Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1190: , Which king **** dare to splash water on his face?

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"Love Sea Bar."

"Okay, I'll come over immediately." Huo Yan hung up the phone and touched Shuxin's head. "I have to leave beforehand. I'll come over to pick you up later."

"Does it matter for the company?"

Huo Yanqing said, "Huh," and the person has already walked towards the door. It is not appropriate to tell Shu Xin and Mu Tranquility at the moment. The bar is too chaotic at night, and Shu Xin is pregnant with pregnancy.

About 20 minutes later, the black Cayenne arrived near the Aihai Bar. Because it was night, the bar was crowded, and the parking spaces at the door were almost full. Huo Yanqing parked two or three hundred meters from the bar.

Stopping the car, Huo Yan leaned towards the door, and in the distance saw a man coming out of the bar and walking towards the black car in front.

Huo Yan stared at the figure and felt very familiar. Suddenly he remembered that this was not the man who had fought with Shuxin Yangji at the Bright Hotel that day? That is the man who kidnapped Shuxin before.

Huo Yanqing kept Yang Ji looking for this man, but he hadn't found it yet, but I didn't expect to meet him here.

Huo Yanqing remembered and hurried over, but the man had already driven into the avenue. Huo Yan leaned his gaze to the rear of the car and noted down the model and license plate number.

Huo Yanqing walked toward the bar and took out his mobile phone to send Yang Qi to the car model and license plate number, and then dialed his phone, "According to the message I just sent to you, who is the owner?"

Huo Yan poured into the bar, the hustle and bustle of the bar, the music was deafening, can not see someone just fighting.

Sitting next to Shen Tingxi, Dong Tsai looked around the bar from time to time, and saw Huo Yanqing appear in a hurry to get up and ran over, "Five Lord, here."

Huo Yanqing followed Dongzi towards the bar, "What the **** is going on?"

Dongzai, "The young master is in a bad mood. He took me to the bar to drink at night without talking, so he kept pouring himself. When he went to the bathroom halfway, he hit a man with somehow. I hurried In the past, they fought a few times and were punched by them. The people in the bar did not dare to step forward. The man who fought with the young master was also very good at reaching out, but the young master was drunk, and his figure was a bit unstable. There was really no way to go back and call you from the young master’s cell phone on the wine table."

Between the two, the two had already arrived beside Shen Tingxi. He was lying on the leather sofa of the bar, and dim colored lights flicked across his face, and he could see several bruises on his well-defined face.

Dong Tsai yelled softly, "Young Master, Five Lords are here."

The response to Dongzai was Shen Tingxi's uniform breathing sound, because after drinking, the breathing sound was slightly heavy.

Dong Tsai said to Huo Yanqing: "Young Master is drunk, it is estimated to be asleep at this moment." He said that he bent down and lifted a hand that Shen Tingxi hung down on the ground, only to see a blur of blood on his back. "Young Master A punch hit the wall, and that's it. I told him to go to the hospital. He wouldn't go. He wouldn't lie here or go."

Huo Yan tilted his eyebrows and looked at Shen Tingxi for a moment, then bent over to pick up a glass of wine on the coffee table and poured it on his face.

"Five Lords..." Dong Zi called out anxiously, trying to stop it from being too late.

Shen Tingxi was confused and felt a cold liquid splashing down his face. He frowned frantically, opened his eyes, and sat up with his hand on the sofa. "Which king of **** dare to splash water on Ye's face? I am impatient. is not it?"

"..." Dongzai poured an apologetic look at Huo Yan, then bent over slightly, "Young Master, it's Wuye."

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