Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 121 Missed Opportunity

Yuko Tanaka, who was dressed in a kimono on the TV, smiled at Yan Yan, but it might be because it was the first time she was on such a large-scale live broadcast, her eyes seemed to be a little nervous.

This year, because of the hot ratings of "Sister Xiao Ma", she was also invited to attend the Red and White Song Festival as a judge.

It's just that because she is an actress, not a singer, she can only serve as a foil for the last one. The footage of the interview was just fleeting.

There was only Shirakawa Feng in the apartment, and Kotaro probably lost contact in Shinjuku at this moment.

Alone, he was holding a snack bag, and was bored watching the Red and White Song Concert that most Japanese families were watching at the moment.

"Dangdangdang~" The midnight bell had already struck, and it came from the TV and the temple outside.

Bai Chuanfeng raised his wrist and looked at the time.

Hello 1980.

Lifting the remote control, turning off the TV, he put on his coat and prepared to go out.

There is not much time left in the agreed time, counting the time, it is almost time to set off.

From Asakusa to Yoyogi Uehara, almost across the most prosperous area of ​​Tokyo, the tram and subway have long been out of service.

There was no way, on the streets in the early morning of winter, Bai Chuanfeng could only stomp his feet and wait for a taxi on the side of the road.

The exhaled white gas instantly dissipated in the cold wind, is it time to buy a car?

After all, I am also the dignified president Sang, so it shouldn't be too much to buy a higher-end business car.

While thinking about it, he waved the 10,000 yuan bill in his hand, and finally the noble Prince Shotoku was much easier to use than Bai Chuanfeng's face.

A yellow taxi drove over from far away, and Bai Chuanfeng, who had already started to runny nose after being washed by the cold wind, couldn't wait to open the door and get in the car.

"Brother, are you going to Shinjuku?"

"Eh?" Bai Chuanfeng froze for a moment, "Go to Yoyogi Uehara."

"Yoyogi Uehara, it's not cheap there." The driver uncle enthusiastically advised.

Uncle, you understand it too well.

Bai Chuanfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he responded with a smile, "But the quality is good."

"Brother, do you understand very well?" The uncle driver showed a surprised look.

"Slightly understand~slightly understand~" Bai Chuanfeng waved his hands modestly.

Stop spitting blood, I don't understand.

"But if you want to say where the variety is the most complete, of course it is Roppongi..."

Next, the uncle driver began to talk about the differences and characteristics of various brown colors as if he had met a bosom friend.

And Bai Chuanfeng, who was sitting in the back row, had accumulated various strange knowledge several times in less than half an hour.

Under the driver's uncle's skillful driving skills, the vehicle arrived at the destination quickly. Before saying goodbye, Bai Chuanfeng smiled and waved to the uncle with unsatisfactory eyes.

"Brother, communicate more in the future~" The driver uncle didn't forget to say another polite word before leaving.

Alas, winter in Tokyo is not cold at all.

Tightening his coat tightly, Bai Chuanfeng went straight to Yihujian, which he had visited once last time.

Coincidentally, he had just arrived at the door. Yuko Tanaka, who was wearing a windbreaker, also just got off a taxi.

Under the dim streetlights, the exhaled breath turned into clouds of mist, which evaporated and dissipated.

Maybe it's because they came too hastily, but the Japanese-style hair bun that was shown on TV just now is still intact.

Even the inner skirt of the kimono can be vaguely recognized from the corner of the windbreaker exposed inside.

"Senior Sister is very punctual."

"So is Bai Chuan-kun."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the cold night seemed not as cold and unbearable as before.

The whistling sound of the engine gradually faded away, and Bai Chuanfeng could even see the tip of her nose that was slightly red from the cold as she got closer.

Just as Yuko Tanaka was about to say something, Bai Chuanfeng had already gently stepped forward, opened his arms, and hugged her tightly.

"Hey!" An exclamation sounded in my ears, and the soft body in my arms suddenly became stiff.

However, Bai Chuanfeng didn't care, he just hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his arms.

He closed his eyes, tilted his head slightly, wisps of fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose, accompanied by a slight itchiness of disturbed hair.

Gradually, the body in the arms became soft again, and the pressure of the two arms increased on the back.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Chuanfeng even had the illusion that the cold night had turned hot.

"Okay!" came the pat of palms behind him.

"Hay" Bai Chuanfeng gently let go of the figure in his arms.

Curved eyebrows, watery eyes, indescribably charming. The exquisite faces are close in front of your eyes, so close that you can feel the trembling of each other's breath flowing through the skin.

The surge in Bai Chuanfeng's heart gushed out again, he lowered his head and used his lips to find that touch of softness.


The figures in the cold wind merged into one again.

On the sofa, Bai Chuanfeng was playing with a pink machine. Well, my own flashman.

This was purchased by Yuko Tanaka to support his career, and the packaging on the side should be bought not too long ago.

It's just that along with the packaging, the instruction manual with the print advertisement of Seiko Matsuda is missing.

He scanned casually, er..., what is that in the trash can?

Bai Chuanfeng felt that he might be dazzled and couldn't see clearly.

He pushed the trash can under the table with his toes, it's better not to appear at this time.

"Dinner is ready~"

Yuko Tanaka, who was wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen with a bowl and chopsticks, smiling.

"It's hard work, senior sister~" Bai Chuanfeng, who was feeling guilty, immediately got up and sat down at the dinner table.

Although it was almost one or two o'clock in the morning, his dinner was not properly resolved.

When I was in the apartment, I just ate some snacks, and now I am already hungry.

"It's good that Bai Chuan-kun doesn't dislike you"

Yuko Tanaka has already seen Bai Chuanfeng's Chinese cooking skills, but as a woman, especially a neon woman of this period. Cooking is also an essential skill for them.

"Chicken tempura, fried steak, miso soup~ it looks very good."

They were all home-cooked dishes, but looking at them, Bai Chuanfeng felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind. Perhaps this is the feeling of home?

"Then I'm going to start"


"By the way, would Shirakawa-kun want some sake?"

"Hey, senior sister likes to drink?"

"A little bit" Yuko Tanaka gestured a universe between fingers.

"I really didn't expect that."

However, it turns out that Yuko Tanaka's drinking capacity is indeed referring to the universe. Bai Chuanfeng had already got down on the ground, but she was still in high spirits.

Looking at Bai Chuanfeng lying on the sofa, Yuko Tanaka wondered if he really came from Akita.

Didn't they say that men in Akita will never get drunk?

Shaking her head, a little drunk, she staggered into the bathroom.

After a while, she brought a basin of hot water and carefully wiped his face with a towel. Then he took off his slippers and repeated the previous action.

After doing this, Yuko Tanaka, whose eyes were blurred, could no longer hold on. After taking a breath, he fell headlong beside him.

In the morning, Bai Chuanfeng, who had a splitting headache, rubbed his forehead and slowly raised his body.

Um? Sensing something abnormal on his side, he subconsciously turned his gaze.

There, Yuko Tanaka was in a deep sleep, her brows were slightly frowned as if her dream had been disturbed.

After being stunned for two seconds, Bai Chuanfeng realized that this was not Asakusa's apartment, but the residence of Yoyogi Uehara Yuko Tanaka.

After waking up, Bai Chuanfeng's first reaction was to look at his clothes first, and then at hers.

Sigh~ Why are you wearing clothes? Bai Chuanfeng is a little disappointed.

No, in the future, you must exercise and exercise your drinking capacity, and you can't always miss good opportunities.


Cough, get over the plot, the next chapter is about to start the main story line, are you ready?

thanks for your support!

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