Home Alone 2: Lost in New York – Losing the Cinematic Touch?

Ian Renner's latest film, Home Alone 2, was released not long ago, and as you can see, I'm the one who thinks it's good but not great.

The film Avatar, which is associated with Goofy, raises the bar for good cinema and is an enjoyable film compared to Ian Rayner's sole work and directing skills.

After Avatar was first released, it showed two things, which were confirmed by almost everyone who had the opportunity to watch the film.

The first is that Ian Renner's film concept is very interesting, and the second is the undeniable fact that the Goofy VFX team made this film much better than what was completely produced by Rainer Studios.

This also brings me to the next topic, Home Alone 2, which, in my opinion, should be a sequel to the first film, with little difference.

I saw the concept of the film, just like it was in the first film, and it's been similar ever since, and could have done better in terms of cinematography.

Ufaz in the article mentioned in the media that the premiere night of the film finally ended, just the next day.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York was released right after the film's premiere, and the movie trailer that once captured the attention of millions led to people booking tickets in advance even before the release in local theaters.

As much as some people love the film, the internet and the media tell a completely different story.

There were a lot of people in the crowd who said exactly what was said and agreed with Ufaz's criticism.


On the second day of his long talk with Mason, he has decided everything he should do for the next month, or simply, his vacation.

The first thing he wanted to do in the morning was to go and see Railyn to make his idea come true.

"I didn't expect to see you here," she said, standing up and politely saluting the director.

Ian just motioned for her to sit down, then sat down in front of her.

"Normally, I wouldn't show up so early," Ian began.

"I want you to be the director of the next film, spring isn't a day to read," Ian said, Raireen's eyes lifted in surprise.

"What?" she asked again, just to confirm what she had just heard.

"Spring isn't a day to read, I've been writing movie scripts, my next film... You are the director. I believe in your skills, especially after seeing the work you did in those scenes of Marriage Story. I will explain the whole concept of the film. Then, you can decide whether to take the opportunity or not, okay?" Ian asked, and Raereen nodded at his words.

Ian explains to Raereen what and how the film is going to be, and how he's been planning to present it to the audience, including his planned cinematic strategy.

At the end of the explanation, he added, "... If you think about it, you're a great cinematographer, and that makes the film better, too. After all, I saw reviews of the latest movies, and they weren't that good. But the change could boost the image of Studio Reina.

Ian spoke with a hint of guilt and sadness, but on the surface, he was giving Reelin a chance to take a break from filmmaking.

"I think I'll do it," she said without looking at Ian.

After a few seconds, her gaze met his, and she repeated to herself, "yes, I might as well take the chance." A lost opportunity is a missed opportunity in any case. Oh, and about those comments... I think we all know what's going on," she said with an angry shrug.

Ian knew what she meant, and he felt it when he read the comments.

"yes," the word encompasses a lot of meanings, and the notice of his departure from the office is for her to be available to talk to him at any time.


The next visit is back to Mason.

"I can't believe I'm talking about this uncle, but I think it's time to take my name off the stuff. It's getting too much, you could say—" Ian paused, noticing the frown on Mason's face. "Well, I know your problem. Where did this come from? Honestly, I jumped into everything. Now I believe that if I say that I am not ready to deal with the pressure and everything that the media is putting on me, then I am being being honest with myself. "

To be honest, Ian in his previous life was a low-level actor, a small director, and liked to study and do things at his own pace. It was because of the transformation that he saw an opportunity, an opportunity to shine in Hollywood.

He has the resources and the hope of living a glamorous life, and the celebrities around him blinded him to the reality of the industry, the constant demand for maintaining his image, and the expectations of the public, which overwhelmed him and blinded him quickly.

At first, everything went well, considering how much influence he had on things and how he didn't compete.

Seeing the success of his films back to back made him step by step in film production without taking a step back.

But it also paved the way for many problems, such as his problems, frustrations, stress, and the pressure he was forced on.

Relying on his back-to-back strength for two years, that drag racing incident was the only thing that made him angry.

"I thought you knew that, Ian. The media, but also the public, they are like a pack of wild dogs. They are always ready to pounce on the slightest drama in your life. They exaggerate things to the extreme, so much so that they end up confusing the truth and creating false dramas. Mason said, leaning forward in his chair.

