin Ze speechless, and an inexplicable sense of pride arose in his heart.

In his previous life, a very famous businessman did a lot of charity and donated billions of dollars, but he was ridiculed by many people on the Internet.

In Lin Ze’s view, it was that person who deserved it, because the man even proposed that the workers could not be paid high, otherwise it would affect the workers’ hard work.

Listen, is this human speech?

You opened a factory, and with a group of hard-working workers to help you, you became the envy of everyone’s billionaire.

After becoming famous, you would rather do charity than raise the wages of the workers who work for you day and night.

If you work hard and sacrifice thousands of families, you should be fattened alone?

You are eating fat heads and big ears.

The worker should take the meager income, be a cow and a horse, and fight you to death?

It’s not a human thing at all.

Getting rich first leads to getting rich later, shouldn’t you drive workers to get rich together and get rich together?

In Lin Ze’s view, the poor are good for themselves, and the rich are good for the world.

Helping people close to you is more important!

Just when Lin Ze sighed in his heart, thousands of workers were elated and began to divide and cooperate.

Fifty pigs are too many, there are not so many pig-killing knives at the construction site, and some people are close to home and spontaneously return home to get knives.

Soon, the construction site resounded one after another with the wail of the big fat pig before death.

After killing the pigs, there were more than a dozen big men in front of each pig, disemboweling, boiling water and removing hair.

Tempted by good food, everyone is energetic.

In just half an hour, fifty large fat pigs were processed.

Someone also brought a large iron pot from home, firmly inserted a few sticks of steel into the ground, hung the iron pot, and began to cook the meat on the fire.

Soon, a strong smell of meat sounded on the construction site, and the fragrance was wafting for ten miles.

Many children in the neighborhood smelled the fragrance and came to the neighborhood, looking forward to it.

The children were skinny and wore dirty.

The eyes were too pitiful, Lin Ze said to Ge Jiayi

“When the meat is cooked in a while, send some to those children.”

Hearing this, Ge Jiayi glanced at Lin Ze with admiration and nodded.

At three or four o’clock in the morning, pots of rice and boiled pork were placed in front of thousands of workers.

“Chairman, try it first.”

The workers’ eyes were full of longing, but none of them moved their chopsticks, but hoped that Lin Ze could taste them first.

Seeing this, Lin Ze was a little relieved in his heart, and at the same time, he also wanted to taste the authentic local pork of this era.

Lin Ze picked up a pair of chopsticks, lifted a piece of fat and lean local pork, and put it in his mouth.


I have to say that the local pork of this era tastes very good, the fat meat is soft and rotten, not greasy at all, and when you take a bite, your mouth is full of oil, and the meat is fragrant.

Seeing this, the workers finally began to move the chopsticks, different from the previous life, the current lack of materials in the mainland, usually people can not eat any oil and water, eat meat do not like to eat lean meat, but like to eat fatty meat, because fat meat is more oily and nutritious, do not eat meat for a long time, fat meat eats more fragrant, and does not feel tired.

Feast and have a lively atmosphere.

When they returned home that day, all the workers were happy and praised Lin Ze’s generosity to the neighbors.


On Hong Kong Island, at 10 p.m., workers went home from work to rest, and the industrial zone in the southern part of Hong Kong Island’s Kwun Tong District became deserted.

“Be careful, don’t make a move.”

In one factory, several sneaky men carefully took gasoline drums and spilled the gasoline inside all over the factory.

Soon, several men converged, and the man at the head took out a match, poofed, and the match rubbed to make a fire.

The man threw the match casually and threw the match on the gasoline.

With a bang, the gasoline was instantly ignited and spread.

Several men quickly took advantage of the fact that the fire was not large, got into the night, and disappeared.

Fueled by gasoline, the fire spread throughout the plant.

“It’s on fire, it’s coming, it’s on fire, it’s going to put out the fire.”

A security guard noticed the raging fire at the factory and immediately called.

Many people were alarmed and hurriedly came to the factory, picked up the fire extinguisher in the fire cabinet and began to extinguish the fire.

But in the face of raging fire, it will not help at all.

Some people started calling the fire alarm and heard that there was a fire in a factory in Kwun Tong, and the fire alarm did not dare to slacken.

But it took time for the fire alarm to arrive, and at this time, the fire spread to other factories.

Soon, four or five factories caught fire.

Ten minutes later, the fire alarm finally arrived, and the firefighters began to extinguish the fire.

Along with the arrival of several reporters, set up equipment and began to film the scene.

Half an hour later, the raging fire was extinguished, but at this time, everything in the factory was also burned under the flames.


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