Chapter 38: Niso, who gritted his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach, exploded the neon people! (4, ask for flowers and ask for everything).

On this day, Lin Ze was practicing the Yellow Emperor’s Imperial Female Heart Sutra with Guan Zhilin when the phone suddenly rang.

Lin Ze stopped cultivating, picked up the phone, and asked

“Hello? Who is it? ”

Ge Jiayi’s voice sounded on the other end of the phone, and said with a smile

“Chairman, I’m Ge Jiayi.”

“Is there something going on?”

Ge Jiayi reported in a solemn tone:

“It’s such a chairman, just invited by major international companies such as Nisso and Philips.”

“I want you to visit major companies such as Nexus and Philips.”

Knowing that Nisso and Philips and other major international home appliance companies sent invitations, Lin Ze understood the thoughts of these companies in an instant.

With the advent of DVDs, VCDs of all companies are slow to sell and suffer heavy losses.

But in practice, there is a remedy.

DVD is an iteration of VCD, and many of the accessories of both are similar and identical.

The only difference is important parts such as chips and movements, and the remedy is to buy the chips and movements of the DVD, make the DVD, or rework the VCD into a DVD.

Although doing so, the cost of purchasing accessories and artificial machines, etc. will increase a lot.

But compared to losing money to the end, this is the only way.

Today, only Tianxia Group has the core technology of DVD.

Companies such as Niso, Philips, Panasonic and others are not impossible to copy, but it takes time.

At the very least, it will take a year or two.

For such a long time, the yellow cauliflower was cold.

So now, Lin Ze and Tianxia Group can be described as the only lifesaver for major international home appliance companies!

So although the executives of some large companies such as Nisso and Philips may have guessed that Lin Ze designed to pit them.

But they still had to break their teeth and swallow into their stomachs, and they couldn’t say anything bitterly, so they turned to Lin Ze.

A bright smile appeared at the corner of Lin Ze’s mouth and said:

“You replied to Niso, Philips and other companies for me, and I agreed.”

“I see, Chairman.”

Hanging up the phone, Lin Ze was in a happy mood, and the sound of uh-huh, rain playing pipa sounded in the room.

The next day, Lin Ze embarked on a journey, with the first stop being the nearest Neon Nisso.

Neon Capital International Airport, on this day, all the senior management of Nisso, led by Kazuo Chii.

Standing solemnly at Jingdong Capital International Airport, waiting for a person to arrive.

As time passed, around ten o’clock in the morning.

A plane docked at the airport, and Kazuo Chii, who had already received the news, immediately led the people forward.

When he saw Lin Ze, Kazuo Chii’s eyes flashed with extreme surprise.

Although it has long been understood that the chairman of the Tianxia Group is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

But when he saw Lin Ze with his own eyes, he was still deeply shocked by his incredibly young appearance.

The next moment, Kazuo Chii bent over and greeted in a respectful tone:

“Welcome, Mr. Lin, hello, I’m Kazuo Chii!”

In the face of Lin Ze, the senior management of Nisso Company had a very complicated feeling.

It was the ruthless means of the teenager in front of them that put their company in danger!

They should be hostile and resist him, but now they have asked for Lin Ze and have to bow their heads!!

For a time, some people at the top of Nisso Company looked as usual, and some people bent down through gritted teeth.

Or willingly or reluctantly greeted in unison:

“Warm welcome Mr. Lin!!”

Dozens of elites in suits and shoes saluted a teenager at the same time.

The scene was spectacular, and this scene shocked many passengers.

At the same time, not far away, dozens of journalists, with long guns and short cannons, are filming!

Tianxia Group swept through the eight wastes and became the hegemon of the film and television home appliance industry.

When the chairman of the group came to Neon, many financial reporters were paying attention.

Lin Ze was full of smiles, very satisfied with the welcome ceremony of Kazuo Qiandao and others, very faceless and fanciful!

He naturally noticed that someone was looking at him wrongly, but Lin Ze didn’t care.

He likes the way others look at him and can’t kill him!!

“Hello, I’m Lin Ze.”

Kazuo Chii stretched out his hand and said

“Mr. Lin, please over here.”

Lin Ze followed Kazuo Chii to a Rolls-Royce.

Kazuo Chii personally opened the door for him and held on to the roof of the car, afraid that he would bump into it, and the details were incomparably in place.

Lin Ze and Guan Zhilin got into the car, and everyone went to a high-end hotel.

In the resplendent box, Kazuo Chii made a request for cooperation, ordering chips and movements for DVDs in large quantities.

For the cooperation requirements of Nisso, Lin Ze did not hesitate too much and directly agreed.

Although providing DVD chips and movements to Nisso, it will allow Nisso to produce DVDs and seize the DVD market of the world’s companies.

But Lin Ze understands a truth, he lacks skills, he cannot monopolize and dominate the entire film and television home appliance industry.

The best way to make money is for him to master the core technology of DVD and collect patent fees from major companies.

At the same time, monopolize core accessories and sell them to major companies.

The two-pronged approach truly ensures harvests from drought and floods and steady profits without loss.

Let the world’s famous home appliance companies be his migrant workers, lie on their bodies to suck blood, and make their money! ! !

The cooperation is reached, and for a time, the guests are at home, and the guests and hosts are happy.


The next day, yesterday’s events were published in neon newspapers large and small!!

【The chairman of Tianxia Group and the president of Nisso Company held a meeting, and the two sides had cordial exchanges and reached cooperation! 】 】

In the newspaper, there are also pictures.

The first picture is the picture of Lin Ze walking out of the airport with Guan Zhilin and Kazuo Chii leading all the senior management of Nicso Company to bow down to greet him.

The second picture is of Kazuo Chii opening the door for Hayashizawa and carefully holding the roof of the car.

When the neon people saw the news and the accompanying pictures, they immediately exploded!


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