"Me too, uncle. But if we think about it, there are limits to everything. I, myself, am human after all. I do have a lot to contribute to the industry, but it all reminds me of the time I didn't have to improve myself personally and professionally. Well, while it will be a difficult journey to find myself, I don't think it's impossible, and I think, I really need a vacation. Find yourself again. He shrugged as he spoke.

There wasn't a hint of a smile on his face that could explain that he meant it, but anyway.

It took Mason a few seconds to process it, as could be seen from Mason's eyes scanning the desk from left to right.

In the end, he relented. "If you think this is the vacation you need, I won't stop you. By the time you return, I've used your financial power of attorney and fully set up the necessary media outlets. So, that... Well, you know what that is,"

"Thank you, uncle. "

It's not uncommon for celebrities and celebrities to have media outlets and build rapport with them, and no one in the industry is a saint forever. There are no saints in Sin City, and Ian is no exception.

Public image is very important, especially in an age when culture is canceled, and it can make or break an entire career in an instant.

For example, in the world before Ian, Disney was one of the six major media companies in the United States, and later acquired Fox and Paramount, and also had enough control over Sony.

They effectively control the tone of the entire national media, and they are the oligarchs of the news and media industry.

When you talk about high-ranked celebrities, Cardi is undoubtedly very talented and has great songs in her repertoire, but she also needs the help of connecting with the media, as well as her own near-avid following, to hide a lot of the shady mistakes she's made in her career. For example, she publicly confessed to hiring a man at the club to assault another woman, but even though she pleaded guilty to the assault in court, she only received no more than 2 weeks of community service as punishment. It's all because of the rabid following, and the political connections through Hollywood.

Ian faced it precisely this way, on the one hand, he had Goofy, which forced him to sign a contract with their company while secretly manipulating the system to make things more difficult for him, and on the other hand, he was a writer and film director, a newbie to the industry, lacking fanatical followers, or a connection to politics to protect himself from a behemoth like Goofy, who couldn't chew too much.

"If you're ready, have you booked your tickets?" asked Mason with a slight smile.

"Yes, I have. Nick was already planning a quick farewell party, though I did mention that I wasn't leaving forever," Ian said and laughed, which made the old man laugh along.

When his charter flight took off from LAX, Ian was relieved.

The paparazzi have become so brazen in trying to get the scoop on his life that it's hard for them to even get out of his office.

Everything he did, began to be promoted. Even the plane he chartered to Beijing was somehow leaked to the media, and he feared that he would have to face more of the same on the other side as well.

As he begins his Hollywood journey, he expects fame, prestige, and an elite and privileged social circle to mingle with him.

He saw all the glitz and glamour, he looked forward to women, money and fame, while at the same time he did understand that he was not aware of the reality of that life.

He couldn't see what it was. He didn't realize the heavy maintenance necessary to sustain this life, because even the smallest gossip and rumors put his life on a trajectory that he didn't expect.

A simple civil dispute, which should have ended without fancy, turned into a dramatic media frenzy, instigated by those who wanted to exploit him, subjugate him and profit from him.

As the city sped under his feet, Ian stared at the horizon.

He hopes that the month-long vacation will give him time to reevaluate himself and be enough to make the media's interest in him greatly diminished.

He didn't want to be caught off guard again, just like he didn't want to work with Goofy again.

Reelin will take over the filming of "Spring Is Not a Reading Day", an easy-to-make film that he absolutely trusts in her.

After explaining the script and the themes of the film, he knew that she was more than capable of handling the entire production process of the film.

He had recommended Alexandra D'Addario for the lead role, and he knew she would take care of it.

As the city faded into the background of the window he was looking out, Ian leaned back in his seat and dozed off. His worries and frustrations were forgotten for the time being.

If nothing else, Raereen is a mess, she has a lot of unsolved problems that she wants to solve.

She was going to ask Ian for leave, but life gave her a curveball, and Ian decided to go on vacation and go to Beijing on his own.

While she understands his problem, she has experienced first-hand the paparazzi's hunt and social media intrusions on his privacy, and she wishes she had the courage to spend that holiday with him that he has been.

She hesitated when she recounted his ongoing relationship with Scarlett Johansson, and that one time she walked into them in bed, which kept her from speaking her mind.

Although, she had to admit that walking into them made her very excited, which was another side that she herself didn't know existed.

