Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1158: , Beware of fraud

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The man hugged Shi Qingqing's waist, "How about the bedroom first?"

Shi Qingqing chuckled, "I didn't expect President Huo to be so bad, well, it's up to you."

The two were like Ganchai meeting a fire, and their lips and tongue were tangled together for a moment. The ground was full of scattered clothes, women's corsets, men's trouser belts...

A room of spring light, violent collision, ambiguous.


Ding Han saw Huo Yanqin when he entered the hall. The man was too dazzling, and it was difficult to ignore.

When Ding Han saw Huo Yanqing holding Shi Qingqing away, she always felt that something was wrong. Huo Yanqing was a low-key person and never attended such a banquet. He Jingxing didn't need to come, but she came. The key is that she saw Tang Qingya before Also came.

This made Ding Han think of the matter that Tang Qingya came to the company to find He Jingxing yesterday. Did the two of them secretly plan something bad?

Ding Han couldn't guess what they wanted to do, but intuition that Huo Yanqing and Shi Qingqing left together must be a problem. Is it possible that they want to create a scandal of Huo Yanqing and Shi Qingqing?

Ding Hanyue thought more and more that it was possible. She took out her mobile phone and prepared to call Huo Yanqin. She felt that it was inappropriate to open the address book. She is now the secretary of He Jingxing. What position does she remind Huo Yanqin?

When Ding Han was thinking about it, a waiter passed by in front of him with a tray. His eyes turned around. Ding Han turned off his phone and walked in front of the waiter. "Hello, my phone is out of power. Can you use your phone to send a message?" "

The waiter smiled politely, "Yes." The people who can attend the banquet tonight are both rich and expensive, and can't afford to be neglected. The waiter immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ding Han.

Ding Han said "Thank you." Then he sent a text message to Shu Xin using the waiter's mobile phone. After sending the message, he deleted the information record and returned the phone to the waiter. "If someone returns a message or calls, you say you are Oriental Media The waitress who holds the fashion dinner is all right. If you don’t, I don’t know."

"Okay." The waiter answered.

Comfortable here, she was leaning on the bed reading a book and waiting for Huo Yan to lean back when the information sound of the mobile phone was on. She put down the book in her hand and took the mobile phone on the bedside table, tapping on the message.

[Huo Yan has an accident. Please go to Room 608 of Guangming Hotel. 】

Seeing that the information was completely messed up, Shu Xin couldn't think of anything, and immediately got off the bed. She was wearing pajamas and had no time to change her clothes. She took out a coat and left the room.

When Shu Xin came out of the villa, he was stopped by Chen Qiang. "Ma'am, where are you going so late?"

Chen Qiang knew him well and knew that he was the person Huo Yan put down. "Why are you here?"

"Five Lords let me secretly protect my wife's safety."

"I just received a message saying that something was wrong with the banquet. You should accompany me to see it at the Bright Hotel." Shu Xin said while walking towards the gate of the villa.

Chen Qiang followed, "Madam, who sent you the message?"

"I don't know, a strange number."

"Beware of fraud."

Su Xin suddenly paused, "Ah? Don't I go? No, I don't worry, what if there is something wrong with the feast?"

Chen Qiang thought for two seconds, "Well, my wife called the person who just sent you a message and asked about the situation. I called Wuye and asked what happened to him."

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