Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 248 Aihua's Sorrow

Tokyo, Aihua Co., Ltd.

"Baga, why! Why! Wasn't our product still very popular last month?

I never believed that such a big change would happen in just one month. "

In the office, Nakajima Heitaro was grabbing the phone and roaring angrily.

"President, our products are obviously very popular with those black people.

But somehow, those niggers suddenly changed their minds now. "

The overseas member of Aihua on the other side of the ocean explained a very aggrieved sentence.

Those niggas lied that the price was nearly half of what it was the first time, bullshit! Aihua Mingming only increased by 10 dollars.

Sure enough, you can't count on their arithmetic level, they are all a bunch of idiots.

What else is Wakanda? heresy!

When Aihua's members stationed abroad were scolded by Heitaro Nakajima, they were also resentful at the same time.

"Since black people don't like it, what about white people? It can't be such a coincidence that white people don't like Aihua either, right?"

Nakajima Heitaro felt very strange for his members to mention black people alone.

Aihua will also bring different impressions to different ethnic groups? What a joke!

"This" member is speechless, how can you guess so accurately, president?

"I don't care what method you use, in short, Aihua must reverse the situation.

All the complaint calls in North America have come to me, and they want to return the product!

Aihua has prepared so much stock, and now not only has it not been sold, but has also been asked to return it.

This is absolutely not possible, we have invested too much cost! "

Heitaro Nakajima couldn't help being anxious, he spent a lot of money on this overseas version.

However, now Aihua Walkman is unsalable. If this situation continues, Heitaro Nakajima can't help shivering.

"President, our product is probably going to be difficult." The member's voice was full of bitterness.

"Is there any problem with our product?" Heitaro Nakajima immediately became nervous.

"That's not true, our quality has always been reliable."

Phew~ It’s fine if it’s not a quality issue, Heitaro Nakajima subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our products have encountered competitors, and it is Baichuan Electric."

"Shirakawa Electric?" Heitaro Nakajima became nervous again, "Our price is 20 dollars lower than theirs, so we should have an advantage."

In order to seize the low-end market in North America, Aiwa launched a price war.

Heitaro Nakajima would rather reduce his own profits than occupy the market first.

"Shirakawa Electric's new low-end model is on sale, priced at $63."

Members stationed abroad told Heitaro Nakajima a cruel reality.

Hiss~, the latter gasped.

$63? After removing tariffs and channel sharing, Aihua is already losing money.

How did they do it? Nakajima Heitaro only had this thought in his mind at the moment.

"President, President, what should we do?"

The cries of the members once again brought Heitaro Nakajima back to reality.

"We." Nakajima Heitaro paused, and finally made a painful decision.

"We also lowered the price. In short, this batch of goods must be cleared. If you can recover a little loss, you can recover a little loss, and you will sell it at a loss!"

The voice of the "Hayi" member was also low, he knew that the president was trying to cut off his wrist.

If the price is not lowered, Aiwa's 1 million Walkmans will lose everything.

Every time one is sold at a reduced price, one will lose money, but at least a little loss can be recovered.

It's just that they don't know yet that the North American market has abandoned Aihua.

African-Americans and whites are full of disgust for the word Aihua.

After hanging up the phone, Heitaro Nakajima seemed to be much older.

Although he immediately issued an order to cut prices, Heitaro Nakajima understood that Aiwa's losses in the North American market were almost predictable.

Alas, I don't know how much criticism I will receive at the next board meeting.

Sony, Sony seems to be getting farther and farther away from itself.

And that Junior Brother Bai Chuan is really amazing, $63 directly made Aihua lose the qualification for the price war.

Perhaps this is what a person who does great things should look like. He can talk about friendship with you calmly, but he is merciless when it is time to strike.

After all, I am old and have lost that drive.



Heitaro Nakajima, who was holding a teacup, raised his head, "So it's Ogawa-san."

He regained his composure, put on a smiling face and began to greet the visitor, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that Nakajima Heitaro looked haggard, Ogawa Boshi asked curiously, "Nakajima-san also knows?"

"Eh?" Nakajima Heitaro was stunned for a moment, "What is Ogawa-san talking about?"

Could it be that Ogawa-san also knows what happened to Aihua in North America? It shouldn't be, the other party almost never pays attention to this aspect of intelligence.

"Shirakawa Electric!" Hiroshi Ogawa shook the Walkman in his hand.

"This is...?" Nakajima Heitaro saw this strange Walkman, and suddenly his heart moved.

"This is the cheap Walkman newly launched by Shirakawa Electric." Hiroshi Ogawa stepped forward and handed it to Heitaro Nakajima.

The body seems to be smaller, cheap plastic and even the paint spray is only partly included, and most areas remain transparent.

