
, Leylin, and Nick followed the others into the huge hall of the training center.

It's been a few weeks since they decided how to grow their film careers next.

Ian's John Wick has become a hugely innovative franchise in his previous world, and he hopes the film will have an even bigger impact when it comes out.

Next, all he had to do was create a form and physique that would fit John Wick. Since Keanu Reeves is a person who is used to sitting all day writing, experiencing, and reading ideas, it is a guarantee that the potential required for certain scenes in the film does not exist.

In Ian's original world, according to Keanu Reeves, 90% of the stunts were done by himself. Because of this, when everyone looked at him in shock, he blurted out "He's just a face now".

Walking into the huge lobby-like building, Ian saw a person walking left and right. The man was wearing a uniform, while the others around him were wearing the uniforms of the trainees.

While the air conditioner blew enough to cool everyone down, the focus kept Ian from calming down.

Keanu and the other stood head to head, arms entwined with each other, in a very awkward position - if that's what it means to defeat the other.

The coach blew the whistle, and the two of them came to their senses. Keanu didn't take a second look and walked over to the treadmill and started running.

"He worked hard and I felt sorry for him. Rei whispered to Ian.

"Sad—why?" he asked rhetorically.

"Not everyone has to just eat and not sleep like you, Rei. I feel like now that we're here, you should check in... You know--

" "Are you saying I'm fat right now?"

Ian replied to her with a smile. Nick and Reelin are truly good friends, and if the little banter between them makes everyone around them laugh.

Walking into the training ground, Ian meets the trainers.

"How's it going?" Ian asked as he approached.

Keanu, who was running on the treadmill, glanced at Ian and waved at him, and Ian reacted.

"It's going well, Keanu... His professionalism is truly remarkable. Not even a single sick day was delayed, and his schedule was accurate. I can't say I'm not impressed, because yes, I'm impressed. If I didn't know, I would definitely ask him to be here because he inspires a lot of people here.

"About 20 percent of all the kids here today often skip class for no reason, but since Keanu came along, they've started skipping class. But since Keanu came along, I have to say that not only himself, but even he himself has made a big breakthrough.

Ian smiled after listening to the coach's words, indeed, the influence of one person is great.

But to do that, you first have to break through.

Therefore, the rest of the world will adjust, mate, create space, give more space to this person.

"I know he can really focus on his work. Not only here, but he has also improved a lot in the field of acting, although he is still a newcomer. "

Ah, I see. In another two weeks, he should be in perfect shape to perform all the stunts you requested. It's not 100 percent, but I think he's already able to do heavy physical activity. The bald coach looked at Keanu, who was sweating profusely, and said with a smile.

Ian nodded, walked past the coach, and went to see Keanu, who immediately walked out of his highly focused concentration.

"How are you feeling?"

Keanu slowed down as Ian arrived, stopped the treadmill, and stepped aside. He wrapped a towel around his neck and wiped the sweat dripping from his neck.

"Oh my God, I don't even know why I didn't do this before!" he exclaimed as Ian smiled at his reaction.

"You preferred to write scripts at the time, and that's okay. It's all in time, Keanu. So, the coach said you're ready to start acting, are you sure? In my opinion, there are a couple of scenes that we can streamline down and then shoot, of course, if you want to. Ian said, looking at everything around him.

They were discussing all the information in front of a huge wall of mirrors, and at the same time, he couldn't help but notice that he needed to go to the gym as well.

"I feel like we should go if possible. There is no benefit to procrastinating. I gotta say, I won't let you down... "

Oh, please, you've proven your acting skills. If anything, I'd say I'm the one who shouldn't have rushed you to do anything. As you know, you're the star of John Wick, so I'll be happy to wait until you've fully accepted everything before making a decision. Ian said with a reassuring smile.

It's not every day that he makes others feel welcome at his job. But for the person in front of him, he did feel a sense of responsibility for this person and his career.

Maybe it's because he's got to know the face in the previous universe, maybe it's because he's gotten to know the person, and their relationship grows closer and closer as time goes on.

"Everything is fine, I will wait until you give me the next notice to let me go there. I guess I haven't scheduled it yet, right?"

"Yes, that's right. I just figured out that I still have some things to do before I can start filming in earnest, you know?" Ian said with a laugh.

"yes, uh, I have one more request, Mr. Reina--

" "Please call me Ian, and say it." Just as Ian asked him what he wanted, he felt a figure behind him, and realized that it was none other than Raelin. I saw her walk up behind him and stand there.

