Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1071: , Xin'er, marry me?

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Shuxin turned his head, "What's wrong?"

"You go first, I'll make a call." Huo Yanqing said.

"Good." Shuxin got out of the car, entered the villa, turned on the lights, went upstairs, came to the bedroom, and pressed the switch to open the door. When the bedroom was bright, Shuxin was stunned.

Is this... their bedroom?

The bedroom used to be simple, cool colors, now the furniture is complete, and the decoration style is also warm, even the big bed in the center of the room has changed.

Did she enter the wrong room?

Shu Xin thought in this way, turned around and wanted to quit to see, as soon as he turned around, a large bunch of fresh and dripping roses appeared in her sight.

Behind the rose is Huo Yanqing's sly face.

Shu Xin was full of surprises, "Give me?"


Shuxin reached out and took it, all with the joy of a little woman on her face.

"Smell it, does it smell fragrant?" Huo Yan looked at the little woman who was more beautiful than flowers in front of her eyes.

Shu Xin bowed his head close to the flower and sniffed it, the fragrance was overflowing and refreshing, because the heart was sweet, and I felt the sweet smell floating in the air.

Shu Xin was about to say that it was very fragrant. When he smelled the flowers, he saw a red heart-shaped flannel box lying quietly in the center of the rose.

Su Xin's heart began to thump up in an instant, looked up at Huo Yan, and he nodded gently to her.

Shuxin picked up the box in the middle of the flower, with a heart throbbing with excitement, opened the box, and a shiny diamond ring appeared in sight.

Although when he saw the box, Shu Xin guessed that it should be a ring, but I really saw that feeling was different, and my heart was violently shocked by the heat wave.

Huo Yan tilted the ring in Shu Xin's hand, knelt on one knee, slightly raised his head, and looked deeply at Shu Xin, "Xin'er, marry me?"

Shu Xin clutched his chest leaping wildly, with touching, surprise, and full of tears in her eyes.

The masculinity in front of him is so handsome that he kneels down on his knees, so handsome, especially the tenderness in his deep eyes, he looks comfortably and almost drowns in it.

Huo Yan stared at the stunned little woman in front of her, a slight smile twitched in the corner of her mouth, and began to speak warmly again, "Heart, marry me?"

Shuxin nodded, "OK." He stretched out his left hand.

Huo Yanqin put the ring on Shuxin's thin, white ring finger, then took her small hand, kissed the back of her hand, and looked at her tenderly, "Mrs. Huo, do you like it?"

"Like, I like it very much." Shu Xin excitedly pulled Huo Yan up, holding the rose in one hand, holding his smooth neck in the other, and sending his red lips.

Shu Xin blended his own likes, touches, and happiness into this kiss. For the first time, Shu Xin kissed so violently as if he wanted to shove himself into Huo Yanqing's mouth.

After a fierce kiss, the comfortable lips touched Huo Yan's lower jaw and gasped heavily, accompanied by emotional words overflowing from the red lips, "I love you."

Huo Yan tilted her lips and smiled deeply under her eyes. She embraced the woman in her arms, and her voice was ridiculously ridiculous. "I know that you have already confessed this morning."

"I love you, I love you, I love you..." Shuxin said those three words nonstop, because at this moment she didn't know what to use to express her feelings.

Huo Yan listened to the wrong voice and let go of her comfort. The little woman was already in tears. Her warm fingers wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. "Fool, why did you cry?"

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