She may just have a voyeuristic fetish that is buried deep inside her.

"Nick might think... A way to discover yourself" she smiled boringly, staring at the list of actors she offered, one from RedHub TV and the other an open application for which they received various roles.

As she sat in Ian's office, she made herself comfortable in his chair and used the phone to call Ian's assistant outside.

"Murphy, can you get Nick to the office. She demanded.

"I'll go there now. Is there anything else you need?" asked Murphy on the other end of the phone.

"No, so be it. After

a while, the man was sitting across from Ray in Ian's office.

"The office suits you perfectly, in a very strange way. You know what's better for you, though? A damn vacation. Nick looked at his best friend and snapped.

Lei Lin sighed and rubbed her forehead, "Woo woo, don't remind me. What should I do? He looked at me in such a way that I couldn't refuse and asked for a leave of absence, damn it. "

Ray, you're such an idiot. Nick bluntly said: "No matter how much you like that guy, you need that vacation, you've been pursuing a vacation since the bloody marriage story, and you still haven't taken the vacation."

"That's the point, Nick. Even Ian needed one, and he was the one who did most of the work here. How can I be selfish?" Leyreen shook her head, seeing Nicol piercing her soul from a distance.

Nick noticed what she wanted to say, and he had noticed it since day one, considering how she felt when she realized something about Ian.

Since Reelin has no other friends, it was Nick who was with her from day one.

And Nick, as himself, noticed and doubted the whole holiday thing.

Reelin notices that the wheel is spinning in Nick's head and quickly stops Nick from saying something that will make her more open.

"Hey, it's okay. I may just need more help, but I'll be fine, or I believe so. I mean, what could be worse?"

"Except for the whole movie... I think from there, anything can go wrong?And, Leylin, how do you feel?" Nick asked as soon as he noticed her demeanor.

The way she fiddles with her pen makes Nick notice how nervous she is about something.

"Thinking too much at once. How about you help me figure it out?" asked Raireen with an eyebrow.

"Isn't that what I've been doing?" he scoffed as she shrugged.

"I'm sure you can do better, in... Be a good friend—" Raelyn joked, as she wanted to elevate the atmosphere and get back to the way they always joked around with each other.

"Yes, that's what you said. But believe me, if there is an award for a good friend, I bet no one would dare to oppose me or my ability to be a good friend. Anyway, what are we going to do?" Nick asked, leaning closer to the papers on her desk.

"First of all, I thought I might as well help Mason with the casting process. Because, after Ian explained everything about the film, I now have a picture of it in my head. I also drew actors and actresses, so I asked him to send me the information of the actors who were in production. Nick

got up, and Raelen followed him with the papers, and walked to the couch in the corner of the office.

It's easier to talk while looking at the same files and sitting together rather than facing each other.

"And then we'll send out invitations based on what we see, whether we like it or not?" Nick asked rhetorically.

"Exactly. For the heroine, we already have Alexandra Daddario. The actress was recommended by Ian, and I'm sure he saw something in her," Rearin said flipping through her resume.

"Something, or a lot of things. Ian has a good eye for the actors and actresses there," Nick said, and Raelyn held back what she wanted to say. "So, I think you've already sent the invitation to the agency?"

"yes, I did. Uh, then we have... Ferris Buller – "

She said that when she flipped the role of Ferris Buller in the film, the film didn't have any real actors' names, and the casting director went to supplement it.

And, on the page, appearances and character traits are listed, and for Raelin's convenience, she writes them all down on paper and in her head.

She continued to say as many words as she could, and Nick remained silent about it.

"- yes, I see. There are a lot of them. He quickly interrupted her and gave her an awkward smile, which she reciprocated.

"Why don't we go with the actor Mason kept for us first?" Nick asked, and Raeline nodded as she took the papers.

On the first page, there is a man who raises Raelin's eyebrows for the second time in a day.

"His look is exactly what I wanted," she said, and Nick suddenly became interested in what she was holding.

It's not an easy task to find an actor who perfectly matches the characteristics of people's minds, and the thought of her saying it herself, he wants to see what is going on.

"Keanu Reeves, but he's not a famous actor. Nick said as he looked at his ranking and his resume with only two films.

"It doesn't matter if you're popular or ranked. I think I'll tick this off and think about it later. "

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