Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1177: , Graduation ceremony (7)

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Just then Huo Yanqing's cell phone rang, and he touched Shuxin's head, "Go, I'll come over later."

"Okay." Shu Xin looked at Huo Yanqing and walked out of the crowd with his mobile phone before turning around and said to Wang Dongliang: "Principal, I'm sorry, I will trouble you as soon as I come to the school."

"No, you go to prepare, I will deal with this matter." Wang Dongliang said with a smile.

After Shuxin left, Wang Dongliang dispelled the crowd, and then looked at Yang Tianming with embarrassment, "Mr. Yang, look at this..."

Yang Tianming smiled, "It's okay, Principal Wang doesn't have to feel embarrassed, it's the little girl who doesn't understand things first, everything is handled according to the meaning of the Five Lords."

"Dad..." Yang Yiqian cried out crying.

"Shut up for me!" Yang Tianming glared at Yang Yiqian, and then smiled at Wang Dongliang, "Principal Wang, you are busy, I'll take the little girl back first, I must educate me."

"Okay, thank you Yang forgive me."

Yang Tianming and Wang Dongliang shook hands, and then took Yang Yiqian's arm out of the gym.

Yang Yiqian cried and said, "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

"You still have a face to ask?" Yang Tianming scolded Yang Yiqian and pulled her to the corner of few people. "Now who doesn't know Shu Xin is Huo Yanqing's darling, who are you harassing, are you harassing her?"

Yang Yiqian said with red eyes: "Dad, don't you forget that it's all a comfortable design that will make the aunt's reputation broken."

"Your aunt doesn't do that messy thing, can Shuxin design her?"

"Dad..." Yang Yiqian couldn't believe this was what Yang Tianming said. "How can you say aunt, that's your sister."

"I'm not helping others." Yang Tianming is the CEO of a big company. He is more reasonable and understands the situation. "Tomorrow you and I will go to the Huo family to apologize to Shuxin."

"I'm not going."

"You have to go if you don't want to go," Yang Tianming said coldly.

Yang Yiqian cried with red eyes and looked at Yang Tianming, "I'm not going anyway, you have the ability to kill me."

"You..." Yang Tianming raised his palm.

Fear flashed in Yang Yiqian's eyes, but he still raised his face stubbornly. "You hit me, kill me, anyway, you have already hit it."

Yang Tianming looked at Yang Yiqian's red and swollen cheeks, and felt distressed in the bottom of his heart. In the end, it was from a pet to a big daughter. It was just forced by the situation. Otherwise, he was willing to do it. In a word, you can decide the life and death of your father's company. In a word, he can ruin all your quality life now."

Yang Yiqian is a little difficult to believe, "Dad our company is so big, it's a big deal and don't cooperate with the Huo Group, just make a little less money, won't it go bankrupt without the Huo Group?"

"Then your father's company is big, or is Tang's group big?"

"Naturally is the Downs Group."

"Huo Yanqing wanted to destroy the Tang Group. It was not easy to destroy, not to mention Dad's company?"

Yang Yiqian lowered her head and stopped talking.

Yang Tianming continued: "If you are a clever child, you should be comfortable, have a good relationship with her, use her to approach Huo Jibai, and hug Huo's thigh."

Yang Yiqian thought Huo Jibai bit her lip and said, "I will apologize with you tomorrow."

"This is a good boy. Just expel the student from the school. Just let the five lords feel relieved. It's better than Yang's."

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