Heitaro Nakajima held it upside down, very lightly. There is no doubt that the materials used are very frugal.

This should be a new generation of cheap models that have just been launched in North America, and now it seems that they have also been launched simultaneously in China.

"How much is the price?" Heitaro Nakajima asked calmly.

"11,800 yen."

"What?!" Nakajima Heitaro stood up in shock.

"11,800 yen." Hiroshi Ogawa repeated the cruel price again.

"Patter" the Walkman in Nakajima Heitaro's hand fell directly to the ground.

And he slowly collapsed on the chair, 11,800 yen, Aihua can't do such a low price anyway.

It's over, and Aihua's local Walkman business is over again.

Nihombashi Electric Town, Osaka City.

There are all kinds of electrical appliance companies of different sizes, some are mass merchandisers, and some are pure electrical appliance design companies.

A new audio equipment manufacturer called Technics moved in two years ago, and its building is very impressive in the entire Electric Street.

At first glance, it is a powerful generation, and of course the result is no exception. Technics is an audio brand under Panasonic.

At this moment, its president, Akatsuki Sakamoto, is looking carefully at Shirakawa Electric's Walkman.

"Yoxi, a genius idea. Use the motor to reverse the motor to achieve information reversal."

Akiji Sakamoto fondly fiddled with the Walkman in his hand, "It seems that they were underestimated before, but the creativity of young clubs is amazing."

After fiddling for a while, Akiji Sakamoto handed the Walkman to Executive Heguchi, "Find a way to apply it to our products. Excellent design should benefit more consumers."

"But." Hekou said hesitantly, "This technology seems to have been registered as a patent by the other party."

"Then let's talk." Sakamoto waved his hand nonchalantly, "Whether you buy it or authorize it, in short, I hope our next-generation Walkman can also have this function."

"Hay" Kawaguchi nodded, he was going to Tokyo for a business trip recently.

Shirakawa Electric not only launched the lowest-priced Walkman in the market, but also made another effort in high-end models.

With the unique automatic rewinding function, the opponents are far away again.

This novel function has been well received by consumers as soon as it is launched.

Technological innovation is always in the service of people.

Either provide a high-quality experience, or make people more and more "lazy".

And Shirakawa Electric, which leads the fashion with innovation time and time again, also makes the public feel better and better about it.

Who doesn't like a technical company, especially a company that specializes in innovation.

The so-called brand image is accumulated in such a process, and finally forms its own "personal design".

It can be foreseen that in the latest month, although more and more players have entered the market with Walkmans.

However, Shirakawa Electric's revenue will once again distance itself from many manufacturers.

"I haven't had enough fun yet, I really don't want to leave."

In the luxury suite of the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, Seiko Matsuda was lying on the bed not wanting to get up.

"If you don't get up again, the recording of your next record will be delayed." Bai Chuanfeng was also packing his luggage.

"Hayi" really heard Bai Chuanfeng's reminder, she got up with difficulty and began to pack her bag.

As an idol singer, she still cared very much.

She likes the feeling of being surrounded by stars, she likes to sing, and also likes the entertainment circle.

But it would be even better if he could be a rich and powerful singer.

The babysitting service that Bai Chuanfeng specially prepared for her in the last concert was really cool.

She was so luxurious and meticulous that she had never been served like this before.

All the food and drink are tailor-made. Is this the life of rich wives in the future?

Extravagance is boring and tasteless, please have more of this kind of life, Seiko Matsuda screamed in her heart.

In her mind, the most perfect thing might be to live such a life while entering and exiting the entertainment industry full of spotlights.

"If you are too tired later, you should rest more. I have hired the nanny team that served you last time.

If necessary, they will provide 24-hour service, and a phone call will reach the port area.

Oh, the location in the port area is the apartment we visited together last time.

You have the keys, so you can live there from now on.

It is convenient to enter and exit, and the privacy security is in place, so you don't have to worry about being photographed by paparazzi.

Of course, sometimes I will live there, and then I have to ask Sheng Zisang for food and so on. "

While packing his luggage, Bai Chuanfeng casually chatted about the arrangements for her.

Dregs return to scum, but he has never been stingy with women.

Since there is no lack of that now, why not make each other's lives a little better.

Hey, why didn't there be any response after talking for a long time.

He turned his head and looked at the bed behind him.

At this moment, Seiko Matsuda had almost taken off her clothes, when Bai Chuanfeng looked at her.

She was showing two small canine teeth, and the pink tip of her tongue scraped back and forth on the canine teeth.

"Baichuan-kun~ come quickly. In the future, Shengzi will also provide services 24 hours a day, and he will be there for you with just one call."

Bai Chuanfeng felt his thighs tighten, his teeth were sharp, and he needed to move forward carefully.

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