Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Shu Xin closed the photo album and looked at Ding Han’s alienated smile, with a frank tone, “Zhongzhou Group and Huo Group are incompatible today, I have no hostility towards Secretary Ding, but our positions are different, so I have to be wary of you ."

Ding Han looked at Shu Xin and felt a little sad. Shu Xin was Huo Yanqing's wife and her loved one. It was really uncomfortable to be guarded by loved ones. "I don't know if Miss Shu remembers what I said to you before? "

Shuxin wondered, "What's the matter?"

"The things about the teahouse have nothing to do with me. I am a man who has his own bottom line. Normal commercial means are available. Murder and arson will never be done." Ding Han has a serious tone. "And I can assure you today that it will never hurt the Huo family. A person."

Shu Xin stunned a little, but did not expect Ding Han to make such a promise, "I hope Secretary Ding will do it."

"What are you two talking about?" Yao Huiqin came in from the door.

Shu Xin was afraid that Yao Huiqin was sad when she saw the photos in the album, and hurriedly hid the album behind her, but was taken away by Ding Han. Then she pulled Shu Xin and let Shu Xin block her with her body. She put the album in the drawer in the backhand, and Closed extremely fast.

Shu Xin was inexplicably warm, and Ding Han was very careful.

Shuxin walked to Yao Huiqin and supported her arm, "Nothing, where have you been?"

"Go to the toilet." Yao Huiqin looked at Shuxin, "Aren't you going to the company today?"

"Don't go."

"This feeling is good, you are at home, it's more lively." Yao Huiqin finished looking at Ding Han, "Xiao Han, will you eat here at noon?"

"No," Ding Han refused. "I'm going back to the company later."

Yao Huiqin was disappointed, "It's so busy, it's rare to come home, can't you go after a meal?"

Shu Xin said: "It's ten o'clock now, and you can have dinner in an hour. When you go back to the company, you have to eat, too. It won't take much time."

Ding Han looked at Shu Xin with some surprises. She also said to beware of her just now, and then she was left to eat. Isn't this contradictory?

Shu Xin saw the doubts in Ding Han's eyes, and he slightly raised his lips. "Stay, my mother likes you."

Ding Han instantly understood the meaning of Shu Xin, and left her to make Yao Huiqin happy. Ding Han became more and more fond of Shu Xin, his sister-in-law, from the bottom of her heart. She was filial and sensible. She was a good girl.

Ding Han came here specifically to take advantage of his time at work. She felt that Huo Yanqing, Shuxin, and Huo Jibai were not at home. She came to see if there was any change in this home, and she was reluctant to leave at this time. Now."

"Good." Yao Huiqin smiled, "I went downstairs to let the nanny prepare more dishes."

Ding Han yelled Yao Huiqin, who turned around and left, "Old lady, don't have to be so troublesome, just feel free."

"No trouble, tell me what you like to eat." Yao Huiqin turned and asked.

Ding Han, "I really don't have to be so troublesome."

"Okay, I'll do it." Yao Huiqin said to Shu Xin when he left: "Xin'er, you help me entertain Xiaohan, and I will come back later."

"Okay." Shu Xin nodded, Yao Huiqin just walked out of the door of the room, Shu Xin's mobile phone rang, Huo Yan called, Shu Xin said to Ding Han: "Sorry, I answered the phone."

Ding Han nodded with a smile, "I'm going downstairs to see." He finished the room.

Shuxin connected to the phone and walked towards the door of the room. Huo Yan's deep voice came over, "Rise?"

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