"I need a Sunday off. No matter how tight the schedule is, Ian, I need a break. I also know you like to do things quickly, and when we start filming, I'm sure nothing can stop or get in your way, and that's why I made this request – "That's

it." Ian smiled. "You don't have to explain anything. Here, that's actually how things work. No matter how much power I have over the film, the star asks for it, and I give it. So, don't hesitate at all like you are here. Ian nodded, and walked away with Leylin beside him.

When Ian walked over to the animal tamer to say goodbye to him, the rest of the group stood motionless in the corner of the room, scanning the hall and the people in the hall.

"Thank you very much, we will meet again soon. Ian said, holding his hand.


[Reina office]

it's already 3 p.m., and Ian is in the office checking the schedule and everything that producer Mark Hamill has prepared.

"I guess it should be fine, and if everything goes well, next Monday will be perfect. Also, I'm glad you jumped at the chance to make this film, because it's usually the other way around, you know.... "。 Ian was amused by his own words.

"Yes, but it will also be a big step forward for me. Working with you – it's been amazing and thank you, Ian. Mark said with a smile, and Ian nodded.

He stood up and walked outside the office, leaving Murphy, who had been standing by the door, watching Ian wave his hand.

"Come in, Murphy. How's the transaction going? I hope it doesn't take any more time, because every second counts the risk. I can't waste millions of dollars in vain, you know. Ian said as he sipped his afternoon coffee.

"About the transaction .... I must speak to Mr. Gunson and Mr. Brooks Jr. "

You bribed them?"

"I had to. Murphy's words made Ian laugh. "If it weren't, we'd just be leaving with the media company, and I know how much Fetzel means to you--

" "Thank you. But I'm sure Jeff will figure everything out sooner or later, and let me know as soon as the documents come. Confirm with the lawyer that

"yes, sir"

Even Ian thinks that it is not his choice to be funny and bribed, but Murphy has done something to close the deal, which has made him more confident in choosing him as his assistant.

If it goes according to my plan... Creating video games isn't the only thing I'm involved in," he thought to himself, taking another sip of his coffee.

"... If Raelyn speaks again, let me know. Ian said to Murphy as he walked into the set, looking left and right for someone who was already there.

While Ian is walking inside, Raelyn is also filming the sequels to The Dark Knight and Batman that Ian gave her - full responsibility.

"Yes, sir. With that, Murphy followed Ian into the hall.


" cut into the scene, all you have to do is stop the alarm. We've done it twice, but it still doesn't work... I want to see the beat, a sigh, and something that can indicate that your sleep is absolutely disturbed--"

Keanu didn't say a word as Ian spoke, just nodding his head incessantly.

It's easy, it's simple, you wake up, moan, look tired... Turn off the alarm. It should be easy, I can do it", he muttered to himself, looking around.

While this shouldn't frighten him, all the huge cameras and huge lighting still created a sense of stubbornness inside him.

As he comforted himself, the other end of his brain started yelling again: 'You're not the main character. The whole movie is played by you. You mess up, you mess up.

"I'm ready," his words spoke louder than his head.

I can do it!" he straightened up and looked Ian in the eye with a sudden change in his heart.

He has been training for a long time for this moment. Self-doubt doesn't have any room in what he's going to do right now. It's his trust in Ian, and if there's one thing he thinks he has to do, it's giving it his all.


Ian sat on a chair named after "Director" and waited patiently for everyone to get ready for filming.

"ACTION!" he shouted into the microphone as Keanu stepped into character.

The hour hand of an old-fashioned electric clock wobbles slightly, marking six o'clock in the morning. Beneath the blanket, a body swayed, and a weather-beaten hand reached out to the alarm clock to silence it.

One shot... A sigh... A groan... John Wick - in his early sixties, salt-and-pepper hair, three-day-old beard, former boxer, veteran, exhausted, and at a loss, sat up and stared at the sky outside without blinking.

One shot... He stood up, putting on a weathered robe and a pair of slippers. John put his hands in his pockets....

"Ka!" Ian said, holding his chin in his hand.

"Give me ten minutes, God!" he muttered to himself, watching the clip over and over again.

"Alright, alright, guys! I can't believe it's like that, this is the third time!" Ian muttered to himself, standing up. "I think we shot it perfectly!" he said to everyone


outside the mansion Ian had rented for filming, there were a lot of people in the yard and outside the gates, including reporters and media people, all waiting for Ian or some celebrity to come out of it.

As soon as Ian booked the location, the news spread through the media, and as a result, there were already a lot of people out there waiting for his attention – or rather, for any celebrity they could get.

