Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1032: , Slender figure full of mature woman's charm

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Huo Yan tilted the phone and turned towards the door. When he reached the table, he stopped. His eyes stayed on the cigarettes and lighters on the table for two seconds. Finally, he reached out and put them in his pocket.

Came to the bedroom, no lights, the room was dark.

Walked to the bed, no one on the bed.

Huo Yan leaned out of the bedroom and saw the light in the next room lit up, frowning, and walked to the door and knocked.

Shuxin in the room was sitting on the bed reading a book, heard the knock on the door and looked up at the door, then lowered his head to continue reading.

There was no movement at the door.

After a long while, Shu Xin heard the footsteps gradually away, not to the next bedroom, but to the direction of the stairs.

Then came the footsteps of going downstairs.

A moment later the sound of the door of the villa closing.

Where is he going at night?

Shuxin was lifted out of bed, and his shoes could not be worn. He quickly walked out of the room and came to the window at the end of the corridor. He happened to see Huo Yanqing's car coming out of the garage.

Then drive towards the gate of the community.

Comfortably turned around and walked to the guest room, let's go, let's go clean.

Back to the room, sit back on the bed, Shuxin picked up the book and continued to read. After reading for a long time without reading a word, he threw the book aside anxiously, pulled up the quilt and lay down, and went to sleep.

Hundreds of sheep were counted. Without sleepiness, he sat up from the bed with irritability and rubbed his hair indiscriminately. "Comfortable, a little sturdy? Can't you sleep without him?"

Shu Xin took a few deep breaths and lay back again. It was probably during the day that he went to the Hejingxing Villa to check back and forth. The body was a little tired. This time he slept in bed for more than half an hour.


Huo Yanqing came to Tingzhu Mountain Villa, Tang Qingya stood at the gate and waited to see the car stop, and smiled round the corner of his mouth and walked over.

Huo Yanqing got off the car, Tang Qingya had come to the car, "I went in to say hello to mom."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Tang Qingya wore a beige windbreaker and tight-fitting feet pants, her slim figure was full of the charm of a mature woman.

Huo Yanqin came to Yao Huiqin's villa, Yun Ma packed up and was going back to her room to sleep, "Why did you come to Yan Qing at night?"

He looked at him behind his eyes.

"Heart didn't come." Huo Yanqing knew that Yun Ma was watching Shuxin.

"Oh, is there something wrong with the old lady coming here at night?" Yun Ma asked.

Huo Yanqing did not see Yao Huiqin in the living room, "Mom is asleep?"

"Well, otherwise I'll go upstairs and call the old lady." Yun Ma said that she would turn upstairs.

"No." Huo Yanqing stopped Yun Ma. "I have something to go to the capital. I'm at home alone. I'm not at ease. Will you go with her?"

"Okay, I'll just take a piece of clothing and go." Yun Ma nodded and asked, and then asked with some uneasiness: "Are you in a hurry to go to the capital at night?"

"I used to be seriously ill with an instructor in the army, and I used to visit." Huo Yanqing explained.

"Oh, then you go quickly, you can rest assured here, I will take good care of her."

"Huh." Huo Yan tilted out of the villa and came to the gate of the villa. Tang Qingya stood by the car and frowned slightly. "Why don't you sit in and wait?"

Tang Qingya smiled, "It's pretty beautiful today."

Huo Yan tilted his head and glanced at the sky. The moon star was sparse and the scenery was really good, but he didn’t want to appreciate it. When he opened the door of the driver’s seat, when he was about to sit in, he saw Tang Qingya opened the door of the passenger seat. Be behind."

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