Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 279 Changes in Antlers

Regarding Kobayashi Asuka, Bai Chuanfeng has no good solution now.

Although everything was normal according to her own dictation, Bai Chuanfeng didn't think so, after all, the melancholy between her brows couldn't be hidden from anyone.

It's a pity that Asuka Kobayashi is unwilling to say more, and she will return to Fukuoka tomorrow, so this can only be the case for now.

I hope she will be in a good mood after the new year.

As the car started, Bai Chuanfeng's mind slowly returned to work.

Apart from the people around him, the rest of his work almost occupied his entire life.

Everything is waiting for prosperity, wait until everything is on the right track, and then enjoy life.

The black Toyota Century quietly went away. An uncle who stayed up all night in the cafe across the street finally couldn't help getting up and stretching.

Oh, miss, is this the one you like?

It was really troublesome.

After sitting here all night, Shanshang already remembered who this familiar young man was.

It's not that the two have met, but that they have seen a photo of Bai Chuanfeng on the mountain.

Just last year, the lady called him and asked him to help solve the channel distribution problem of an electrical company's products.

And the name of that electrical company is Baichuan Electric.

Yes, last year Shirakawa Electric was blocked by Sony in terms of channels.

Later, Bai Chuanfeng decided to sink the channel and go to the whole country to open up the market.

At that time, the promotion of Hasegawa in Kyushu was not smooth, and the channel could not be attacked for a long time.

In the end, the largest local retailer in Fukuoka suddenly let go, and Shirakawa Electric's products officially entered Kyushu.

At that time, the local market in Fukuoka became unimpeded because of a phone call from the mountain.

After all, it was my young lady who took special care of her, so Shan Shang naturally wouldn't neglect her.

However, Baichuan Electrical Appliances, which was worthy of her concern, also came into Shanshang's sight.

Then it became a matter of course to check its background information by the way.

It was also at that time that I saw a photo of Bai Chuanfeng on the mountain, but I just noticed it.

Because after that, Asuka Kobayashi never bothered him again.

And Shan Shang only thought it was the help from his classmates, but after a long time, he gradually forgot about it.

It's just that he didn't expect that the person the lady likes is actually him.

I have to say that this is a very good young man, but it is because he is so good that he is in trouble.

Shan Shang rubbed his dizzy eyes, and it was time to pack up and go back to Fukuoka.

As for the future of Miss... forget it, she must understand in her heart.

"Tiger Taro, when will Xiaofeng come back?"

Just as Kotaro hung up the phone in the office, Kashiwagi next to him couldn't wait to ask.

"Probably return to Akita the day after tomorrow." Tiger Taro rubbed his hands excitedly, "When he comes back, he will be surprised by the changes here."

"That's right." Kashiwagi also became interested, "How much has changed in just one year."

"Hey, that's right." Tiger Taro adjusted his collar pretendingly, "When Xiaofeng comes back, you can't call me that in front of outsiders."

"I know, I know, I want to be called the president." Kashiwagi also worked in Tokyo, so of course he knows that as a club's face, he should be given enough respect.

But in his heart, he still felt that Xiaofeng was more kind.

"Well, that's right, what about me." Saying that, Kotaro puffed up his chest again.

"You?" Kashiwagi glanced up and down at Kotaro, who was trying to straighten his back, and said as a matter of course, "Of course it's Kotaro."

"Hey, Uncle Kashiwagi, I'm the head of the headphone business department." Kotaro pulled the nameplate pinned to his chest vigorously.

"Hey, did you see that? Maruyama Kotaro, head of Shirakawa Electric's Headphone Division!"

"Oh, I see, Tiger Taro. If there is nothing else, I will go to work first. There are also a lot of things waiting for me in the warehouse department."

Is there anything special about the Headphone Division Director? I'm still the head of the warehouse department.

They are all ministers, so the positions are equal to each other. The rest of course depends on seniority, Maruyama, that's your alcoholic dad's name.

As for the boy, let's be Kotaro honestly.

Seeing Kashiwagi's insincere perfunctory, Kotaro was very dissatisfied. "Uncle Kashiwagi~"


"Maruyama-san, the new batch of raw materials needs your signature for confirmation."

At the door, a young female assistant held the document in her hand and knocked on the door respectfully.

"Hay" Kotaro straightened his waist even more, and the expression on his face was also indescribably proud.

Forget it, Uncle Kashiwagi is getting old. Some people can't keep up with the times, so I don't care about them.

Complacent, Kotaro took out a pen and signed his name on the document.

Alas, it's still cool at home.

Watching the little assistant exit the room respectfully, Kotaro couldn't help expressing his sincere emotion.

Although it is not as prosperous as Tokyo, but here, the mayor of Kazuno City will be polite when he sees him.

Kotaro, who grew up at the foot of the mountain, never enjoyed such treatment.

This is the mayor, a great figure in the eyes of the Xiaolu people.

He never thought that he would be able to sit on an equal footing with them one day. Kotaro has nothing to dissatisfy with his current life.