".... We may have to wait a little longer because we already know they're there. To make sure we didn't miss anything, we moved three cameras around the corner of the building. Try to get as close as you can to MMA and USD, so we don't need that bad photos of them, understand?" said the person in charge so loudly that everyone could hear it.

After a while, they were scattered among the other reporters, waiting for Ian to come out.


[on set]

: "Okay, the next scene is in the kitchen, so I'll explain how to shoot while we're preparing, you have to do it like a normal person, and I just want to be more natural and don't look at the camera." Understood?, Ian asked in a rather hoarse tone.

A loud bang caught everyone's attention.

It was a plate that should have been on the props of the set.

"I'm grass--I'm sorry, my hand slipped!" said the old man, who looked at the ground in horror.

People are still shocked by what happened suddenly. Just as they were dealing with what was happening, Ian walked in.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, bring another set of plates, I think the spare plates we want must be ready, right?" he asked cautiously as he walked in, lest he get the pieces that were almost everywhere on the floor.

"Yes, sir. I'm going to send them in.

"Okay. Manila, take Keanu as far as possible. Keep it spotless!" Ian shouted, but no one dared to act rashly.


about half an hour ————————————, everything was ready and ready to start normally. It's normal for things to go wrong in a set, so much so that it's not uncommon for props to get hurt and be asked for more.

It seems like a necessity that always makes things a little more.

Still, after all the cleaning was over, Ian returned to work, as did the actors.

He began to watch the scene of the fifth shoot from the small screen of the monitor, and Keanu entered the role, acting flawlessly.


John unceremoniously threw the newspaper onto the table, opened the cupboard, and poured a few tablespoons of Folger coffee into an old-fashioned coffee pot.

When the coffee started to bubble, John opened the fridge and studied the contents for a minute or two before closing the froster and giving up on the idea of eating breakfast.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. The newspapers were ignored. He drank coffee silently for a long time, contemplating to himself, and the feeling of loneliness was almost unsettling.

Suddenly, the phone on the wall rang.

John put down his glass and stared at the phone, his eyes tired. There was a pause... Then he stood up and walked slowly to answer the phone.


Ian watched the whole scene unfold in front of him through the screen.

"Ka!" Ian shouted, and the hall erupted in applause, everyone rejoicing at the perfect scene.

"Well acted! perfect!" Ian complimented Keanu, who nodded in acknowledgement. "So be it. We'll do the next scene tomorrow, Keanu, can we talk?" Ian asked the latter slowly, as he got closer to the actor.

"Absolutely. Keanu replied in a hoarse tone and walked over to him.

"Since you're new to the role, come one by one these days," Ian took a deep breath and inhaled as he spoke, "Remember, John Wick is a persistent, focused, and strong-willed person. What you are portraying is what they say. He laughs.

Keanu looked back at Ian in shock.

'How--how... How could it be!' his mind began to churn.

"What's that expression?" Ian asked, noticing the puzzled look on his face.

"How do you know I have an opinion about this character? I mean--" He paused, his gaze wandering around the room before finally stopping at Ian. "We've already talked about the characteristics of the character, and I guess it's too hard to get into the role. I'm really miserable and you're here... Wait, is it my acting problem?"

"No, I can only say that I really know you. Everything will be fine, don't be nervous. Also, don't be too deliberate about fitting into the character. Try to understand his core, and over time you will get to know him. That's why we try to take our time as much as possible during the initial shoot. The film .... It's going to be the greatest work ever, good luck!" Ian smiled and patted him on the back before walking away.


nine o'clock in the evening.

Ian and Raereen fall asleep cuddling after an exhausting lovemaking – exhausting, yet wonderful.

Raylen shielded her eyes with her arms to avoid the light.

"Should I spend the night here? Half of my wardrobe is here. She muttered to herself and kicked her legs to see what Ian was doing.

Oddly enough, Ian had his laptop on his lap and his eyes were intently typing.

"Maybe you should move in. His words made Rei's eyes widen in surprise.

When she saw him clearly, a blush crept up on her face.


?" "What?" Ian asked, equally surprised.

"What?" she asked again.

"I'm sure you and Nick are having a good time with this game. But I would say that this house is too big for me. You can move in if you want and we can see how it grows in the future. I mean, if you want to... "

I'll think about it," she said, shrugging her shoulders as she turned to the other side.

Ian knew her too well, after all, he had dated, gosen, and chatted with her. He knew she would think about it. By the time she thought about it, he was ready to explore more.

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