Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1123: , Of course, to recognize the relatives

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Huo Group

Song Li pushed open the door of the president's office, "Five Lords, Ding Han called to meet you and talked about the agency right of the SA brand."

SA is a well-known overseas fashion brand, and wants to develop in the country. A few days ago, SA representative, Ms. Shi, has come to Fancheng to find a partner in Fancheng.

He Jingxing has already met with Miss Shi and has reached a certain intention of cooperation.

Yesterday Huo Yanqing asked Song to see this Miss Shi and analyzed the current situation of Fan Cheng with her.

Zhongzhou Group is certainly strong in the United States, but Fancheng is the world of Huo Group. If SA wants to settle in Fancheng, it should choose the group with the deepest foundation of Fancheng instead of Zhongzhou Group, which has moved to Fancheng for only half a year.

Miss Shi's will was shaken, and she had a strong interest in the Huo Group. She said that she would give them a reply after thinking back.

Now Ding Han comes to Huo Yanqing, 80% of Miss Shi has already made a decision.

Huo Yan closed the document in his hand. This should be Huo Jibai's best chance to test Ding Han. "About her to eat at Yixianglou at six tonight."

Song couldn't understand, "Five Lords, according to the current situation, Miss Shi should be planning to choose the Huo Group, why should you meet Ding Han?"

Could it be that you can't get rid of it because Ding Han looks like grandma and grandma?

Of course, the latter sentence of Song Li only dared to think about it in his heart, not to speak out.

"I have my own reason." Huo Yan tilted her voice weakly.

"Okay, I'm going to notify Ding Han now." Song Li turned and left the office.

Huo Yanqin picked up the mobile phone buckled on the desktop, got up, and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window while dialing out Huo Jibai's phone. "Five Uncles."

Huo Yanqin stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and looked over the prosperous city under the building. "Be prepared. See Ding Han at Yixiang Tower at six tonight."

"Okay." Although there are only two words, it is not difficult to hear the excitement in Huo Ji's vernacular.

The uncle and nephew seldom talked on the phone. Huo Yan confided in the matter and was ready to hang up. Huo Jibai shouted again, "Five Uncles."

Huo Yanqing said "huh" without too much speech, waiting for Huo Jibai to continue.

"If Ding Han is my mother, what are you going to do?" Huo Jibai asked cautiously. Ding Han is now a person of He Jingxing. He is also helping He Jingxing to deal with the Huo Group. Last time, 80% of the fire in the teahouse was done by He Jingxing and Ding Han. Almost killing Yao Huiqin, Huo Jibai worried that Huo Yanqing would not allow Ding Han to enter Huo's door.

"Naturally is to recognize the relatives and take them back to Huo's family."

"Thank you Wushu." Huo Jibai's voice choked a little.


Shu Mengling was printing documents when she received a call from Tang Qingya. After seeing the caller ID, she turned and walked quickly towards the bathroom. She didn't answer until she walked into the cubicle and closed the door. "Is there a chance?"

Tang Qingya's voice came from the end of the phone, "Yes, at six o'clock tonight, Huo Jibai will go to Yixianglou and Ding Han for dinner, but Huo Yanqing is also there."

When Shu Mengling heard the first half of the sentence, she was so happy that she was about to fly. When she heard the last sentence, the whole person seemed to fall from the sky.

Although Huo Yanqing is a comfortable husband, she has seen many times back, but this man is unsmiling and exudes a calm and aura of aura. She looks at him and feels the fear from the heart, where dare to be in his place Huo Jibai's face counts, does she want to live?

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