Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1130: , Can not recognize

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Ding Han became more and more frightened, his scalp tingling for a while, his back cold and sweating.

She was thankful that she didn't recognize Huo Jibai just now. If it wasn't for He Jingxing's phone call in time, she was afraid that she had already recognized Huo Jibai.

She must stay beside He Jingxing. Now Huo Yanqing only knows that He Jingxing is targeting him commercially, but he does not know that He Jingxing wants Huo's family to die.

Before she could figure out the real purpose of He Jingxing and the reasons for the Huo family, she could not recognize Huo Jibai.

When Ding Han was confused, Huo Jibai was supported by a man and a woman to the parking lot. Huo Jibai lowered her head and dragged her feet on the ground.

She remembered that he hadn't drunk the wine. Now, there must be something wrong with this look.

Ding Han hurriedly pushed the car door, lifted his foot off the car, and stopped after one foot fell on the ground. The last time He Jingxing used her to ask Yao Huiqin to drink tea in the teahouse, the result was a fire, almost to the death of Yao Huiqin.

Today, He Jingxing asked her to ask Huo Yanqing again, wouldn't she want to make something worse?

If it was really the trap set by He Jingxing, she passed in such a hurry, then she could not hide her memory recovery.

Ding Han thought of this and returned to the car. He took out his phone and took a picture of Huo Jibai not far away. They waited a while and saw that the man and the woman helped Huo Jibai into a taxi, and then the man Left and returned to Yixianglou, and the woman sat in the car.

As the taxi drove in front of him, Ding Han quickly photographed the number plate of the taxi, and then started the car and followed.

The taxi did not go far from Yixiang Tower and stopped in front of a hotel.

In the car, Shu Mengling said to the driver in the front seat: "Uncle, my boyfriend is drunk, can you help me to help him into the room together?"

The driver refused to accept Shu Mengling's soft voice, and he was also a very drinker, only because he quit driving.

When he was drunk before, the man in his family was angry, either scolding him with a straight face, or letting him go.

Compared to Shu Mengling's so considerate attitude towards her boyfriend, hey, it's really more dead than popular.

The driver said very enthusiastically: "Yes, you little girl is so kind to her boyfriend, he is drunk and you are not angry, and he still serves him like this."

Shu Mengling originally thought that if the driver did not help her, she would give him a hundred dollars to ask him for help, but the driver was so enthusiastic.

Shu Mengling now behaves more obediently, smiles virtuously and considerately, "He doesn't drink well, he rarely drinks, and he doesn't blame him on special occasions today."

The driver and Shu Mengling helped Huo Jibai into Shu Mengling's pre-booked room and left.

Here, Ding Han chased after arriving at the hotel, stopped the car, took a photo at the hotel, and then switched the mobile phone number. Her mobile phone is dual card dual standby, and the number she used in the United States has been renewed.

When she came to Fancheng, she applied for a local number, where she never used the US number.

In order to prevent Huo Yan from investigating anything, Ding Han used the US number to send the two photos he had taken to Huo Yanqing together with the previous photo.

After doing this, Ding Han was still uneasy and wanted to get off to the hotel to see. He was afraid that there was He Jingxing's eyeliner here, so he could only stay in the car and worry.

If He Jingxing wants to kill Huo Jibai, it is impossible to arrange a woman close to him, so he should not be in danger.

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