Yes, in Kazuno City, Shirakawa Electric's investment has far exceeded expectations.

Originally, it was only expected to build a headphone factory with a large number of hundreds of people, but counting other jobs, it has already reduced by a thousand.

With the development of overseas markets and the popularity of earphones, the size of the place has now doubled.

In addition, Baichuan Electric also launched a headset this year.

However, unlike earphones, this is a high-end high-fidelity headset, and the price alone exceeds 10,000 yen.

In order to enrich the product line, the researchers of Shirakawa Electric are also actively innovating.

The audio engineer headed by Oki quickly designed a head-mounted high-fidelity headset.

Nowadays, Shirakawa Electric's technical accumulation is not weak, and it is not difficult to develop more professional audio products.

That being the case, it is reasonable to develop a high-end headset to match your own high-end Walkman.

Although the sales volume is not comparable to consumer-grade earphones, but because of the high profit, the revenue of this part of the business is also very impressive.

In the second half of the year, because they accepted Aihua's audio technology, Damu and the others are also planning to develop another noise-canceling headset.

This is another professional headset, and the cost and price are also not cheap.

The reason why I plan to do it is because apart from Bose's related products, there are no other similar competing products in the world.

Noise-cancelling headphones were previously only available to pilots, and Bose is applying it to the consumer sector for the first time.

It just so happens that Aihua's audio technology also has an active noise reduction technology.

With technical background, it is not unexpected for Baichuan Electric to enter this field with a little exploration.

Not to mention competing with Bose in the future, as long as it can get a share of the neon market, it is worthwhile.

Moreover, how can an audio equipment manufacturer do without high-end professional related products for the brand surface.

Don't you see, Remy of later generations paid too much attention to the low-end market in the early stage.

By the time I wanted to make a high-end effort later, it was already too late. After rushing a few times but still, he did not condense into a godhead.

If you don't have your own technology, and don't have high-end products that are recognized by the public as a brand, others don't even have the interest in sanctioning you.

Therefore, as long as Shirakawa Electric has established a firm foothold in a certain field, the first thing planned in the future is the research and development of high-end products.

The same is true for headphones, and Bai Chuanfeng even established a headphone business department for this purpose.

According to the previous plan, the earphones will be produced in Antler City in the future.

So whether it is mass consumer-grade earphones, or more professional and high-end high-fidelity headphones and noise-canceling headphones, they will all be handed over to the factory here in Antlers.

It happened that Kotaro was transferred back to Akita at that time, so Bai Chuanfeng handed over the earphone business department to him.

After several years of training in Tokyo, Kotaro is no longer a fledgling country boy.

He took turns staying in various departments of Tokyo Shirakawa Electric for a period of time. He is no stranger to the general operation of the club.

Going back to Akita to be responsible for the operation of the headphone factory should not be a big problem, and it has proved to be the case.

Under the management of Tiger Taro for half a year, the headphone factory is not to mention how outstanding it is, at least he has managed to operate stably.

For industrial companies, this is enough.

As a result, the current Antler City has become a construction site again.

The earphone factory is expected to be planned for three phases, and the first phase has been put into use and is twice as large as the previous plan.

The second phase is under construction and the third phase is still in planning.

In Kazuno City at the beginning of the year, the land near the pasture where Bai Chuan Feng first came, has been bought by Bai Chuan Electric.

Rows of modern factory buildings and office buildings rose from the ground, and the first phase of the factory alone accommodated more than a thousand workers.

Suddenly there are so many young labor gaps, and Antler City alone cannot satisfy them anyway.

As a result, young people were attracted to Odate nearby, Aomori in the north, and Iwate in the east to join Shirakawa Electric.

Although it cannot be compared with Tokyo, the salary is also lower. But compared to being a farmer, the income is still much higher.

Besides, being so close to my hometown, it is quite convenient to be able to return to my hometown within two or three hours.

Since you can make money at your doorstep, and everyone speaks similar dialects, who wants to travel thousands of miles to Tokyo and Osaka.

With the influx of additional people, Antler City suddenly became prosperous.

Not far from the Shirakawa Electric headphone factory, several modern apartments have been put into use.

This is an open-plan apartment invested by Shirakawa Electric and built by the local agricultural cooperative to solve the living problem of employees.

The facilities in the apartment are very modern, not bad compared to Tokyo.

But the rent is much cheaper, and internal employees can apply for preferential subsidies.

It is also developed for outsiders, of course, the rent is relatively higher.

With the population and income, there will naturally be consumption demand.

A shopping center in Antler City before, because of the size problem, has nothing more than to meet everyone's needs.

Therefore, a shopping mall named "White Deer" also started construction at the beginning of the year, and now it is about to open.

Cough, the investor behind it is still Baichuan Electric. No, to be precise, it should be Baichuan Holdings.

Bai Chuanfeng did this to meet everyone's living needs, not to earn back the employees' salaries.

But is the change in the antlers only in this? of course not.

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